Interview: Noémie Barragan, a French expat, animal lover and real estate enthusiast

Expat news
  • Akhilesh R
Published on 2024-06-27 at 09:52
Noémie, a French expat living in Mauritius,shares with us her journey, motivations, and challenges faced on the island. With a lifelong passion for animals, Noémie combines her love for horses with her involvement in the real estate sector, making significant contributions to both expat and local communities.

Can you tell us about your journey and what led you to settle in Mauritius? Why Mauritius?

I decided to move to Mauritius for several compelling reasons. First and foremost, the allure of sunny weather, stunning beaches, and crystal-clear waters captivated me. The daily warmth and brightness significantly enhance the overall quality of life.

Another key factor was Mauritius' favorable tax regime for foreign residents, offering attractive tax rates and incentives.

Moreover, the warmth and hospitality of Mauritians stood out for me. The cultural diversity and friendly demeanor of the locals create a welcoming and enriching environment.

Life in Mauritius is simply more fulfilling. The unmatched quality of life, abundant outdoor activities, breathtaking landscapes, and a relaxed pace of life all contribute to its appeal.

What have been the biggest challenges you've faced as an expatriate in Mauritius?

Undoubtedly, the initial year posed several challenges. Some individuals didn't always fulfill their commitments, which complicated my adjustment. However, this experience taught me patience and helped me better navigate local dynamics. Over time, I learned to identify reliable contacts and adapt more smoothly to my new surroundings.

How did you get started in the real estate sector in Mauritius?

My entry into real estate was driven by a desire to assist fellow expatriates in settling and connecting with the right resources. I'm grateful to for their invaluable support during this transition.

Before entering real estate, I managed an equestrian stable, maintaining my passion for animals and investing heavily in their welfare. My goal is to establish more animal shelters in Mauritius and make horseback riding accessible to all. I aim to foster love and respect for animals and nature among children and adults alike.

The Mauritian real estate market is booming, especially among foreign investors. What advice would you give to investors or expats looking to purchase property in Mauritius?

The Mauritian real estate market is thriving, particularly among foreign investors. Here are some tips for those considering property investment in Mauritius:

  • Conduct thorough research: Familiarize yourself with the local market, laws, and regulations governing foreign property ownership.

  • Seek professional guidance: Engage experienced real estate agents who understand local nuances and can facilitate a smooth transaction.

  • Choose the right location: Opt for areas with development potential and excellent amenities for long-term value.

  • Assess infrastructure: Ensure the property is well-connected and supported by essential facilities like schools, hospitals, and shops.

  • Consider all costs: Factor in notary fees, taxes, and maintenance costs to budget effectively.

  • Plan for the future: Stay informed about market trends and upcoming developments to make informed decisions.

  • Utilize expat forums: Leverage platforms like for insights and advice from fellow expatriates.

Following these steps will help investors and expatriates navigate the Mauritian real estate market confidently and optimize their investment opportunities.

You have a deep passion for animals. Could you tell us more about this passion?

My love for animals began in childhood and has grown stronger over the years. I've been fortunate to grow up surrounded by animals, which has deepened my understanding of their needs and behaviors.

Sharing my knowledge about animals is a personal commitment. I enjoy helping others connect with and respect animals, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for them.

Managing an equestrian stable allowed me to combine my love for horses with my passion for animal welfare. My dream is to establish more animal shelters in Mauritius and promote horseback riding as a means of bonding with animals and nature.

What has been the most challenging aspect of life in Mauritius for you?

The greatest challenge for me has been being away from my family.

What are your favorite activities or places in Mauritius?

I particularly enjoy dining at beachfront restaurants in Trou Aux Biches. The beach there offers a picturesque setting with fine sand, calm turquoise waters, and the occasional sight of wild parrots in nearby trees. After a meal, I often take a swim, sometimes spotting turtles, and then relax on the provided sun loungers. It truly feels like paradise.