
Driving license for an Indian


Hi all.

I am from Mumbai, India. I have an Indian driving license and an International Driving Permit (IDP) issued in India.

Now, I am moving to Brussels in April 2014 on a Work Permit and am getting a Company Car on arrival.

The question is : Does my Indian driving license and IDP qualify for driving in Belgium for the first 3 months ?

OR do I wait and apply for a Belgian license which I heard takes time. In that case, till I get my Provisional license, I can't use the company car ?

Could somebody clarify for me this issue ?

Thanks in advance.


See also

Buying a car in BelgiumDriving in BelgiumMy experience exchange Drive license in BelgiumDriving Theory Exam - Problem with translatorTHE POLICE TOOK OFF MY PLATE NUMBER WHILE DRIVING!!

I think after you arrive in Belgium you need to first get ure residence card and after that u can exchange ure Indian driver's license for a Belgian one. So yes you can drive but not RIGHT AWAY. However if u've never driven on the left hand side, I would recommend taking 6 hours of driving course from a school to get familiar because of road sharing especially with bicyclists and yielding to them and pedestrians.



With an IDP you can drive immediately. See para 2. … lgium.html


Today I heard that Indian Driving Licenses may not work in Belgium.

SO, does my International Driving Permit issued in India let me drive for 3 months.
Then, at least, I can drive on arrival and initiate my Provisional Belgian License procedure.

Is what I wrote correct ?

Waiting for any replies ?

Regards, Allwyn


If you managed to drive safely in India, you can probably handle Belgium roads and traffic, albeit, driving on the other side of the road. The most difficult rule I had trouble getting used to is the priority from the right! Watch out for cars suddenly darting out in front of you from a side street from the right. In a lot of cases, they have priority! (Crazy and dangerous, I know).  Get yourself a copy of the traffic rules and signs. Good reference...


Yes with your International driving permit you can drive immediately on arrival but I would seriously recommend sitting with someone for a couple of days and get familiar with the driving pattern as guenetteworks mentioned.


Hi there.

Is it true that Belgium does not have an agreement with India for driving licenses ?
In that case, even an International Driving Permit issued in India is not valid in Belgium.

I am not sure about this, hence so, I am asking.

Does anybody know for sure ?

Yucks, not being able to drive would severely hamper my movement and work.
And God knows, when the Belgian driving license will arrive.

Regards, Allwyn.


I guess you can get the most update information by calling the Brussels city hall or another alternative would be to callone of the car rental agencies located at BRU: Sixt, Europcar, Avis, hertz and ask them if you can rent a car using an Indian IDP.


Hi.. I dont know if its too late to reply on this topic. Nevertheless, adding my two cents.

1. Indian DL is not valid here (unlike from UK & Germany where it can be used for initial short period).
2. IDP is valid only of you are a visitor. Its void the moment you establish a residence in Belgium (in other words, a person who holds a RP, cannot use IDP).
3. You cannot exchange Indian Driving License to get a Belgian one (India is not in the list of countries, the licenses of which Belgium recognizes to exchange).

So, you have to obtain a Belgian driving license to "legally" drive in Belgium. I know some companies do not provide you a company car unless you hold a locally valid license. Some companies don't care, but you will have problems with your insurance and also during any police checks.

Procedure to obtain a local license is discussed in many threads in Belgian and Brussels forums.

In a nutshell, you have to pass the theory and practical tests. As you hold Indian license (if obtained before the date of first entry to Belgium), you are not obliged to take lessons from a driving school.

Feel free to inbox me if you have questions, I will be happy to help with my knowledge from experience of moving from India to Belgium, which I did couple of years back.



Hello Aneesh.

I am Allwyn from Mumbai, India.

Thank you for your response to my driving license issue. It was the most informative and precise reply.

I will arrive in Brussels in March-April 2014 with my family on a D-visa, and apply for a Residence Card.

Now, till I get my Residence Card, can I use my IDP for driving since my D-visa would be valid and I heard that the Residence Card takes quite some time to obtain.

Also as you mentioned, what part of the driving license process do I get to skip for the Belgian driving license other than the driving school lessons ?

So, these are my queries.

Bye. Hope you can answer. Thanks.

Regards, Allwyn.


Hi Allwyn,

To answer your first question, it is always arguable :) but for me, D type visa (once you enter and report to the town hall) is equal to establishing a residence here. So, I would assume driving with IDP is not legal.

Second Question: Which part of driving license process can we skip ?

Normal track: Theory exam --> classes in a school (20 hours to get a provisional license) --> practical exam (min 90 days after theory pass). As you have the Indian license, you don't have to wait 90 days after passing theory to do practical exam. Also, in normal track, if you fail practical exam two times, you are obliged to take another 5 hours of classes before you can do the practical exam again. With Indian license, these 5 hours are also waived.

For theory exams, most of the exam centers (at least one in a district) has English translated tests once in a week or so. You can walk in and get an appointment. Note that you can get a slot for exam only after you get your Residence Permit card (which can take upto weeks to couple of months depending on the townhall, their workload, etc).

Another option is that (to confuse you more). After passing your theory exam, if you do 20 hours of classes (that is minimum -- instructor can ask you to take more if he feels you are not comfortable), you can get a provisional license for 1.5 years which is legal for you to drive inside Belgium. (This is an option people use, if they are not confident enough to do the practical tests after passing theory. Most of my friends (who moved to Belgium with a job that has company car option) did it this way: Pass theory, get 20 classes and provisional license, use the provisional to get company car, drive till you are very confident and then pass the practical in one shot). Anyway you may need some classes for you to get used to the rules here.

I have the theory book, etc that I used. Once you reach here, you can contact me if you would like to borrow it..

Hope this helps..




A belated Merry Christmas to you & Compliments of the Season.

Sorry for the late thanks since I was totally caught up in the Christmas activities at home.

Thank you for your exhaustive response. It has given me a crystal clear picture of the driving license process.

And yes, driving on the right-hand side with Left-hand drive will need getting used to. I may be staying in Tervuren near the BSB area. So hopefully, the procedures will happen faster there. Let's see.

I will be in touch.

Till then, bye. And again thanks.

Regards, Allwyn.


Aneesh..Thank you for your valuable insight..they provide the most clarity of all..

I am from India and have been living in Brussels since 7 months . I have my residence permit and my India issued IDP. Please let me know which books I can refer to get preparing for the theory test. I would like to apply for a motorcycle license as well .



Hi Lestor,

This would be an example of the book you will need. Btw I think you will need to take 2 exams. One for car and one for the bike although they are both the same content but my info is about 3 years old and rules could have changed (become easier ....i.e. to give 1 exam i.o. 2). All the best. Cheers!!! … 11407.html


Thanks ..This book is in Flemish I presume..Is there an English version that you are aware of?I am unsure of the process for English it even feasible or easier with French/Flemish knowledge?


If you are driving with IDP, you are already taking a big risk :)  According to regulation, once you establish residence in Belgium (in other words, get your RP), IDP is no more valid. IDP is for ppl on short term (business/tourist, etc) visa. As you may have noticed, no one does a driving license check here... But, if you get in to some trouble, like a small accident or so, and if they (authorities/insurance) finds you are driving only with your IDP, they you will have to face some music :)

There is English version of Driving theory book. It is available in Waterstones book shop in the center of Brussels. You can also buy online (e-book) at … meneng.htm

Which test center will you opt for theory ? It its Evere, I think its wednesdays that they have the English exams. You can walk in and get an appointment.

The book has sample questions (a big pool from which you can expect questions in the theory exam). Alternatively, you can use OR … umbe/login   .. The second link (once you register and get a code) allows you to take as much practice tests as you want...


Thanks Aneesh..So probably will pick the book sometime this week and then plan on the next steps..
Do you know whether a Category A and Category B (car &motorcycle license) can be combined..also is it difficult to obtain the Category B license here? I have heard discouraging rumors but no concrete evidence...Any ideas?
thanks again for the inputs mate..



I am not sure about it, but I think the exams (theory) are different for A and B permis. You can also approach this whole stuff via a driving school. There are many English speaking driving schools in Brussels. Auto Ecole Europeenne is one that many of my friends used.

Theory exam is a piece of cake if you read the book properly and take a few mock tests.

Practical consists of 40 mins driving with the examiner which involves two maneuvers (3 point turn and parallel parking).

I passed on the 3rd attempt :)



Aneeshks reply is correct:

1) Indian driving license is not valid.
2) IDP is not valid for company car.

But  also:
1) If you can just complete theory, then you can drive for 18 months without passing practical.It is true for rented cars but you need to check with commune for your company car.

2) If you pass, theory and If you held Indian driving license for more than 5 years (5 years is not a rule, so better to check with the inspector), then you can walk straight to a practical test.(Of course you need to take appointment and also a language translator for exam) which means 20 hrs is not mandatory.


LSDS - Getting appointment for an english exam takes time- 3 weeks to 6.
So If I were you, I will go direct to the examination centre - 

Centre of examination n. 1001
Rue Colonel Bourg 118
1140 Brussels (Evere)
Tel.: 02 726 91 52
Centre of examination n. 1021
Rue du Labeur, 3-9
1070 Brussels (Anderlecht)
Tel.: 02 529 07 74

(Call to confirm if the test is in english.) , Clarify all the question related to theory, book an exam date and will start preparing for the test. Being an Indian I didn't felt the theory exam as a piece of cake but need some amount of sincere efforts to pass the exam.I will recommend to take the free exams that comes with the book as many times as possible before exam, as then you may encounter similar questions during the exam.


Thanks Aneesh and Ravi..
Would an English translator be necessary for the Theory exam?

Also is it compulsory for an English translator for the Practicals if we hold a basic French knowledge?


1. For theory, the exam that you book (English) has a translator provided by the exam center.
2. YES. You have to take a translator with you.



Theory -  If you take the exam in English : the questions and answers will be in french but there will be a translator for English, who translates to whole hall and provide sufficient time to understand the translation.

Practical : No translator is not compulsory but is recommended. In fact for me, my driving school teacher acted as translator and there was no hick ups.


As you are in Brussels, what aneesh said could be correct regarding practical.

As each commune makes their own rules.


Hi all. I am Allwyn here

I am in Brussels now near the Gare du Boondael. And driving.

Oof ! Left-hand drive is a proper headache. So many times, I have entered wrong lanes, started wipers instead of turn indicators, etc.

And the street signs. So many roundabouts, one-way signs, no-entry roads. I have kind of broken just about every traffic rule. Thank God, there are no traffic policemen, maybe some cameras on the main roads.

And the right of pedestrians. My, I have almost banged into many seniors, cyclists, who don't look at traffic and just cross.

Oh! how I miss Mumbai where the driver and pedestrian both are kings of the road..

I have a temporary commune registration, and have been permitted to use my Indian IDP till my later registration.

Well, good for me.

Wlii keep you guys posted. Bye.


So, now I have got some hang of the driving here.

Now, to deal with the Theory exams. I have registered with the commune. The Residence card will take time to arrive.

When should I apply for the Provisional License ? Once I apply, when do I get the appointment for the Theory exam with an English translator ?

I went to Carrefour, Auderghem for Theory books, but they had ones only in French. I have been advised Waterstone store, let's see.

Any inputs ?

Regards, Allwyn.



Repeating the things already told in this thread and others related to driving license in Belgium.

1. Theory Test: You can get appointment for theory test, only after you get your Residence Permit (the pink card). You can chose a test center closest to your commune: This is the one I used:

Theory exams in FR and NL are normally walk-in (you dont need an appointment). But the one in English is conducted  normally once a week, and needs prior appointment and an extra fee for the service.

To get an appointment, call the center or visit them. The center in EVERE has every Wednesday English exams.

2. Book in English, for theory exam: Waterstones has the book, normally. Sometimes they have to order it, if they are out of stock or so.

Waterstones, Boulevard Adolphe Max 71  1000 Brussels, Belgium, Give a call at +32 2 219 27 08 to make sure of the availability of the book. &  These websites has practice exams with certain fees.

3. Provisional License: If you complete 20 hours of classes after theory and if your instructor gives you a paper that you are trained enough, you can take that paper to commune along with your theory pass papers, and get a provisional license valid for 18 months, using which you can drive *inside* Belgium, including motorways. There are some restrictions though (like night driving, certain days, etc).

There is another provisional license which you can get from commune after passing theory and taking no classes. This can be used to practice driving along with a guide (who held Belgian license for at least 8 years). With this, you cannot drive without a guide accompanying you.

3. Practical Test: For freshers, it is mandatory to take 20 classes (minimum) after clearing theory exams, in order to appear for practical exams. As you have Indian driving license, you are not obliged to take 20 hours lessons as a prerequisite for the practical tests. After you pass theory exams, you can get the next available slot for practical exams. You have two options. First is to use your own car. Second is to go via a driving school, using their car. If you use your own car, you pay the test fees, and hire a translator for the test. If you go via driving school, they will make the appointment for you, and arrange translator for you. The test has 30-40 mins of road driving test and two maneuvers (three point turn and parallel parking). TIP: If you decide not to use a driving school, contact the translator directly. They can book a slot for you (to avoid situations where you book a slot and cannot find a translator who is free during that slot).

Some official info:

Hope this helps..



Anneshks, have you a technical journalistic background, you are very good at collating and then presenting information?


:) I take that as a compliment :)  technical, but not journalistic.. :)


Hi Aneesh.

Thank you for the info, again.

Yes, like you say, I have to wait for my Residence Card for giving the theory exam.

I keep you posted ion the developments.

Regards, Allwyn.

Shubh kharbanda

Hi there,

The information you provided was very apt and helpful thanks man.


Hello all.

I got my Residence Card yesterday.

Now for the Driving License.

I need a Theory book in English for the Theory exam of the License.

Some shops I visited were out of stock and were waiting for the 2014 edition. Anyone can help me out ?

Kindly let me know.

Regards, Allwyn.


try fnac..the advantage of buying a new book is the code you get for 14 days that gives you access to the mock exams online which are really helpful as well as the online course which prepares you well.
Also an update to the Theory exams - the number of attempts for clearing the theory is now restricted to 2 ;failing which, a mandatory number of theory lessons in an approved school is required for the next appointment(theory).





I have just cleared my theory exam and wanna take up Practical Driving Test.

I have Indian DL and Belgium RP. From above posts, i understand that we dont need a mandatory 20 hours of Practical classes but still i would like to go for 2-3 classes to get adjusted with left hand driving.

But i see the training classes are bit expensive. Do you know if some one can teach for 2-3 hours and accompany me with car for Driving test as they require a translator.

Additional question: Is it mandatory to take Driving test in Brussels only as i stay in Brussels. Or can i take up the Driving test bit in some far away apart from Brussels where its bit challenging to clear in 1st round.

Kindly do sugget.

Many thanks in advance.


Yes. practical classes are  not mandatory if your indian lincense is issued before the date of your first entry in Belgium.

Its  not mandatory to take the tests in Brussels. I know ppl go to nearby villages like Asse, etc to make the tests.

I know there is a person who can give you 3-4 classes and accompany you during the tests. I will PM you his contact number (I dnt have it now. I have to find it).

NOTE:: The reglulations have changed. They dont allow you to skip mandatory driving lessons anymore (in Flanders and Brussels at least).

Dr. Manjiri Joshi

Hi Aneesh,
I wanted to know the phone number of the Translator/ Driving school that you spoke about in the last response.


Hi.. I will message you the number ..


you have to get local driving licence.



Your driving licence should be valid for 6 months after your arrival. (At least for my license it was valid for 6 months)

You should go to the municipality where you live. They perepare some paper accordingly and ask to your country (to the related departmemt for driving licence) about of your licence is valid or not. It takes roughly 1 month you get your Belgian driving licence (depending on tje country of the person).

Hope the info was sufficient for you.

