Rabies vaccine verorab in lima

please can someone let me know where it is possible to get the vaccine verorab in Lima so i can continue my post bite treatment? which clinic would be super helpful


I'd call or go in person to these two, between them they would be able to administer Verorab, or know who could:

DMG Perú
Av. Parque Sur 185 of. 201 San Isidro
Lima - PERU
Telefax: (511)224-1437 / Telf: (511)224-6015

BioVac (two offices)
SEDE SURCO: Av. Ayacucho 1340
Teléfono: 360 7717 | WhatsApp: 938 806 708

SEDE MIRAFLORES: Av. Arequipa 4067
Teléfono: 422 7019 | WhatsApp: 942 419 256