Bored and all alone

I moved here to Mosfellsbaer for a summer job, and once I got here it really hit home that I don't know ANYONE here and I have no one to hang out with!  Going exploring in the city or mountains is fun, but only with someone to explore with.  Thus far the locals have been very friendly and helpful, but seem a little wearied by having to speak English to me (I only had a month's notice that I'd be coming here, so I had no time to learn more than a few words of Icelandic!) and so far this has seemed to create a barrier to any potential friendships.

Anyone want to hang out, or can offer any tips on how to integrate myself with the locals in a non-touristy way?

I've found no shortage of talkative Icelanders if you're willing to wait until they're a few beers into the evening. :)

But I'm in a similar situation, so if you came all this way so you could hang out with another American, I'm usually around.

if you're ok socializing with other foreigners, there's a facebook group called "away from home- living in Iceland". The woman who organizes it is always posting activities.

the embassy is also organizing a 4th of july picnic if you want to mingle with Americans.

in my experience, the best way to meet Icelanders is through some kind of activity group like a choir or a running group or something. It's a bit tricky in the summer though since so many people go on long summer vacations and the activity groups are often suspended until the fall.

Did you end up working for the guy Siggi in his guesthouse?

yeah, it's kind of a dull job but pretty ok most of the time.

Ugh. I worked for him too and totally hated everything about it. I work at a much nicer hostel now.
How long are you staying? Are you enjoying it? Does he treat you ok?