Expat blog gatherings in Florence

Hi all!

What about meeting the other Florence Expat.com members in real life? Organizing an Expat.com meet up would be an excellent way to know them! :)

An Expat.com meet up can be a diner gathering, having coffee, a bring and share in a nice place, a cultural or sports activity, etc. There are plenty of possibilities: just imagine a pleasant way to meet new people and old friends from Expat.com.

Feel free to organize Expat.com get-togethers in Florence: you would meet the other members in a friendly atmosphere and have a good time together!

Of course, we could offer some help to organize your meet up and to inform the community.

So, who's in? Do not hesitate to start a new thread to suggest an Expat.com gathering in Florence. ;)



I would be interested.  My blog is   Bellabiker.blogspot.com

Living here in Florence for 4 years and would like to meet other local bloggers.

E mail me at Bellabiker@aol.com


Hi Julien,

I moved to Florence just today and would love to participate in the Gathering.

We had a similar gathering when I was in Bahrain and the people I met on the gathering were the best friends that I made during my stay in Bahrain.

Hoping the same here as well but I am a bit disappointed by the lack of response on your post. :(

Let me know if you manage to organize something, I will definitely be in. ;)



Hi haseeb,

Why not proposing an Expat.com meet up? You may suggest a date and a particular time for it.:)

You may also create a new discussion on the Florence forum, it will help to bring more visibility to your topic. Also note that our team is here to help you in organising this meeting between expats. ;)

Thank you and hope that you will receive more responses from the other members. :)

Expat.com team

Hi all,

It's a good idea. I would like to join and meet more new friends. An apparativo in one of the cozy bars in Florence will be a great place to meet up.
Keep me update : vivereFirenz@gmail.com


Do let me know if there are any gatherings/meet-ups on May 24, Saturday. I'll be having a holiday in Florence on May 22 to 27. See you! :) ----------- Angela