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Everything you need to know to work in Brussels
Finding work in Brussels
Home to a diverse array of peoples, cultures, and languages, Brussels is a very multicultural city that is popular amongst expats. While it is a great place to live and work, the job market in Brussels can be quite competitive.
The labor market in Brussels
In addition to the European Union and NATO, which are based in the city, Brussels has numerous other sectors offering expats employment opportunities. The labor market is quite competitive; however, since many highly educated individuals live in the city and to get a job, you often need to know at least two languages to a very high level. Brussels may be the right place for you if you are looking for an excellent work-life balance and the chance to further your career.
The work environment in Brussels
Brussels, like most places, has its own unique work culture and this can come as a bit of a shock to expats if you're not sure what to expect. Taxes, for instance, are very high and so don't be surprised to see the pay you take home be cut almost in half each month. To avoid any surprises before you move to the city, let's take a look at what the work environment in Brussels looks like.
Doing an internship in Belgium
Students usually have to do an internship to validate their academic training. What's the process of doing an internship in Belgium?
Starting a business in Belgium
Thanks to its geographical location in central Europe, Belgium has become one of the most popular countries to start a business. Here's how to proceed so you can have a prosperous future in Belgium. 
Working in Belgium
Moving to a new country can be difficult enough. Add the worry of finding a job onto this move, and it can be extremely stressful. But not to worry, as we're here to help you apply for jobs in Belgium. Here's some advice on the process so you're successful.
Job candidates in Brussels
Added on 27/09/2024
EUR 6000
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