Ronald Mulatre
Haitian expat in Dominican Republic
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Cap-Haitian
Speaks French, English, Haitian creol and little Spanish
Registration: 19 February 2014

Best cities/areas for a single woman in her 30s by cshelly12
I'm thinking of moving to the Dominican Republic, but I am a single woman and am a little worried about safety in certain areas of the DR. I loved Santo Domingo when I was there 5 years ago, but I've heard it's gotten much more ...

I. Have been living in Santiago, it is a very good place. Cost of things is lower there. Read More

5 good reasons for living in Haiti by Julien
Hi, if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Haiti, what would be your top 5? Thanks in advance for participating, Julien

Haiti has a hiden beauty.. people can't see it if you don't know it. Read More

Best cities to live in Haiti by Julien
Hi, Its not always easy to decide in which area to settle in when moving to Haiti. According to you, what are the best cites to live in? Which regions offer most of the job opportunities, a good quality of life, an affordable cost of ...

do u mean Cap-Haitian or Cayes? Read More

Homeless by cirock
Are there many homeless people in Dominican Republic? The reason I am asking, I met a woman on DominicanCupid and we have been chatting on WhatsApp. Now she is telling me she is homeless with no money, shelter and food. is this a common occurrence ...

It is possible that she doesn't owe a house or maybe have a little income but she's living somewhere anyway. A homeless persone may have a celphone nd have whatsapp. Anyway you need to try yr best to know someone u met online, but I know ... Read More

Best cities to live in Haiti by Julien
Hi, Its not always easy to decide in which area to settle in when moving to Haiti. According to you, what are the best cites to live in? Which regions offer most of the job opportunities, a good quality of life, an affordable cost of ...

to me, the North side is the best area to live in various countries... here in Haiti, you'll find lots of beaches, lots of natural fruits, food etc... and the life is cheaper there. So I would advice u to live in Cap-Haitien, in the North. Read More

Volunteering in Haiti by Maximilien
Hi, While living abroad, some expats wish to get involved in the local community life. What organizations expats can turn to if they want to volunteer in Haiti? How to join a charitable institution, what are the steps? Which causes have ...

the easiest way is to have contact with a church... in our church for example we have lots of sick people above all the children. it would be like a blessing if we could have some volounteer to help us. M. Ronald Read More

Getting a Dom. cedula by rmulatre
Hi Everyone. I have a one year visa on my passport but get expired now, I would like to have a Cedula now to stay and work in Dom. Republic too. I wanna know when and How I can get one please. M. Ronald

Okay.. Thank you so much. Read More

Getting a Dom. cedula
Hi Everyone. I have a one year visa on my passport but get expired now, I would like to have a Cedula now to stay and work in Dom. Republic too. I wanna know when and How I can get one please. M. Ronald Read More

I really want to live in Haiti but look different by Haitiguy
Hi everyone I know this may be off topic a little, and honestly, I'm not trying to sound racist, because I'm not at all, but just troubled. I would love to live in Haiti. I think it is a beautiful country, and I have seen more to it than the ...

We Haitian people, we are welcoming and not racist. we dont care about skin color. you are very welcome among us brother. Good.luck Read More

Internet/phone in Sosua by lauraeaton77
Hey all, I am trying to figure out which company I should go with for my internet (and phone?) needs here in Sosua. For the last several weeks I have been just using wifi in cafes and restaurants, which works but even if I only get online once ...

you could use magic jack for your international calls.. Read More

Learn Haitian Creole ! by mrmichelange
Hello everybody, do you speak haitian creole? I can help you to learn this language. It's easy! Contact me:

Try to add me on facebook and I will put you in direct contact with a teacher who teaches Creole to exparts living in Haiti. Ronald Mulatre . Read More

Need an English speaking teacher by Mane32
i am trying to move to haiti with my two kids in the summer. i really need an english speaking teacher for them ( pre-k and first grade) and how much would it cost to hire a teacher? Please help

Where in Haiti you are going to live? I know EBAC Christian Academy in Cap-Haitien Read More

Introduce yourself HERE! by planner
This thread is where you should introduce yourself. Tell us a little bit about you, where you live or where you want to live, how you came to this forum and how we can help you. When you need some answers: Check recent threads, if you cannot ...

I meant that Im not a Dom Citizen, just going to school there. Read More

Job needed by rmulatre
Hello to you! I come from Haiti I'm here for my study. I live in Santiago since 4 months. I speak english, french, creole and a little Spanish. I wish I had a little job to answer a few basic needs. Are there someone who could help me please?

Dear Planner, I do have a passport. Is it okay? Read More

Job needed
Hello to you! I come from Haiti I'm here for my study. I live in Santiago since 4 months. I speak english, french, creole and a little Spanish. I wish I had a little job to answer a few basic needs. Are there someone who could help me please? Read More