Expert Professional QHSE

Publiée il y a 4 mois
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A propos

The Major Missions I realized for all the previous companies:

• Establish the HSSE / QHSE policy and his system that corresponds with the local or

other countries regulations.

• Implementation and support of the integrated management system -ISO 9001 – ISO

14001 – ISO 45001 & ISO 50001

• Participated in the definition of the policy of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment.

and defined the objectives and means adequate.

• Ensured the implementation of this policy by Animation, Development, Trainings,

control, and monitoring.

• Guaranteed continuous improvement.

• Monitor and analyze the results, the performance indicators of Health, Safety, and

Environment and identify the trends with the improvement.

• Identified and analyzed the failures and non-compliance, diagnosed causes and

corrective actions defined.

• Monitor and controlled compliance and regulatory intelligence, functional

implementation of products, installations, and equipment.

• Developed repositories, procedures and instructions Hygiene, Health, Safety and

Environment and monitored their compliance application.

• Sensitized and trained company personnel and Subcontractors to approach Hygiene,

Health, Safety and Environment and risk prevention.

• Analysis and study of occupational hazards.

• Monitored the effectiveness of measures implemented to detect any potential new


• Directed and update security files (hazard study, impact assessment, risk analysis,

training, response plan, fire, evacuation, etc ...).

• Creation of system analysis and reporting Incidents and Accidents.

• Written reports Incidents, Accidents, Investigations after an event and Near miss.

• Written the Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annual and Annual reports.

• Established the diagnostics analysis and safety records.

• Managed the retrieval system. Qualities, SST, AES and Energies

• Correspondence and related Administrations, Local Authorities, and the Delegates

Wilaya of. "Environment, Health and Safety ... etc"

• Directed meetings with the top management teams and project managers and those

responsible of subcontractors.

• Conducted internal and external audits and inspections to enforcement processes,

regulations and certifications.

• Ensured regulatory monitoring in Health, Safety and Environment.

• Monitored all actions taken by the HSE staff and their movement.

• Operational Commander of emergencies and general alerts.

• Driver simulation exercises “Drill” on intervention research, firefighting, rescue, and

First Aid on site, etc ...

• Implementation of Emergency Plan, Intervention and Evacuation Plan, General HSE

Plan and Environment protection plan

• Control and monitoring the inspection activities of HSE Group Company.

• HSE awareness training to all staff of the company.

• Design and Management of Work Permit System (PTW) "my own work"

• Making JSA, TBT, HSE induction.

• Management HSSE Budget.

• Management of PPE and CPE. (Personal protective equipment and collective).

• President of Superior Commission Health, Safety and Environment CSHSE.

• Commissioning Group Member.


• Extensive experience and motivated with very good knowledge and control in this

position of Prevention, Management and Industrial Safety.

• Sense of responsibility and organization, good support and scalable solution for


• Taste for challenges, results, and performance.

• Methodical and efficient.

• Trustworthy, Credible.

• Very good presentation and excellent relationship with the authorities and the public.

• Command and rigor as leader and observer.

• Good moral character, as physical and very good general.

• Great communication skills, adaptability, flexibility and team spirit.

• Operational who works night and day.

• Very good knowledge and mastery of ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – ISO 45001- ISO

19011 – ISO 22000 – ISO 26000 - ISO 31001- ISO 45001 et ISO 50001

• Language: Arabic, French, English. "Read, write and spoke"

• Driver's license Algeria. International license and certificate (driving defense).

• Excellent Computer literacy (Word, Excel, Publisher, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook,

Internet Exploitation very strong)

• Military Service : Completed

• Free from any commitment.



Compétences linguistiques

Français (Courant)

Arabe (Langue maternelle)

Anglais (Intermédiaire)

Détails de l'offre d'emploi
Ce que je cherche
Contrat à durée indéterminée, Contrat à durée déterminée, Intérim, Freelance
Temps plein, Temps partiel
USD 8000