Teaching English as a foreign language

Please advise of websites where I can look for teaching jobs in Turkey. 

Unless standards over there are rubbish, you're heading for a whole world of problems.

If they are rubbish, salaries might well be the same.

@yasmin9200 Where are you from? Are you looking teaching works in Turkey? Which language are you on expert?


Am Canadian and totally fluent in English and French and basic Turkish

Am Canadian and totally fluent in English and French and basic Turkish


Without wishing to be nasty, your written English is a bit rubbish. If you were my kids' teacher, I would complain to the school.

Perhaps, if I might be so bold as to offer a suggestion, you might like to consider scrapping the idea of teaching English. consider the damage you will do to your students' educations.

I suppose you could be using 'internet speak' in your posts, but that's hardly a good idea for someone looking at becoming an English teacher.

Incompetent, perhaps lazy - Not a great advert for a teacher.

Yasmin9200, I am an award-winning editor with more than 30 years of experience. I see nothing wrong with what you have written here. Chin up!

    Yasmin9200, I am an award-winning editor with more than 30 years of experience. I see nothing wrong with what you have written here. Chin up!


Try reading his profile.

@yasmin9200 Why Turkey? Many good English speakers, perhaps they lack teaching capabilities, but they lived abroad (very good English I have to say (not always but good)). The world needs English teachers, but in Turkey I do not think you are needed. France and Germany might need you and the salary is much better.

If you want to do good, Egypt. Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, ... might be good options.

My question remains why Turkey?