Apply for Belgian Nationality
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I got a D-card (4.5 years of working with 1-2 months gap when switching jobs, 2 years of studying in Brussels). Do you know with the D-card, am I qualified to apply for Belgian Nationality?
- Do I need to take French or Dutch course to get A2 level? I only use English at work place.
- Do I need to take an Integration course in French or Dutch?
- 1-2 months gap between 2 jobs might affect the process?
- To whom (from Government) I can ask for information?
Thank you for help.
Go to your commune, consult with department ETAT CIVIL. They will explain to you.
The staffs at my commune (Schaerbeek) are not so friendly to ask, so I ask here.
chipbk10 wrote:Hi,
I got a D-card (4.5 years of working with 1-2 months gap when switching jobs, 2 years of studying in Brussels). Do you know with the D-card, am I qualified to apply for Belgian Nationality?
- Do I need to take French or Dutch course to get A2 level? I only use English at work place.
- Do I need to take an Integration course in French or Dutch?
- 1-2 months gap between 2 jobs might affect the process?
- To whom (from Government) I can ask for information?
Thank you for help.
If you have D-card, you are qualified.
A2 language level is mandatory
Integration course is mandatory
1 or 2 months are not a problem.
Request must be introduce at your city hall.
What is the acquisition of nationality?
The acquisition of nationality refers to procedures for obtaining nationality reserved for adults, that is to say, persons aged 18 and over and emancipated minors.
For minors, we will talk about attribution of nationality (see fact sheet Attribution of nationality).
How can a person of full age acquire Belgian nationality?
There are two modes of acquisition of Belgian nationality: the declaration of nationality and naturalization.
Since the reform of the Nationality Code on 1 January 2013, naturalization has been granted only in exceptional cases: for persons with exceptional merits or for recognized stateless persons. The declaration of nationality thus becomes the common mode of obtaining Belgian nationality for adults.
The declaration of nationality
What are the different categories of nationality declaration?
There are 5 categories of declaration of nationality:
The foreigner born in Belgium and legally residing there since birth
The foreigner who has legally resided in Belgium for 5 years
An alien who has been legally resident in Belgium for 5 years and who is married to a Belgian or who is the parent of a Belgian minor child.
An alien who has been legally resident in Belgium for five years and who has reached the age of retirement or who suffers from a disability or disability that prevents him from pursuing a professional activity.
The foreigner who has been legally resident in Belgium for 10 years.
What are the specific conditions for each reporting category?
The foreigner born in Belgium and legally residing there since birth
The person must:
Be at least 18 years old
Be born in Belgium
> The Belgian birth certificate
Stay legally in Belgium and uninterrupted since birth
> A residence certificate with history of addresses and stays. See question 3.3
Be in possession at the time of the application for nationality of an unlimited stay
> One of the following stays: Map B, C, D, E, Annex 8, F, E +, Annex 8bis, F + See question 3.3
To have paid the 150 euros of registration fee
> The receipt issued by the registrar
Rem: on simplification to the production of documents, see question 3.8.
The foreigner who has legally resided in Belgium for 5 years
The person must:
Be at least 18 years old The birth certificate (Belgian or foreign)
Be in possession at the time of the application for nationality of an unlimited stay
> One of the following residence permits: Map B, C, D, E, Annex 8, F, E +, Annex 8bis, F +
Stay legally in Belgium and uninterrupted for 5 years. See question 3.3
> A residence certificate with address and stay history
Prove knowledge of one of the three national languages (French, Dutch or German). See question 3.5.
Prove social integration See question 3.6.
Prove economic integration See question 3.7.
To have paid the 150 euros of registration fee
> The receipt issued by the registrar
Rem: on simplification to the production of documents, see question 3.8.
An alien who has been legally resident in Belgium for 5 years and who is married to a Belgian or who is the parent of a Belgian minor child
The person must:
Be at least 18 years old
> The birth certificate (Belgian or foreign)
Be in possession at the time of the application for nationality of an unlimited stay
> One of the following residence permits: Map B, C, D, E, Annex 8, F, E +, Annex 8bis, F +
Stay legally in Belgium and uninterrupted for 5 years. See question 3.3.
> A residence certificate with address and stay history
Prove knowledge of one of the three national languages (French, Dutch or German). See question 3.5.
Prove social integration See question 3.6.
To have paid the 150 euros of registration fee
> The receipt issued by the registrar
If the foreigner is a parent of a Belgian child, validly prove the existence of a filiation with a minor Belgian child
> The birth certificate of the Belgian child (Belgian or foreign act)
> Proof of legal parentage with the child (eg by the birth certificate of the child, an act of recognition of paternity, a judgment attributing filiation, ...)
> A certificate attesting the Belgian nationality of the child
If the foreigner is married to a Belgian, prove the existence of the marriage and the common residence for 3 years
> The marriage certificate (Belgian or foreign)
> A certificate attesting the Belgian nationality of the spouse
> A residence certificate with address history for each spouse justifying the joint residence in the marriage bonds for 3 years preceding the application for nationality
The person is exempted from proving economic integration.
Rem: on simplification to the production of documents, see question 3.8.
An alien who has been legally resident in Belgium for 5 years and who has reached the pension age or who suffers from a disability or disability that prevents him from exercising a professional activity
The person must:
Be at least 18 years old
> The birth certificate (Belgian or foreign)
Be in possession at the time of the application for nationality of an unlimited stay
> One of the following residence permits: Map B, C, D, E, Annex 8, F, E +, Annex 8bis, F +
Stay legally in Belgium and uninterrupted for 5 years. See question 3.3.
A residence certificate with history of addresses and stays
To have paid the 150 euros of registration fee
> The receipt issued by the registrar
When the person has reached the age of the pension (even if she continues to work)
> The birth certificate
When the person has a disability
> A certificate from the Directorate General Persons with disabilities of the FPS Social Security proving the reduction of earning capacity.
When the person suffers from a disability that prevents him from engaging in a professional activity
Proof by one of the following documents:
> A certificate issued by the insurer of the person concerned recognition of permanent disability or
> A certificate of premature pension for health reasons from the administrative health service of the administration for which the person works (only for the statutory agents of the public service) or
> A certificate from the Workers' Compensation Fund or the Fund for Occupational Diseases or the competent medical service of the administration certifying a disability at 66% (in the event of an accident at work or an occupational disease) or
> A copy of the final judgment certifying a 66% disability (if the person has been the victim of an accident outside his place of work)
The person is exempted from proving social integration, economic integration and knowledge of one of the national languages.
Rem: on simplification to the production of documents, see question 3.8.
3.2.5. The foreigner who has been legally resident in Belgium for 10 years
The person must:
Be at least 18 years old
> The birth certificate
Be in possession at the time of the application for nationality of an unlimited stay
> One of the following residence permits: Map B, C, D, E, Annex 8, F, E +, Annex 8bis, F +
Stay legally in Belgium and uninterrupted for 10 years. See question 3.3.
A residence certificate with history of addresses and stays
To have paid the 150 euros of registration fee
> The receipt issued by the registrar
Prove knowledge of one of the three national languages (French, Dutch or German). See question 3.5.
Prove its economic and / or socio-cultural participation in the life of its host community
> A motivated statement from the person testifying to the links with the host community and accompanied by any document attesting to his participation in the life of the community. See question 3.6.
3.3. What are the conditions of residence and residence to introduce a declaration of nationality
To file a declaration of nationality, the alien must have established his principal residence in Belgium for the duration required according to the different categories (since birth, for 5 years or for 10 years).
The principal residence is the place of registration in the population register, in the aliens register or in the waiting register.
This main residence must be uninterrupted and accompanied by a legal stay.
What is the quality of the required stay? :
3.3.1. At the time of the application for nationality:
The person must have an unlimited residence permit:
Card B: certificate of registration in the register of foreigners
Card C: Foreigner's Identity Card
Card D: EC Long-Term Resident Permit
Card E (electronic format) or Annex 8 (paper format): registration certificate for the EU national.
Card F: residence card of family member of EU citizen.
E + card or Annex 8a: permanent stay for the EU national (= reinforcement of the stay of more than 3 months).
F + card: permanent residence for EU citizen family member.
3.3.2. For the period preceding the application for nationality:
The person must have a residence permit of more than three months.
Card A: Registration certificate for foreigners B temporary stay.
Card B: certificate of registration in the register of foreigners
Card C: Foreigner's Identity Card
Card D: EC Long-Term Resident Permit
Card E (electronic format) or Annex 8 (paper format): registration certificate for the EU national.
Card F: residence card of family member of EU citizen.
E + card or Annex 8a: permanent stay for the EU national (= reinforcement of the stay of more than 3 months).
F + card: permanent residence for EU citizen family member.
Map H: European Blue Card (highly skilled worker)
Annex 15: foreigners who, for practical reasons, can not be entered in the population register or be in physical possession of the residence permit, although allowed to stay or for whom the RO can not decide on the application for renewal provisional residence although it was introduced on time.
Note: the certificate of registration (orange card), annexes 25 and 26 (the duration of the procedure preceding obtaining refugee status) and appendix 35 are not considered, in the context of an application nationality, such as residence permits of more than three months.
3.4. What about interruptions of residence and residence?
The principal residence in Belgium and the residence required for the nationality application must have been uninterrupted. If the residence or stay has been interrupted at any given time, the starting point for the time limit for the declaration of nationality will begin to run from the end of the interruption.
Nevertheless, certain exceptions are allowed:
3.4.1. Temporary absences from the territory
They can be of 6 months maximum and can not exceed in total more than one fifth of the time of stay required by the Code of the nationality.
- Declaration based on 5 years of stay max. one year of absence in total, of which max. 2x 6 months.
- Declaration based on 10 years of stay max. 2 years of absence, of which max. 4x 6 months.
3.4.2. Radiation by mistake
If the foreigner has been deregistered by mistake (eg following a move), the delisting decision pronounced by mistake can only be withdrawn on the basis of a decision of the College of Mayor and Aldermen.
A copy of the College's decision is sent to the National Register to correct the information in the registers.
If the registers can not be corrected, the starting point for the time required for the declaration of nationality will start counting from the new entry in the registers.
3.4.3. Administrative interruptions
The non-renewal of the residence permit in time does not affect the right to stay recognized abroad and is not considered as an interruption of residence or stay of the candidate.
3.5 How is the knowledge of the language proven?
Proof of language proficiency is required for all reporting categories EXCEPT for reporting:
- on the basis of birth in Belgium
- in case of disability, invalidity and age of the pension.
This is to prove the knowledge of one of the three national languages (French, Dutch or German), regardless of the language region in which the candidate resides.
The required minimum language level has been set at A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and includes an ability to understand, speak and write the language.
The language knowledge is proved only according to the list of documents provided by the law:
Belgian diploma:
A diploma or certificate of the minimum level of upper secondary education awarded by an educational institution organized, recognized or subsidized by one of the three Communities or by the Royal Military Academy and obtained in one of the three national languages.
Ex: A high school diploma or university degree.
Foreign diploma :
a diploma or certificate of the minimum level of upper secondary education issued by an educational institution of the European Union recognized as equivalent by a Community and attesting to the minimum knowledge (A2) of one of the three national languages.
Rem: on the recognition of foreign diplomas, see especially NARIC centers. … avi%3D2087
Professional training :
A document attesting to the follow-up of a professional training of 400 hours recognized by the competent authority.
Ex: trainings organized by Forem, VDAB, Brussels Training, Actiris, Arbeitsamt B.
Trial period :
A document attesting to the follow-up of an integration course organized by the competent authority of the candidate's place of residence at the time when he begins this course.
Rem: The integration course must include language learning at level A2.
Exercise of a professional activity:
a document attesting to a uninterrupted professional activity in the last 5 years such as:
A work contract
One of the following documents:
- salaried worker: document "individual account" issued by the employer.
- statutory agent: proof of his appointment and the attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
- salaried worker in the public service: attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
- self-employed principal: proof of affiliation to a social insurance fund and proof of payment of quarterly social contributions during the 5-year period.
Part-time work can be taken into account.
The accumulations between different statuses (example, employee then independent) are possible.
Language tests:
One of the following documents:
- A certificate of A2 level achievement from one of the 3 national languages issued by an institution that is recognized, recognized and subsidized by a Community.
- Certificate of successful completion of a language course issued by a social advancement educational institution
- Certificate of completion of the language examinations organized by certain higher education institutions to access undergraduate studies.
- Achievement certificate for evening language courses organized by higher education institutions.
- A language certificate issued by SELOR attesting a level A2.
- A certificate of successful completion of a A2 level issued by the Regional Offices for Vocational Training and Employment (VDAB, Brussels Training, Actiris, Forem, Arbeitsamt).
3.6. How is the condition of social integration proven?
The need to demonstrate social integration is required for all categories of declarant EXCEPT for reporting:
- on the basis of the birth in B.
- in case of disability / invalidity / age of the pension.
Evidence of social integration varies by category:
3.6.1. The foreigner who has legally resided in Belgium for 5 years
The person will have to prove his social integration by one of the following documents:
Belgian diploma:
A diploma or certificate of the minimum level of upper secondary education awarded by an educational institution organized, recognized or subsidized by one of the three Communities or by the Royal Military Academy and obtained in one of the three national languages.
Rem: Foreign diplomas are not accepted as proof of social integration (even if they have been recognized by one of the three Belgian Communities).
Professional training :
A document attesting to the follow-up of a professional training of 400 hours recognized by the competent authority.
Ex: trainings organized by Forem, VDAB, Brussels Training, Actiris, Arbeitsamt B.
Trial period :
A document attesting to the follow-up of an integration course organized by the competent authority of the candidate's place of residence at the time when he begins this course.
Exercise of a professional activity
A document attesting to an uninterrupted professional activity during the last 5 years such as:
A work contract
One of the following documents:
- salaried worker: work contract + "individual account" document issued by the employer.
- statutory agent: contract of employment + proof of his appointment and the attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
- salaried worker in the public service: work contract + attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
- self-employed principal: proof of affiliation to a social insurance fund and proof of payment of quarterly social contributions during the 5-year period.
Part-time work can be taken into account.
The accumulations between different statuses (example, employee then independent) are possible.
3.6.2. An alien who has been legally resident in Belgium for 5 years and who is married to a Belgian or who is the parent of a Belgian minor child
The person will have to prove his social integration by one of the following documents:
Belgian diploma:
A diploma or certificate of the minimum level of upper secondary education awarded by an educational institution organized, recognized or subsidized by one of the three Communities or by the Royal Military Academy and obtained in one of the three national languages.
Rem: Foreign diplomas are not accepted as proof of social integration (even if they have been recognized by one of the three Belgian Communities).
Professional training and professional activity:
A document attesting the completion of a 400-hour vocational training course recognized by the competent authority and a document attesting to the exercise, over the last five years preceding the declaration of nationality, of a professional activity during at least 234 days as a salaried worker, as a statutory agent or as a self-employed principal.
Ex: trainings organized by Forem, VDAB, Brussels Training, Actiris, Arbeitsamt B.
Documents attesting the professional activity are:
A work contract
One of the following documents:
- salaried worker: work contract + "individual account" document issued by the employer.
- statutory agent: contract of employment + proof of his appointment and the attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
- salaried worker in the public service: work contract + attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
- self-employed principal: proof of affiliation to a social insurance fund and proof of payment of quarterly social contributions during the 5-year period.
Trial period
A document attesting to the follow-up of an integration course organized by the competent authority of the candidate's place of residence at the time when he begins this course.
3.6.3. The foreigner who has been legally resident in Belgium for 10 years
The person will have to justify that they take part in the economic and / or socio-cultural life of their host community.
There is no list provided for by the Nationality Code. Any document which shows any integration whatsoever in Belgium can be presented. It is advisable to present all the possible proofs.
Ex: being married to a Belgian, attending training in Belgium, having a professional activity in Belgium, being active in associations or activities in your neighborhood, being registered on the list of electors , be a member of a sports club, have followed an integration course ...
3.7 How is the condition of economic integration proven?
This condition is imposed for the declarants who invoke 5 years of stay EXCEPT for the declarations:
on the basis of marriage, or as a parent of a Belgian child
in case of disability, invalidity and age of the pension.
The person will have to prove:
Either have worked 468 working days in the 5 years preceding the declaration of nationality as a salaried employee or as a statutory agent.
- Employment contract
- One of the following documents:
- salaried worker: document "individual account" issued by the employer.
- statutory agent: proof of his appointment and the attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
- salaried worker in the public service: attestation by the competent department of the public administration.
Either have worked as a self-employed principal for at least 18 months in the 5 years preceding the declaration.
- Proof of affiliation to a social insurance fund
- Proof of payment of social security contributions for 6 quarters
1. Working days abroad are not taken into account.
2. Working days and equivalent working days within the meaning of Article 37 and 38 of the Royal Decree of 25 November 1991 on the regulation of unemployment shall be taken into account.
Examples of assimilated days: sick leave, statutory holidays, public holidays, strike days, days of absence with maintenance of remuneration, etc.
3. The person who has followed and successfully completed training - be it upper secondary education, higher and university education or 400 hours of vocational training - can deduct the duration of the training. 468 working days or 18 months of self-employment, if this training was taken in the 5 years preceding the application for nationality.
Reference example for the calculation of training hours to deduct:
- 1 working day = 7.6 hours
- 1 work week = 38 hours
- 1 year of secondary education = 182 days (in principle).
- 1 ECTS credit = 30 hours of apprenticeship
- 1 year at university = 60 ECTS credits (in principle) = 1800 hours = 236 working days
- 400 hours of professional training = 52.5 working days
4. If the applicant provides proof of his social integration through uninterrupted professional activity during the five years preceding the declaration, the condition of economic participation shall be presumed to be fulfilled. Candidates who have obtained a master's degree in the five years preceding the declaration will also have satisfied, without further proof, the condition of economic integration.
3.8. Are there administrative simplifications in the production of documents?
The candidate registered on the National Register is exempted from producing certain documents:
The nationality certificate of the Belgian spouse or child
Residence certificate with address and stay history
Proof of title of stay required
The candidate is exempted from producing the documents drawn up or transcribed with the municipality to which the declaration of nationality is introduced:
Birth certificate of the person concerned
Birth certificate of the Belgian child
Acts establishing parentage
Marriage certificate
A true copy is placed on file by the Registrar of Civil Status.
Documents that serve as proof of social integration may also serve as proof of linguistic knowledge.
The candidate will be able to prove the social and linguistic integration by the same document.
When the candidate is unable to produce a birth certificate of his country of birth:
He may present:
A document equivalent to the birth certificate issued by the diplomatic or consular authorities of his country of birth;
An act of notoriety issued by the justice of the peace of his principal residence, if it is impossible for him or seriously difficult to present a diplomatic document.
3.9.What is the procedure for declaring nationality?
The declaration of nationality is submitted by the candidate to his municipality of residence. The assistance of a lawyer is not necessary to accomplish this step.
From the filing of the declaration, the registrar has 30 days to check if the file is complete.
If the file is complete and if the registration fee of 150 euros has been paid, the registrar of civil status issues within 35 days of the filing of the declaration a receipt attesting the admissibility of the file.
If the file is not complete, the registrar indicates to the candidate on the basis of a form which documents are missing. The candidate has 2 months to complete the file. If the application is considered complete, the registrar issues a receipt within 15 days after the expiry of the time allowed to complete the file. If the file is still considered incomplete after 2 months, the registrar will inform the candidate by registered letter. An appeal for annulment to the administrative litigation section of the Conseil d'Etat may be lodged against the decision of inadmissibility of the file. However, given the delays of this procedure, it is advisable to the candidate to rather reintroduce a new complete application (with the payment of 150 euros).
The registrar of civil status transmits the file deemed complete to the Public Prosecutor, the State Security and the Aliens Office within 5 working days after the receipt of the receipt.
The public prosecutor has 4 months from the date of the receipt sent by the registrar to give an opinion. This period of 4 months may be extended by 1 month from the transmission of the file if it was transmitted late by the registrar, that is to say during the last month of the 4 months.
If the public prosecutor decides not to issue a negative opinion, he informs the registrar by sending a certificate. The declaration of nationality is entered in the registers and the candidate acquires Belgian nationality from this registration. The registrar shall notify this registration to the person concerned.
The King's Attorney may render a negative opinion if the conditions for the acquisition of nationality are not fulfilled or if the applicant has committed facts considered to be serious personal facts (see question 3.14.). The negative opinion of the King's Prosecutor must be motivated. This notice is notified to the registrar and to the person concerned (by registered letter). In this case, there will be no registration of the declaration of nationality. There will also be no registration if the registrar fails to forward the file to the King's Prosecutor.
An appeal may be lodged within 15 days against the negative opinion of the King's Prosecutor and in case of non-transmission of the file by the registrar (see question 3.15.).
1. If the receipt or incompleteness of the file has not been notified to the candidate within the time limit, the file is deemed to be complete and admissible.
2. If the Attorney General does not notify a negative opinion or certificate confirming the absence of a negative opinion at the end of the 4-month period (possibly extended), the declaration of nationality is automatically registered in The registers.
3.10. What are the deadlines for processing a nationality application on the basis of a declaration?
If the file is considered complete during the first exhaustive examination, the processing time of the application is approximately 5 months:
Filing of the application + 30 days for the examination of the completeness of the file + 5 days for the issuance of the receipt by the registrar of civil status as to the admissibility of the file + 4 months for the examination of the file by the Prosecutor of the King (possibly an extension of one month from the date of transmission of the file by the registrar if the file is transmitted during the 4th month of the deadline).
If the file is considered incomplete at the first completeness review (and completed later), the processing time of the application is approximately 7 months and a half:
Filing of the application + 30 days for the examination of the completeness of the file (sending the form indicating the missing documents) + 2 months to complete the file + 15 days for the issuance of the receipt by the registrar as to the admissibility of the file + 4 months for the examination of the file by the Public Prosecutor (possibly, extension of one month from the date of transmission of the file by the registrar of civil status if the file is transmitted during the 4th month of the deadline).
3.11. Does the procedure of declaration of nationality pay?
The person who wishes to file a declaration of nationality must imperatively and before the deposit of the declaration pay the payment of 150 euros to the registrar.
The relevant registration office is the office responsible for collecting the registration fee for a change of name (please consult your municipal administration).
The non-payment of 150 euros before the filing of the declaration can not be regularized afterwards. The nationality application will be rejected in this case.
This amount will not be refunded in the event of a negative decision.
3.12. Can a spelling mistake in the first or last name of the candidate interfere with the declaration of nationality?
If the surname or first name is not spelled in the same way in the registers (population, foreigners, etc.), in the criminal record or in the documents filed in the file, the nationality application is suspended until the candidate rectifies the different spellings.
3.13. Does the absence of first name or surname in the candidate's birth certificate preclude the declaration of nationality?
If the candidate does not have a name or first name, this absence does not prevent the examination of the application. But the foreigner will have the possibility, if he wishes it, to introduce a procedure free of charge at the service changing the name of the SPF Justice in order to be given a name or a first name.
If he makes this choice, the application will be suspended until a name or surname is given to the candidate.
3.14. What is a serious personal fact?
Certain acts committed by the candidate may be considered as "serious personal facts". These can be obstacles to obtaining Belgian nationality. This will be examined particularly by the Prosecutor of the King seized of the file, on the basis of information possibly transmitted by the State Security and the Aliens Office.
These serious personal facts are for example:
Cases of deprivation of nationality
Example: Conviction of a firm imprisonment of 5 years for serious criminal offenses (eg conspiracy against the King or the government, crimes and offenses against State Security, serious violation of international humanitarian law, terrorist offense, threat of use of chemical weapons, ...).
Adhering to a movement or organization considered dangerous by the security of the state.
The final conviction for social fraud (-any violation of social laws) and tax (-intentional fraudulent breach of tax codes and executive orders).
The impossibility to control the identity or the principal residence or to guarantee the identity.
Any criminal conviction leading to a prison sentence that is included in the criminal record unless rehabilitation and criminal investigations likely to lead to such a conviction (eg judicial information opened in the year preceding the application and which is still in progress or judicial instructions still in progress).
Engaging in any activity that threatens or could threaten the fundamental interests of the state.
The fact that the candidate has obtained his residence permit on the basis of a marriage or a legal cohabitation of convenience or forced.
3.15. What are the remedies in the event of a negative decision?
In the event of a negative opinion by the public prosecutor or if the civil registrar has failed to forward the file to the prosecutor, the candidate may appeal to the court of first instance. He invites, by registered letter, the registrar to forward his file to the court. This request must be made within 15 days:
Sending the negative opinion of the Prosecutor of the King by registered letter
The information by the registrar of the non-registration of the declaration on the grounds of failure to transmit the file to the Prosecutor of the King
Within 15 days after notification of the court decision to the candidate, an appeal may be lodged with the Court of Appeal.
Thank you @Phipiema. Very detailed and useful.
-Its 3months and 2weeks an application was submitted, no letter yet whatsoever, does it means a positive sign as the file was completed on the day of submission?
>>> No, the decision will be given at completion of 4 months from the date of application (sometimes even before that). Whatever is the outcome, you will know only after you get the communication. Time taken to process the application is no indicator for it's outcome.
-The police visited and gave a positive response, does it means the the nationality application will be successful?
>>>> No, the purpose of police visit is just to verify that you live in the address.
I'm sorry but a thing shocks me. You are in Belgium since more 6 years and you don't speak yet French or Dutch???
Wow, this is really thorough! But do you know if a Ph.D. diploma obtained in Belgium can be used as proof of social integration? I am confused since there are no courses as part of a Ph.D. just research (which is of course done in English). Or maybe a Ph.D. is considered as a job?
bangashhadi5 wrote:I need nationality belgium
Do you live already in Belgium? If yes, you must have a resident permit firstly and after about 5 years, I think, you can apply for nationality. You should know history and culture of the country and manage well one of the national languages.
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