
Bying building or renting

Hoi an , northern Qang Ngai, Hi! Somebody knows anything about bying plot ,building in vietnam on this forum ? What is the obsticales? And what should you know all? What permission needed? What status do I self need?

Or simply rent?

See also

Getting married in VietnamTraveling to VietnamUS Embassy/Consulate Rule Changes For Notarizing US DocumentsMarriage contract of separation of propertyUK Passport
Hoi an , northern Qang Ngai, Hi! Somebody knows anything about bying plot ,building in vietnam on this forum ? What is the obsticales? And what should you know all? What permission needed? What status do I self need?

Or simply rent?
- @funny888
Aren't you planning on getting married?

Do that first
If you aren't married to a Vietnamese  then you can't buy any land.  Period.  Full stop.
Nobody can buy land in Vietnam.  They can only buy land usage rights (LUR). Note that the property standing on the land is considered as a separate item to the LUR. That means that as a foreigner you can buy the house but not the LUR. You can only rent the LUR.

LUR last 50 years with automatic extensions of another 50 years for citizens.

A legal entity such as a charity or a company can buy LUR.

Main legislation governing the acquisition of land use rights is:
- Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP.
- Decree No. 44/2014/ND-CP. - Price adjustment
- Decree No. 102/2014/ND-CP. - Penalties
- Joint Circular No. 09/2016/TTLT-BTP-BTNMT.

There is a review of the law happening. It expected to deliver recommendations in 2023.
If you are married to a Vietnamese citizen, your spouse can buy property (land, house) and it will only be held in their name. Where I am, and maybe everywhere, the being married part means that you can also live in the house, otherwise you need a guarantor (your employer) to rent the house for you to live in.

If it is land only be sure the land has THO CU (permission to build) and the square meters allowed for building. Sometimes you can buy more square meters if you want a bigger house. The other bits, you really gotta be here and see for yourself.  Good luck,
Nobody can buy land in Vietnam.  They can only buy land usage rights (LUR). Note that the property standing on the land is considered as a separate item to the LUR. That means that as a foreigner you can buy the house but not the LUR. You can only rent the LUR.

LUR last 50 years with automatic extensions of another 50 years for citizens.

A legal entity such as a charity or a company can buy LUR.

Main legislation governing the acquisition of land use rights is:
- Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP.
- Decree No. 44/2014/ND-CP. - Price adjustment
- Decree No. 102/2014/ND-CP. - Penalties
- Joint Circular No. 09/2016/TTLT-BTP-BTNMT.

There is a review of the law happening. It expected to deliver recommendations in 2023.

- @Expat42inVN
The only one that has posted the correct answer with supporting references. The rest of you folks don't have a clue on LUR and purchasing/buliding a house in Vietnam. Thanks for setting the record straight guy.

The only one that has posted the correct answer with supporting references. The rest of you folks don't have a clue on LUR and purchasing/buliding a house in Vietnam. Thanks for setting the record straight guy.

- @Budman1

Well, in my defense, I do know, I just didn't want to get into the details since it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to do anything.
Thanks for your replies! I am married!
And with some efford soon holding a temporary resifential card! But i just arrived it takes some time to get things together!

But the day i have it will open doors!

Regards Chris
Thanks for your replies! I am married!
And with some efford soon holding a temporary resifential card! But i just arrived it takes some time to get things together!

But the day i have it will open doors!

Regards Chris
- @funny888
Is your wife unable to help you get this information?

Usually Vietnamese women are all about wanting to have a house of their own, and the only thing they need from an expat is funding.

Do you guys communicate well?

Thanks for your replies! I am married!
And with some efford soon holding a temporary resifential card! But i just arrived it takes some time to get things together!

But the day i have it will open doors!

Regards Chris
- @funny888

Well, heck, if you are married to a VN why aren't you asking her how to buy?  She will know more than most of us.  Good luck up  north!
Hi it sounds easy but it isnt! Same in my homecountry so many regulations to consider! So its big risk you get wrong information anyway!
But its easier for her to hunt information, at least!
Whell now i have asked!
Hi no, but its a huge iformation pile, ( regulation pile)to go through i guess, so there risk it will be wrong is quite big!

I assume thats why buyers go to laywers when they shall by for security!
Hi no, but its a huge iformation pile, ( regulation pile)to go through i guess, so there risk it will be wrong is quite big!

I assume thats why buyers go to laywers when they shall by for security!
- @funny888
As someone that has gone through the minefield of buying  a property here.....................get a lawyer & get every document translated & the translation notarised. Eventually thats what I did! OK you have to pay for it but believe me its money well spent.
Hi it sounds easy but it isnt! Same in my homecountry so many regulations to consider! So its big risk you get wrong information anyway!
But its easier for her to hunt information, at least!
Whell now i have asked!
- @funny888

It's not that bad.  Listen to your wife.  I'f she is not savvy have a lawyer involved.  I've bought three pieces of land in the last two years and buying another when we come back this July.  Now that we are living in the US we can only buy when she comes back over the summer.  Not a big deal but not as easy to jump on something when we lived there.
Thanks yes, it will be a lawyer that day! I will have full every coming days now! With everything ftom language to find things and also my second child is coming probably next week! Then i will have 2 small! At the hospital right now! So place to live will be urgent in the coming 6 months! Maybe better rent some affordable first! In Qang Ngai area! Havent have time to look into it! So many things now!