
Mid-career paths for expats

mature expat working remotely
Written byMagdalena Grdanoskaon 02 March 2022

Too old to travel? Too late for a new adventure? Why would it be? Too late to settle down? Never! This is a message for all the aspiring expats doubting if age is a limit to their possibilities to move and pursue their career overseas. The real answer is: it will be a limit only if you want it to be.

Older expats have both knowledge and soft skills that young people lack. Enhancing these, you might understand that your opportunities are far from over and that the best is yet to come. Here are some of the qualities that you will bring to your new place.

Confidence and experience are the main things you develop when you are young. But sometimes, these life lessons you have to learn the hard way. Now that you have them, you are not constricted by your ambition and might just want to enjoy doing what you do best. This is the real moment to show your value and bring experience in any field. Your expertise will be respected by your peers but will also have a huge impact on your younger colleagues who need someone to help them learn about their field of interest. 

Motivation is never lacking. People who decide to travel and work instead of resting with their retirement plan are the most reliable people in the world for one simple reason -- they want to work. Keeping oneself occupied and active means staying young, and this is an encouraging fact both for employers who are thinking whether they should open more opportunities to senior citizens, as well as to the expats. Work and enjoy doing it; nothing else matters.

Often it is not about the money, as senior citizens have different motivations behind their willingness to continue participating in the labour market. Many have had plenty of previous experiences, their families are stable, and their savings are covering for their needs. The main idea is to contribute to something greater than personal gain. 

Job options

The options for working are endless and depend on your experience and how you feel you want to contribute to society. There are many jobs that are suitable for mid-career expats or older. Below are some of the main ones.

Copywriting or journalism is a noble profession. Writing your thoughts and influencing people through them will be rewarding both for the writer and the readers. Having good vocabulary, language knowledge, literature understanding or experience in politics are great for a writer, but not only. You can turn any previous experience into writing, and best of all is that you can do it from wherever you want.

Software developers are always in demand. This profession is valuable today more than ever before and allows you to work online from remote locations. You might seek software developing opportunities if you have a background in IT; however, there are also many courses and academies available that will train you.

Similar to Software Developers, Web Developers are also in the field of programming, but with a focus on building websites, e-commerce and mobile development. Today many companies invest in these areas as there is considerable interest in spreading business to smart devices. It is an option that has demand in almost all industries and allows you to work remotely while providing high salaries. 

If sport is your field of expertise, being a sports trainer can be very fun and rewarding. Whether it is football, swimming, tennis or martial arts, teaching sports is required everywhere and is a meaningful job that will connect you to the locals. Inspiring young people to be active will make you lead a healthy, fun life. In addition, your experience and care will teach about avoiding injuries, dedication, discipline and sportsmanship. 

Teacher for any subject is a profession that you can always find a job in. Many countries require native language speakers, mathematics teachers, chemistry tutoring for school children, and many professionals need help with preparation for a specific skill required by their work. Teaching is a great opportunity which you can do in a school or by yourself online or in presence.

Why should you move abroad before retirement?

There are many reasons for deciding to move abroad in your later years. Some are just the nature of your spirit, but others may depend on factors connected to your living conditions. Some of the main reasons to move abroad are:

You want to change your lifestyle, which might mean that you have decided to lead a more calm, laid-back life full of good weather and relaxation or change to a more urban environment. It is up to you to decide how you want to lead the rest of your life and if you believe there are countries that offer living conditions closer to what you want, it is a good idea to move there. 

You want to discover more about your family. If you have lived in an environment of expats, you might have grown with a certain nationality, but your identity feels closer to the country from which your parents come. Wanting to discover something more about your roots is an emotional call which you should follow. You might be surprised by how much you can discover about yourself. 

Better retiring options based on your financial possibilities. Having less doesn't always mean living worse. Look for the opportunities offered in some countries, where healthcare, housing and daily expenses are lower. You might be able to get better living conditions for paying much less and find better personal stability and joy in a simpler yet more rewarding environment.

Your family is abroad, and you want to be closer to them. Nothing is more important than family. You might want to be closer to your children and grandchildren and to be able to help them or enjoy spending your time in their vicinity. 

A healthy environment is a fundamental issue. Air pollution, noise, lack of greenery or spaces to go hiking or trekking are typical issues for urban areas and big motivators to move in later years. If you decide that your health and wellbeing are your first priority, evaluating your environment is a decisive step.

Things to consider before moving

The opportunities to move abroad depend on many factors such as your work opportunities, citizenship, the possibility to obtain a visa and therefore, you will need to have your important documents at hand, such as:

  • Birth certificates
  • University certificates containing apostille stamp if needed
  • Job recommendations 
  • Marriage certificates
  • A bank account in the country you want to move 
  • Health insurance

The decision to move abroad is a big step, but if you think it through carefully, it might turn out to be an opportunity to start a new adventure, and adventures know no age limit. 


Magdalena is a 28 year old journalist from Macedonia. She studies corporate communications in Italy, where she lived for six years. Among her interests are the social and psychological issues of the expats.
