Flying to Cambodia on a one-way ticket.

Hi all!

I'm still busy planning my trip to Phnom Penh and had another question (which I don't really want to ask an embassy for obvious reasons). I am currently still on a barring order to Thailand for an overstay a while back. I have subsequently gotten a new passport, but my question is: how can/will that affect me if I'd like to fly to Cambodia on a one-way?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

You should obviously avoid to have a stopover in Thailand so plan your flight accordingly.
Seoul or Singapore are good alternatives and have direct flights to Phnom Penh.

Further the Cambodian immigration is not interested in entry bans for other countries.

But be prepared for regulations of the airline. If they don't let you sign a waiver it is a good idea to book an onward flight, those tickets are cheap and can be cancelled once you are in country.


Thank you Joe!

Yes, my current flight route will take me through Doha, then Singapore and on into Phnom Penh. From there I'm not sure where I'll exit and so that's why any onward booking is a bit hard to plan for, but I'll ask the flight guys about that. My biggest concern was just about that immigration issue and if that'll make it difficult for me to get a visa on arrival.

You could get an on line e-visa so you don't need to apply for a visa on arrival.

Just it's only 30 days validity and can be extended once for 30 days.

If that fits you it's an easier way to get into the country.


Is the visa on arrival a difficult procedure?

Not at all. But you have to stand in line and depending on how many people are waiting it could take up to an hour.

@JoeKhmer Once you get there, is that when they will want to see my Social Security paperwork to see how much I get paid a month to obtain the E-visa? That's the one I can extend for a year correct? I'm thinking that's the regular E-visa. Actually I need the retirement visa.


No way. They are only interested in your monthly income if you're under 55.
Over 55 you just get an agent, give your passport plus money plus photo and that's it.

For the Ordinary visa on arrival you don't need anything apart from passport $35 and a photo.

A week after arrival you go to a reliable agent and apply for a one year extension of stay (EOS) based on retirement.



@JoeKhmer Right, that's where my disability paperwork will come into play. I'll be 54 at that time. Now being under 55, I'll show paperwork then?


Right. Under 55 you have to prove your retirement status.

Officially you also have to give proof of monthly income from abroad but usually your disability letter is enough.

There is also no minimum income mentioned.



@JoeKhmer Wow. I always thought it was minimum of $1,500.

