News highlights of the week: Cost of living is top concern for citizens

Expat news
Written by Arnaud Tuyau on 12 July, 2024
This past week has seen a range of significant developments across Mauritius, spanning economic updates, public health concerns, agricultural advancements, and cultural innovations. Here are the main stories.

Afrobarometer survey: Cost of living is top concern

A recent Afrobarometer survey has revealed that the cost of living is the primary issue that Mauritians want the government to address. This survey highlights the growing economic pressures faced by the population and the urgent need for effective solutions to improve the quality of life. The findings indicate that inflation and rising prices for basic goods and services are the most pressing concerns, surpassing other significant issues such as unemployment and healthcare. These insights suggest a strong demand for government intervention to stabilize prices and improve affordability​​.

Mauritius welcomes over 625,000 visitors in six months

The tourism sector in Mauritius continues to thrive, with the island welcoming 625,051 visitors in the first half of 2024. This surge in tourist arrivals underscores the island's enduring appeal as a premier travel destination, renowned for its pristine beaches, luxurious resorts, and vibrant culture. The influx of tourists has provided a substantial boost to the local economy, supporting jobs in hospitality, transport, and retail sectors. Effective marketing campaigns, increased air connectivity, and the lifting of COVID-19 travel restrictions have been pivotal in attracting tourists from Europe, Asia, and other regions.

Egg shortage concerns addressed by INICIA

Despite recent concerns about a potential egg shortage in Mauritius, INICIA has assured the public that the supply and distribution of eggs are proceeding normally. Reports of empty shelves in some supermarkets had sparked fears of a shortage, but INICIA emphasized that there is no disruption in production. Any temporary shortages are attributed to logistical issues rather than a lack of supply. This reassurance is significant as eggs are a staple in the Mauritian diet, and any disruption in their availability can cause considerable inconvenience​.

Strategic plan for agricultural development unveiled

The Mauritian government has launched a comprehensive strategic plan to enhance food security and support local farmers. The plan includes investment in modern agricultural technologies, training programs for farmers, and incentives for young people to enter the agricultural profession. These initiatives aim to promote sustainable farming practices, increase crop yields, and reduce the nation's dependence on imported food. This effort is part of a broader strategy to transform Mauritius into a self-sufficient and resilient food producer, ensuring that local agriculture can meet the demands of the population.

Employment rates on the rise in Mauritius

Employment in Mauritius has seen an encouraging increase, providing a boost to the local economy. This rise in job opportunities is particularly significant in the tourism, manufacturing, and information technology sectors, all of which have shown robust performance in recent months. The government's proactive policies to support businesses and attract foreign investment, alongside programs aimed at skill development and vocational training, have contributed to this positive trend. More Mauritians are finding stable employment, which is crucial for the overall economic health and prosperity of the nation.

Dome experience by House of Digital Art opens in Bagatelle

The House of Digital Art has introduced the Dome Experience in Bagatelle, an innovative and immersive cultural attraction. This new installation offers visitors a unique opportunity to engage with digital art in a dynamic and interactive environment. Featuring cutting-edge technology, the Dome Experience creates an all-encompassing visual and auditory experience, showcasing the talents of local and international digital artists. This cultural venue is expected to attract both residents and tourists, enhancing the island's rich array of artistic and entertainment offerings​.

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