Moving to Ghana

Hi Brendan,

I'll moving to Ghana (Cape Coast) in April for a 4 month internship.  I'm wanting to travel around a couple weeks before I begin May 9th-ish. Let me know if you'd be up to do some exploring?


Hey there,

Possibly not going to work for me, I am arriving back on 26th April I think but then straight into work.  Not entirely sure when my first break will be.

Where are you from, what are you doing and have you been to Ghana before?

Hope your well.


I am from the States.  I currently live in Minneapolis for grad school.  I have never been to Ghana, but I have been to Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe)...and am pretty excited to see another part.  I'm pretty sure Ghana will be pretty different than the parts that I have seen and I can't wait.  I will be arriving on April 27th for an internship.  How has your experience in Ghana been?  Are you still planning on returning? 
