New to Bahrain

I am coming from KSA, I spent a long period of my life living abroad in the USA.  I came back to my mother-land to start my career and that was a year ago.  Since Bahrain is the closest country to me, I am considering living there and commute everyday to my work in Dhahran ( about 40 min drive).

I would really like to meet some people who live in Bahrain and get to know them better so they can show me around the Kingdom.

please, if you are welling to help me out with this and would like to expand your friendship network, let me know.

thanks and regards,

Hello Mohannad and welcome to!

I hope that you will have a lot of nice contacts here.


Hi Mohannad and welcome to the forum,

What is it that you would like to see ? Visit the Kingdom as a tourist ? As a "wanna live here" ? As a "I'd like to know how do Bahrainis live" ?
These are three very different ways of visiting Bahrain ^^
I would be more than happy to help you but I'm off only on Fridays and I'm already pretty busy those days. If nobody else catch your message (it's vacation time !), just send me a private message we'll find a way !

Have a nice day...

