Rob G

Robert Gilluley

@Rob G

Active member

English expat in Kuwait

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Salmiya

Registration: 04 May 2010


Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
10 years ago

Help! need advice as a young british female moving to kuwait shortly. by drewroxanne

Im having so many mixed feelings. Ive been offered a great job that pays well but my main concern is my safety. Girls! Help me out! thank you

Robert Gilluley

Seriously copy and paste a load of information which is out of date, jeez someone show me a decent 2 bed apartment for between 180-250....... you're looking 350 minimum! Anyway back to topic, I am British and my wife visits Kuwait regularly, ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
10 years ago

Kuwait's international reputation by newbie25

Hi All, Now, I'm not one to believe everything I hear/read, but as I plan to move to Kuwait this year as a Teacher, naturally I have done a lot of research on the country. I must say that the general consensus on the country is overwhelmingly ...

Robert Gilluley

Gringo you are my here, I wish I had your principles! I'm here for the money, lifestyle and warmer climate. Fortunately whilst there are things that I do not agree with I am not blind enough to the fact that most of these things go in all countries ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
11 years ago

Investing in the Kuwait Stock Exchange by legacy

Anybody want to know how to invest money in the Kuwait Stock Exchange? I'm no finance manager or investment analyst. Im a regular joe who studied finance and thinks that people in general have a huge misconception of stock investment, so this would ...

Robert Gilluley

If you want some real advice do not touch the local markets for stock investments use mature markets such as UK/US/EUR it's all a gamble but at least do it in a market that has mature governance practices and proper regulations not one were most ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
11 years ago

Some Adivice on Kuwait 'Airport' by SportsMan

So can someone on here give me some ideas on the following when like everyone else in the country, we have to make use of the 'airport' . 1. Has anyone ever tried to do this and take their own car to the airport for obvious reasons (uncivilized ...

Robert Gilluley

3 yrs i've been here and nobody told me that one, i'll be parking there from now on thx! Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
11 years ago
Daz from UK

Any advices on my situation please by Daz from UK

I am an English man and have been in a relationship with a Kuwaiti woman for 5 years, we would like to get married however it seems so complicated. I wanted to get married under UK law in either Kuwait or Bahrain however my partner has stated that ...

Robert Gilluley

Legacy is spot on Daz, if you, like me, are a full on athiest then it is never going to work out so don't waste any further time making it more complicated. Sajidejai was quoting from the qur'an a section related to marriage so he wasn't bringing ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Do I have to pay a year advance rent when signing an apartment lease? by rhiggins

Hi, I would like to know the standard requirement when renting an apartment. Do the apartment manager's require first and last months rent plus security deposit? or do I have to pay six to a year in advance on a lease. Please advise. Thanks

Robert Gilluley

Maximum is 1.5 months rent as security (normally only 1 month) and 1 month in advance..... I have rented apartments here with no deposit just the monthly rent in advance. Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Satellite TV vs paying for Broadband by doubty

Hello everyone. Does anyone know if it is worth paying for a satellite service that will have more English channels on it? We currently download/stream via the internet but as we are in a block with shared internet, this is not always ideal. Is ...

Robert Gilluley

Off roader, the reason the illegal box doesn't work well is due to the slow internet speed, if you have a dedicated fibre optic line, slightly pricey and not available in all area, it will work fine. I had mine for 12 months and got Sky Italy (all ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Satellite TV vs paying for Broadband by doubty

Hello everyone. Does anyone know if it is worth paying for a satellite service that will have more English channels on it? We currently download/stream via the internet but as we are in a block with shared internet, this is not always ideal. Is ...

Robert Gilluley

Hi Doubty 1.5-2Mps seems pretty impressive for Kuwait :D You should be able to stream fine with that. OSN is the equivalent of sky (no footy thoguh) I pay around 20KD a month for a package and have a recordable box (Sky HD+ equivalent) does the job, ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

need to rent a car by emilly

hi, I would like to rent a car in Kuwait, wondering what kind of papers I need to do that, and if anyone could recommend some car rental companies here. Any tips/advise would be greatly appreciated!

Robert Gilluley

Hi Emilly, if you don't have civil ID & Kuwait license then someone like automax will be able to sort you out as you'll be renting not leasing..... once you have your Kuwait license then you can rent.... unless they now lease by the month with no ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

advice on moving to Kuwait by cliff_douglas

hi guys, I was just made an offer of 750kd a month. Is that a good salary for two people considering: 1. living in a relatively good/safe area. I guess rent would be about 300kd a month for a furnished apartment. 2. I'm the only one working. ...

Robert Gilluley

Cliff I know some people who are not married the difficulty may be getting your girlfriend a residency visa as you cannot sponsor her and obviously it won't be a family visa. In terms of money, 750 will be tight if you want holidays etc. If it is ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Thinking about moving to Kuwait by sophia_yasmin

My husband and I are planning on relocating to Kuwait in the new year and will be visiting next month to do a checking out thing. Would love to meet up with other expats to get your views on living in Kuwait. I am originally from London, but have ...

Robert Gilluley

Hi Sophia, if you enjoy socialising then this is definately not the place to come!! If you have a v good offer then come but you'll probably want to budget for plenty of holidays, weekend breaks etc. No problem here for women as long as you don't ... Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Thyroid medication - Levothyroxine by zeode

Hi everyone, my husband and I are looking to move to Kuwait, I have a thyroid problem and am on permanent meds, I was wondering how easy it is to get my prescription transferred and filled in Kuwait? I would really appreciate any help on this. ...

Robert Gilluley

No problem, they also said that if you ever want to try something different after doing some research just tell the doctor and most will prescribe it for you..... seems a good system to me :D Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Thyroid medication - Levothyroxine by zeode

Hi everyone, my husband and I are looking to move to Kuwait, I have a thyroid problem and am on permanent meds, I was wondering how easy it is to get my prescription transferred and filled in Kuwait? I would really appreciate any help on this. ...

Robert Gilluley

Spoke to someone I know who has thyroid medication and she said Levo-T4? can be bought over the counter here and it is cheap... hope this helps, most things can be bought over the counter here and way cheaper than UK. Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Finally arrived in Kuwait by Beey7

Hi everyone After months of writing on this forum I have finally landed in Kuwait. first impression is pretty much the same as living in Qatar. Had a rough time getting here from being stranded in Amsterdam for 24hrs to getting in Kuwait only to ...

Robert Gilluley

Ally ...... coming from Scotland how can you possibly think it gets cold here? It's like summer all year round for anyone north of Birmingham :D Read More

Robert Gilluley
Rob G replied to a thread
12 years ago

Query on Salary & Cost of Living by tune2john

Dear Members, Hope this finds you in good spirits! I've got a query here. I'm offered a IT job in Kuwait with 13000KWD I've got 10 years of experience in IT. So is the salary a good reasonable one? I'm married with a 2yr old kid. What would be ...

Robert Gilluley

Membership for family at club will run to about 100-150KD per month but will have to be paid in 1 payment. Read More