Looking for network in Ghana


I will be travelling to Ghana in the near future and am looking to find a network of people who could help with the construction of a Childrens Home.

If anyone knows of anyone, or has had personal dealings with good local construction, business, healthcare & education professionals please let me know of your experieces either positive or negative, as so I can have more of an idea of what is instore for when I arrive.

Thanking you.

Hi Daniel,

Where are you going to build the childerens home? In Accra?
I am moving this year to Ghana,accra.
I am dutch,social worker and enrolled nurse.My partner is ghanian (engineer construction )
I have worked ( 2,5 year ) before in Ghana as a health coordinator in a rehabilitation centre for handicapped childeren ( eastern region).
Because of my coming to Ghana,am looking for a payd job.
Kind greetings,hope to hear from you!