Homeschooling is a viable education option for expatriates and their children, who either don’t have access to international schools, cannot afford the fees of private schools, don’t applaud public institutions, or are merely supporters of this ambiguous teaching and learning method. Expatriation with children adds on your to do list an extra duty — to arrange schooling for them — that depending on the destination country, can be easier or harder to accomplish. Here we present homeschooling, but it’s for your family to decide what’s the best way to the children’s education.
Homeschooling for the expatriate family
Every expatriate child is expected to have a different reaction to the move and settlement in the new country. However, certainly, there's some discomfort that can be transcended with the implementation of a simple routine — sleeping hours, eating habits, outdoor and play time, and studying. Homeschooling may ease the adjustment process, since the child doesn't have to go to school, mingle with peers, and keep up with classroom competition, but before you impose homeschooling, here are a few things to take into consideration.
Homeschooling requires dedication: Like being a parent, being a teacher to your child is time consuming, and requires good organisation and attention to detail. Are you enthusiastic about spending more time with your children and give up full time work? Are you willing to brush up on your maths knowledge, and to encourage your children's curiosity?
Decrease in household income: It's not rare for expat families to rely only on one income, but if that's not the case, keep in mind that homeschooling needs at least one stay-at-home parent, who will commit to the children's educational progress.
Make a long term plan: Expatriation in one country is not meant to be a permanent situation, but when you consider homeschooling try to plan as far ahead as possible. What do you want your child's education level to be in two years' time? Which exam board will you register your child with?
Conquer self-doubt: Believe in your good parenting skills, and don't underestimate your ability to teach your child — you are doing it already on a daily basis anyway. Remember all the peculiar questions you have answered in the past — “Why snakes don't break their bones when swirling?”
Work with your partner: Homeschooling is a very crucial decision you will have to make for your child's future prosperity in society. Thus, don't make it alone. Discuss the pros and cons of homeschooling with your partner, and make sure you are on the same page.
Meet with like-minded people: Being away from home while undertaking such a big project can be daunting. Don't hesitate to ask for help and advice from other families in the https://www.expat.community, who have some experience on homeschooling, or share the same concerns with you.
The pros and cons of homeschooling
Debates around homeschooling have been ongoing for decades, and the arguments coming from both sides are not to be taken lightly. There are personal, social, economical and legal factors that will help you decide what's the best for your family, but here's an outline of the pros and cons of homeschooling.
Children that are educated at home by their parents or an expert, have more time to spend on other activities, such as hobbies, volunteering, meeting with friends, time with the family, and out in the nature. Homeschooling means flexible schedule, which allows for expatriate parents to make travel arrangements even outside the school holiday periods. Education at home can take the pace that the child sets depending on its strengths and weaknesses, and releases the learner from competition pressure.
On the other hand, homeschooling may be one sided, with the parents domineeringly instilling their values. Children who are homeschooled may feel isolated, and may become overly dependant on their parents. The classroom is a good place for healthy competition, and recognition of hard work, which motivates students to do better. Homeschooling is a big responsibility for the parent, who has to learn how to instantaneously switch from one role (parent) to the other (teacher) without losing the initial excitement from spending so many hours with the children.
Homeschooling around the world
Homeschooling with its pros and cons, isn't legal in all countries around the world. Even though education experts have recognised homeschooling as an effective way to nurture happy, ethical and intelligent citizens, some countries totally ban it, and other permit homeschooling only in exceptional cases. Thus, the very first step you need to take is to understand the laws regarding homeschooling in the country you are planning to move. Sourced by HSLDA International, find out where you can homeschool your children and where you cannot.
Countries where homeschooling is legal:
Australia – Austria – Belgium – Botswana – Czech Republic – Finland – France – Israel – Luxembourg – Mexico – New Zealand – Norway – Portugal – Russia – Switzerland – Thailand – UAE (legal only for expatriates) – United Kingdom
Countries where homeschooling is illegal:
China – Germany – Greece – Netherlands – Spain – Sweden
Countries where homeschooling is undefined or assessed on a case by case basis:
Argentina – Brazil – Ghana – Hong Kong – India – Japan – Kenya – Kuwait – Malta – Mauritius – Singapore – South Africa – South Korea