Moving to bandung Indonesia in a few months

Hello would love any advice on where to find property listing for apt's in bandung. Thanks
Hello DES99,

Welcome to

You can check out the Housing in Bali page where you will find a list of properties that are either on sale or rent. You may also create an advert for the specific type of property that you are looking for.

Wish you all the best,

Yoginee team
Also as a journeyman carpenter and a handyman business owner in California how much can I make starting a handyman service and bedong or Bali since I have my business and construction license Is it feasible to look into starting a small handyman service in either bedong or Bali? Also is there a lot of African Americans from America that are now living in Indonesia as expats? Living in America you grow up with a lot of racial tension especially in California and in together is it racist out there? I have a ton of questions thanks for your help in this matter also is December a good time to moved to Indonesia
Are you asking about Bangdung West Java, or are you asking about Bali? 
Doing research on both
Hello would love any advice on where to find property listing for apt's in bandung. Thanks
- @DES99

Rumah disewa <place>
Rumah dikontrakan <Place>

Good old google
Hai Des I'm an American — originally from NYC—whose lived in Indonesia since 2002 and recently moved back to escape the toxic culture that's unfolding in the US…. Here's my advice:

- I think Bali might be a better location (beach, a large ex pat  community) although I do have a place in Bandung West Java…which is in the mountains.
- As far as carpentry, I just renovated my 4,000 sqft house in Jakarta and it cost be about 1/10 of what I paid in the U.S. or what my sister in LA is paying to do her remodel — so there's a large supply of carpenters and the cost to hire them is really inexpensive. So again in Bali you might be able to make a better living — but it won't be what you are accustom to in the US .
- if you are a skilled cabinet maker I would suggest opening your own showroom in Bali and then bidding on jobs for kitchen projects.
- As far as your question about race, Indonesians are not racist at all but since they do listen to hip hop and hear the N word they might use it without realizing how we would view that in the US. Overall Indonesia is a very tolerant country and not race obsessed like the US is right now (and I'm Caucasian by the way)

Overall it's an amazing country and I would encourage you to visit a few different cities— best of luck to you!
One of Indonesia's best points (and there are many advantages to life here) is its people.
Of course there are some utter dicks, but the vast majority here make Thailand's land of smiles reputation look poorly deserved.
As for the expat community idea. it depends what you are looking for.

@DES99 just a quick footnote to my earlier response: you might be thinking about Badung which is part of Bali rather than Bandung West Java which is somewhat remote (about 2-3 hours from Jakarta) in the mountains.

Bandung is lovely. There may not be much of an expat community when compared to Bali, but the place is gorgeous.
I recommend it to expats who are looking for a nice city with pretty much everything you need, but without the downside the international tourist industry brings to a place.
It's also cool (Both meanings)
If I were a wordsmith or other type of artist, Bandung would be close to the top of my list of places to work from. Wonosobo would be first, but that is far smaller and has much less of everything so it won't suit a lot of expats.

I have only been to Bandung for a day with the P.A of a client of mine back in 2013. We went by train and it was one of the most delightful train journeys (once you get out of the Jakarta suburbs) I have ever taken.
Back in Jakarta in November and am hoping (time permitting) to visit this city for an extended stay.
Try  travelio, web or app, for foreign bank card, you will need to talk to customer service for whitelisting. You can rent daily, monthly or yearly. Wayyyy cheaper than airbnb or other stuff. The places themselves are hit and miss though, they make a picture after renovating and then never update it, hehe.

@DES99  I'm African American and have traveled all over Indonesia for the last 4 years and I have never had a problem race wise.  You won't either. Whether you're in Bali or Surabaya and points in between race is not an issue. 

Construction workers in Indonesia really don't get paid a lot in even in Bali. If you are planning to solely live off the income you earn you may face the cost of living challenging. Regarding your racism comment, as a white guy  I've been to Indonesia 22 years ago and again before covid to places where you don't see any or many tourists and the people are practical, very helpful, soo friendly and curious and very nice and people you would want to live amongst. 

If you have an accident it's probably your fault regardless of what happened, especially if you don't have a valid licence.