My name is Buayh Malual Riek, a South Sudanese. I'm from Akobo ...
Abraham was chosen by the Most High to restore all creation to Himself. According to Creator's ordinance, He chose Isaac Not Ismael, Yakov Not Esau. Therefore, my brethren Israeli became the "Name" carrier and misrely suffering for goodness sake yet the entire world see Not. I therefore, decided to lay out my life partaking all they go through just like Rahab, Tamar and Ruth. I do this because Israeli motive in preserving Tanakh is for the goodness of all. Baruch Hashem.
Midhat Abu Snieneh, MD
Postal code: 91511, Jerusalem ...
Dubai, Cairo, Midhat Abu Snieneh, MD
Postal code: 91511, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of medicine, to deal with patients, excellent interpersonal communication patience, Ramat Hahayal , Sheba, Tel Hashomer, Israel
2004-2010: MD, United Nation For Leadership Skills, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Eilat, Bariatric embolization of left gastric artery, Zichron Yaakov, Cologne, Kfar Blum