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481 properties found in Vietnam

Nha Trang ₫ 15,000,000 per month / Negotiable 5 Stories House at the heart of Nha Trang, 5 mins walk to Dam Market and ... ₫ 15,000,000 per month / Negotiable House for rent, 3 bedrooms 4 years ago

Houses around Vietnam

Flat for rent 336 Housing ads
Flat for sale 33 Housing ads
Flat share 2 Housing ads
Guest house for sale 1 Housing ad
House for rent 68 Housing ads
House for sale 2 Housing ads
House share 4 Housing ads
Office for rent 3 Housing ads
Professional space 1 Housing ad
Room for rent 24 Housing ads
Storage space for rent 1 Housing ad
Vacation house rental 1 Housing ad
Da Nang 7 Housing ads
Hanoi 29 Housing ads
Ho Chi Minh City 20 Housing ads
Hue 1 Housing ad
Nha Trang 38 Housing ads
Saigon 73 Housing ads
Vung Tau 23 Housing ads
Do you have a house to sell or flat to rent? Are you looking for a new home?
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