
Karens on the Move

Last activity 09 July 2023 by cccmedia

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Former CNN anchor Felicia Taylor
has been arrested in Palm Beach,
Florida, for hit-and-run driving in
her Mercedes and then fleeing
the scene.

Taylor, 57, formerly with
CNN International's World Business
Today, hit the black Ford of
another driver, 24, which was
stopped in traffic, according to
the police report.

Taylor denies the charges.

EMT's administered aid to the
younger driver, who complained
of head, neck and jaw pain,
according to the police report.

Wine and liquor bottles,
mostly full, were discovered
by police in the back of the car,
according to the report.

Taylor said the accident was
"no big deal" and the damage
to the other driver's car was
the driver's problem, the
police report said.

Taylor was seen driving past
the scene two more times
after the incident .. and was
pulled over and charged with
careless driving and leaving
the scene of an accident.

She previously had been
cited for drunk driving in
the Hamptons.

Source... New York Post
Sounds like just another useless drunk behind the wheel.
It sounds like luck was on her side in so much as she seems to have limited the fallout to bent metal and (according to reports I read) less serious injuries ... but it could so easily have been worse.
One hopes the other driver isn't too bad, but I really can't stand drunks behind the wheel so I rather hope she gets prison time
Given her previous, a lot of prison time

The Karen are a tribal group in Myanmar. I opened this thread because I was curious of why they are mentioned in this forum. How disappointing to only read about a (completely irrelevant) drunk driving incident somewhere in the USA, which has nothing to do with Karens.
Please use appropriate thread headers in order to not waste readers' time!
IS it the weather?

The Karen are a tribal group in Myanmar. I opened this thread because I was curious of why they are mentioned in this forum. How disappointing to only read about a (completely irrelevant) drunk driving incident somewhere in the USA, which has nothing to do with Karens.
Please use appropriate thread headers in order to not waste readers' time!
- @beppi

In fairness, it wasn't in the Myanmar forum and 'karen' is a common term in the US of A.
However, a Karen is a woman (but can be a man) who does her head in and goes ape at something stupid such as mask whatever or someone being out whilst the wrong color.
Whilst the lady in question is a pointless waste of oxygen drunken pillock, Karen doesn't really fit.
Expat Café Open Discussion threads
including this one are truly
open for discussion on any topic
an OP chooses,

The alleged drunk-driving incident
involving an internationally-viewed
Karen was the top headline this
weekend at the New York Post's
online news site.  So Big Apple
editors obviously think there's
relevance or interest in the item.

And posters should feel free -- within
the terms and conditions of --
to write whatever headline they
consider appropriate.

Let freedom ring!

member, experts team
Loads are at it.

Blithering idiots. You just have to hope they don't hurt innocents when they get especially stupid.
Movie actress Anne Heche, 52, suffered severe
burns at the end of the 'crazy' driving incident
in California that TMZ was first to report.

According to subsequent news reports,
Heche is expected to survive the incident.
Her condition was so grave that
doctors were not immediately able to
run tests to determine if she had been
driving under the influence.

I saw a total moron drunk knock two women off a  motorbike. He was lucky the cops were only across the street or he might well have been beaten to death by a mob.

I am against this open discrimination of a tribal group in Myanmar - their name should not be used as curse word!
Please remove it from this thread and your vocabulary!
I am against this open discrimination of a tribal group in Myanmar - their name should not be used as curse word!
Please remove it from this thread and your vocabulary!
- @beppi

The Indonesian word for 'like' sounds very similar to the rough Russian word for a gentlemen who has improper sexual relationship with his mummy.

No discrimination in sight, just a coincidence.
This reminds me of a thread on another forum some years ago. A dude was having a good rant about a BBC program that used the phase, "a chink in his armour".
He was moaning about a racist word being used.

In Yorkshire when I was a kid, a Karen was referred to as 'a bitch'. The meaning of 'bitch' being an argumentative and unpleasant lady.

Gay Paris and "we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home" had nothing to do with a pride March in France.

Language changes, we may not like it, but only a silly Cnut tries to stop the tide.

Cnut (/kəˈnjuːt/;[3] Old English: Cnut cyning; Old Norse: Knútr inn ríki [ˈknuːtr ˈinː ˈriːke];[a] died 12 November 1035), also known as Cnut the Great and Canute, was King of England from 1016, King of Denmark from 1018, and King of Norway from 1028 until his death in 1035.[1] The three kingdoms united under Cnut's rule are referred to together as the North Sea Empire.
Thought I'd better explain that in case of low IQ or lack of education causing offense. 
Anne Heche (1969-2022).

Anne's family has announced that she has died
from the injuries and burns suffered in the
recent fiery crash of her Mini Cooper in
Los Angeles.

In addition to her film and stage acting,
Anne will be remembered as the star of the
ABC series Men in Trees.

Her family's statement said Anne will also
be remembered as the mother of two sons,
and for spreading her message of love and

Ellen Degeneres, Anne's one-time lover, was
among those posting messages online
mourning the loss.

The Los Angeles Police Department is
still investigating the cause and events
leading up to the crash into a private

Anne Heche was 53.

@cccmedia I thought your post was poem and I was struggling to find the rhyme scheme lol

"I thought your post was a poem
and I was struggling to
find the rhyme scheme..."

  -- Naytor


A Karen who drove a Mercedes
Wasn't just any ol' Florida lady...

She smashed into a Ford
Allegedly liquored-up, Good Lord!
Cops got 'er when she returned
to the scene.

The Northern Karen.

With the notoriety of the Karen ethos spreading

'round the world, the Australia-originated

Karen's Diners (an even dozen locations)

have been adding eateries in the U.K.

The Northern Karen in Manchester and an

outpost in Birmingham are amongst

the latest additions.

Total sass is the ideal way for dealing

with waitresses at these establishments.

Great burgers and very rude service ..

is the Karen's Diners motto.

"Get ready for a dining experience like no other

with some great food and terrible service,"

Karen's Diners cheekily announces

via www,

The chain is "not for the faint hearted.... We're not

looking forward to seeing you," says the website.

Karen's Diners locations with maps can be

ascertained at the website .. for Australia,

New Zealand and the U.K.

There are no locations in Myanmar!


I do not receive any compensation for

articles or commentaries about Karen's Diners

or any other entities mentioned on this thread.



Errata:  the website link for

Karen's Diners lacked a

proper punctuation mark above.

Let's try again.

Movie actress Anne Heche, 52, suffered severeburns at the end of the 'crazy' driving incidentin California that TMZ was first to report.
According to subsequent news reports,Heche is expected to survive the incident.Her condition was so grave thatdoctors were not immediately able torun tests to determine if she had beendriving under the influence.

Anne Heche, passed away from her injuries.


Errata: the website link for
Karen's Diners lacked a
proper punctuation mark above.
Let's try again.

Sounds like a fun place to be if you've just had a really crap day at the office - steam, blown.


That's bizarre. She claims no liability for the accident but drove by several times? Sounds like she knows the guilt is on here side. I also appreciate that your formatting made the post read like a poem. 1f600.svg

There are no locations in Myanmar!


I'm sorry, but you must stop forcing me to giggle like a little girly whilst at work.

People here might think I'm nuts.


Central Park Karen denied in court.

A judge in the Big Apple has ruled against one

of the world's most famous Karens --

"Central Park Karen" Amy Cooper.

Cooper had filed a defamation law suit

against her former employer, worldwide

investment firm Franklin Templeton.

The Karen had objected to comments made

by the company after she was fired in 2020

for infamously lying to police.  A video

showed she lied in a 911 call reporting

a birdwatcher who had calmly asked

her to control her dog in a bird-friendly part

of Central Park.

In the viral video of the initial incident,

Cooper called NYC cops and falsely claimed

that a Black man was threatening her.

There had been no such threat.  Her

comment was widely interpreted

as racist.

Franklin Templeton fired the Karen the

day after she made the bogus allegation.

Sources... New York Post, TYT


Karens in Court.

The Karen act doesn't usually play as well

in court as it may at Burger King (have it

your way).

Witness this video...

Search at Karma channel:

    9 minutes of karens vs judges

Search at Karma channel:
  9 minutes of karens vs judges



Officer Karen.

It's bad enough when you run into

a Karen in authority, potentially ten times worse

when the Karen is a cop.

In a video titled "Officer Karen gets owned by

man who knows his rights," the voice-over

narrator states that police recruits are taught

how to de-escalate a situation in a class at the

police academy.

Officer Karen must have missed class that day.

Source... Rebel HQ channel of YouTube

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