
Rail transport in the Congo

Written byKongoon 22 March 2012

Three networks runs railways in the Congo:

  • Matadi-Kinshasa Railway: From Matadi Harbour to Kinshasa. The line lost traffic to road transport when the Matadi-Kinshasa road was re-established in 2000, but since then, track, trains, telecommunications, signal system and electric supply has been renovated with Chinese help. This network is in the Southern african standard cape gauge.

    For further information, contact the state owned operator ONATRA, Gare de l'Est, Gombe, Kinshasa, Tel 099 992 99 28 ' main office at Boulevard du 30 juin 177, La Gombe, Kinshasa, Tel. 099 962 46 89,, no website.

  • Vicicongo / Uele Railway: A narrow gauge network in the North-East from Bumba (Congo river port) - Aketi - Buta - Likati - Isiro - Mungbere, with branch lines at Buta, Ebonda and to Bondo and Titule.

    For further information, contact Chemins de fer des Uele, Avenue Andoma 3, Aketi, Province Orientale, no telephone operating there.

  • Katanga'Kasai'Benguela'Great lakes: All this lines are connected to Angola (Benguela), South Africa and Mozambique. Some parts are electrified and some are renovated, some still in poor condition. This network is in the Southern african standard cape gauge.

    For further information, contact
    the state owned operator SNCC, Place de la Gare 115, Lubumbashi, Katanga. Tel. 099 325 78 68, 099 846 54 44, 099 994 35 89,, no website.

Track is not allways in good condition, but renovated sections do quiet well, if trains are not overcrowded.

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