If you have discovered the famous gateau patate or sweet potato cake during the Divali festival and you have gone crazy about it, here is the recipe. It is relatively easy to make and faster with teamwork. So do not hesitate to involve your family members!
½ kilo of sweet potatoes
200 g white flour
100 g grated coconut
80 g sugar
2 teaspoons of powdered cardamom
Oil for frying
Mix the grated coconut, sugar and powdered cardamom in a bowl.
Boil the sweet potatoes in a large container for about 30 minutes (20 minutes in a pressure cooker).
Drain the sweet potatoes and mash them. Let it cool.
Make a thick dough by kneading with your hands and adding flour as it becomes homogeneous.
Knead the dough for at least 5 minutes and form a large ball. Then, divide it into smaller balls.
Flatten the balls with a rolling pin on a floured surface, about 2 millimetres thick.
Make circles in the dough using a bowl.
Place a large teaspoon of the grated coconut mixture in the centre of each circle.
Fold each circle into half and pinch the edges to make them adhere to each other.
Press a fork to one side of each liner.
In a large skillet, heat some oil.
Fry the sweet potato cakes until they turn golden brown.
Remove the sweet potato cakes and place them on absorbent paper.
Your potato cakes are ready to be tasted!