
Open a restaurant in Istanbul

Hello :)

I would like to open a little restaurant or cafe with a Turkish French and I have few questions about that. I’m a French student in erasmus here and I would like to stay and open something. I already read the steps to follow in order to create a company in Turkey but I have more precise questions.

Can someone with experience help me with that ? I would really appreciate :))

See also

Job offers in IstanbulWorking in Istanbul The work culture in IstanbulDeveloping your professional network in IstanbulIstanbul's labor market

- Given that the work permit is obtained at the request of the employer, but that we do not yet have a company, does this mean that my Turkish friend must create the company and then hire me so that I  can get a work permit?  Or is it different if we are associated and have this status?

- I find the steps to start a business on the internet, but does this apply exactly the same way to opening a cafe ? In other words, can I just start my business and work there?  Since I don't have an employer, do I need a work permit?

- In general, who should I contact to start the process?

- Has anyone here already done something similar and could share their experience?
Good luck with your venture, indeed something to deal with before. Getting things approved is not easy nowadays.

Me being egoistic, I live in Mahmutlar and I miss real interenational kitchen (notably Indian, Indonesian, Chinese or real Mexican)

- Given that the work permit is obtained at the request of the employer, but that we do not yet have a company, does this mean that my Turkish friend must create the company and then hire me so that I  can get a work permit?  Or is it different if we are associated and have this status?

- I find the steps to start a business on the internet, but does this apply exactly the same way to opening a cafe ? In other words, can I just start my business and work there?  Since I don't have an employer, do I need a work permit?

- In general, who should I contact to start the process?

- Has anyone here already done something similar and could share their experience?
- @Jadoubene

If you start the business, and you own the business you do not need the work permit. Register the company under your name in Turkey, and you can come on a tourist visa, and then apply for a short-term residence permit for business purposes. This will allow you to run, and manage your business.

There is also the tourist short-term residence permit but it is illegal for you to work iniside of turkey on that, and if they find out you can be deported, and banned from Turkey. The turkish government has been cracking down on foreigners working in turkey hard.

You will need to show them your business tax ID, and other business documents. Without that they will not give you the business residence permit.

As far as I know you will have to make your Turkish friend as the manager of the business. Under Turkish law if a business wants to give you a work permit they need 5 turks working to every 1 foreigner that they want to give a work permit to. So for example if you wanted a work permit you would need 5 turks employed at the business, and then apply for a work permit yourself. But there is no need for this if your the owner and apply for a short term residence visa for business purposes which they will grant you for up to one year.

There is a few places that you can contact but shop around. Many many people will try scamming you in Turkey. For example I have see people offer services to help people get their short-term residence permit just to complete a few steps, and then say well that's all you paid me for if you want me to help further then you will need to pay me another 200-300 USD.

Also the same could be for the business. I had this experience with hiring an account to start me a business in Turkey. All he did was register the business but failed to get the other documentation I needed, and I had to end up spending hundreds of dollars more, and more time to go get the documentation.

I figure whatever you plan to originally spend then double it or triple it because that's what you will have to end up paying in hidden fees, and dealing with scammers in Turkey.

There is more rules to opening a restaurant though. I am not sure what they are. But you may need to get your restaurant inspected by the health department, and many other things. If you ever walk into a Turkish restaurant you will see all their certificates hanging on the wall from the government. I expect you will need to go through these same departments, and get these same certificates.
I am a Culinary Professional , Experienced Chef 

İf you need guidance please  try to reach me via ***

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Thank you so much for your response, it helps me a lot and sorry for the delay. If you or someone else see this, I have further questions:

-Knowing that im already in Turkey with a student ikamet, should I apply to the short term residence permit now and register my company after ? Before ? Im confused about the order of the steps.

-Is there any restrictions about the fact that Im in Turkey with a student ikamet ? I red that Isince few months, it’s not allowed anymore to apply for a touristic ikamet if you’re already in Turkey with a student ikamet, do you think it’s the same for any short term permit ?

Thank you so much in advance and again for your last response :))
Dear Jadoubene,
There are few legal topics you need to get into regarding working with internationals in turkey.
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Atty. Gökhan VURAL
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