A visa conundrum...

I've lived in VN for the best part of 10 years and usually get a 2 year TRC through my job each year.

It's renewal time again, however there's an issue.

I now live in central Vietnam, but my company is based in HCMC. I'm being told that i cannot live in a different city to where i work, and that the police temporary residence stamp that you have to get for almost everything here needs to be from the city where your company is based. As i don't live in HCM anymore it's almost impossible to get this stamp from there.

Seems like a ridiculous rule in these modern times of remote working etc. Any ideas?


My expartner got his work permit in Saigon but he stayed in my county Bình phước.  If the landlord or landlady got a good connection with local police then finger cross! Goodluck!

@Hoanghaflowapparently you don't need the police registration for the work permit anymore which is good, just for the visa/trc. The other option apparently is to leave and re-enter, and pick up the new visa at the airport. But that's hassle.


I mean the place you want to stay. Wherever you locate, the host (landlord/landlady) has to bring your passport and your visa or whatever TRC to local police constabulary to get permit to stay.

Of course, once they check your TRC, they know where did you get it. They might question why your employer locates in HCMC buttl you're staying in Centre of Vietnam.

@departed00. We got good connection with local police so my ex stayed in my place without having any trouble. His TRC issued by his (mock) Employer located in Saigon.

It seems like it would be your employer's responsibility to sort it out. What did they say?

    I've lived in VN for the best part of 10 years and usually get a 2 year TRC through my job each year.
It's renewal time again, however there's an issue.

I now live in central Vietnam, but my company is based in HCMC. I'm being told that i cannot live in a different city to where i work, and that the police temporary residence stamp that you have to get for almost everything here needs to be from the city where your company is based. As i don't live in HCM anymore it's almost impossible to get this stamp from there.

Seems like a ridiculous rule in these modern times of remote working etc. Any ideas?


I hate to be the one to say it, but it seems to make sense.

Remember, your employer is your "sponsor".

Now, of course, the government doesn't expect you to live in the same house or apartment as your sponsor, but they do take sponsorship seriously, so of course the authorities wonder how your employer could sponsor you without being able to physically interact with you on a regular basis.

Maybe this would have been possible before the immigration crackdowns began in December, 2019, but now all TRCs & visas are more strictly regulated.

Take a marriage TRC for example:

Both the Vietnamese spouse & the foreigner must list their permanent address as the legal permanent residence of the VN spouse.

The married couple doesn't need to live there, but they must share the same permanent address on the application form (BTW, it's a common error for the foreigner to list where they are physically living in VN. That will get an application rejected.)

So the VN spouse successfully sponsors a TRC for the foreigner and they go to the police to register their new temporary residence together.

I'd bet, if the foreigner attempts to register at an address without the VN spouse, the police will reject the application.


"Name of accommodation facility:"

* My wife's name *

So I'm registered at (with) my wife; my sponsor.

Our street address is also listed, but that's a different entry.

What happened when you moved up this way?

Did you use your TRC to register here?

Are you successfully registered through your local landlord? 

Sorry I'm beginning to wander...

But maybe you can arrange to have a cheap local address/room in HCMC to satisfy the permanent address requirement and then continue to have your temp address here?

I hope you are able to get this worked out (apologies for rambling)

@OceanBeach92107 yes was registered quickly by the landlord here.

After chatting with my HR they said that the WP procedure (or exemption if married) is 'slightly' more modern now in that they can do it a lot of it online and you don't need that pesky red stamp which was the case before. However for any kind of visa or TRC you will need that registration stamp from the police, and that's where my issue lies.

It's more of a bureaucratic kind of issue it seems. They know that these days some people work and travel all around the country and have multiple offices etc, but they don't seem to like that fact that you're not registered as living in the same city as the main office where the WP was issued.

We have staff that spend 6 months in Hanoi/Central VN/Saigon etc on rotation but their WP every 2 years will be done at the head office in HCM as apparently for some strange reason it's only accepted and processed there. So it's an annoying issue for us.

The solution apparently is to get a two year LD (working) multiple visa which involves a trip outside VN and the visa collected when arriving back at the airport. This is technically very similar to a 2 year TRC, only difference being that banks may not like it for maintaining an account. OR, like you stated set up some kind of temporary address in the south for the purpose of getting the stamp, but that would be a hassle and expense for sure.

@jayrozzetti23 they're very helpful-the issue is that VN won't accept a WP and TRC from different cities/towns. So in effect you have to live where you are working. This is annoying for many people who live long term in Vietnam and work remotely away from their head office or work on secondment in different parts of the country. I went in to a bit more detail in my reply below.

@departed00  hello, I can confirm, don't worry about the distances between your homestay and your sponsor. This is the same for TRC LN (job) or TRC TT (spouse/family)

The important is:

1) the TRC must be applied by your sponsor (Company or Spouse) at the Migration office of their location.

2) be honest.  The Migration Police will ask why you and your sponsor live in different cities/provinces/wherever (you work remotely; you are attending to your employer's customers in that province, etc) . You won't be asked to justify, but whatever: just say the truth.

Nowadays the Police is interconnected, they will ask to their colleagues to verify the addresses and that's all.

In my personal experience I used to be registered by my wife in her province, but and I don't know when or how they detected I don't live in that location. They gently ask me to correct my mistake and, with my new registration (different province) and my apologies for my confusion, they issued my TRC

@ajairon That's great to know. It does seem silly that you have to work where you got your WP, especially these days.