

Active member

Singaporean expat in Vietnam

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Registration: 01 March 2014


simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

What is stopping a VN business from paying $$s into a foreigner's a/c? by hs0zfe

It worked after I heelped a friend by ordering parts with my credit card in the U.S. His deposit hit my account. Now a small company which owes me money demands that I <come and get it in cash> which would mean taking a bus 5 hours each way. ...


To deposit smaller amounts (below 20mil), there is usually no problem. For bigger amounts - yes you need the contact - which you have. I think they just don't want to pay you. Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

how to reject borrowing money by thecoolchazza

I know the topic has been raised that we should never lend money to anyone. But the questions is how to reject and what to do after. btw The amount was only 2 million Dong. Eg: do you reject them and not see them again. ( because of the ...


If I don't know the person well, the answer is always no. Yes, I am "rich" but if I gave 1mil vnd to everyone I would be poor very quickly. If I know the person well, and I know he has some problems - I give them the money and never ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

How much money to send to GF and baby per month in Vietnam by TonyMapleLeaf

How much money to send per month to GF and baby living in Nha Trang? I figured about $700 or 14 mil dong/month to covered baby formula, clothing, foods, ect for both. Already paid a year rent upfront no worry about that. What say you? about right? ...


I have to agree with everyone here - 700usd is plenty if you don't pay for rent. But if I'm correct the 700usd will become 1000usd and up after a couple months. Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

how to go in vietnam and apply some works. by ivanjem1824

Hi guys im filipina .i just want to ask how do i get job in vietnam if im going to there directly or as a tourist?


To answer your question directly. You can come to Vietnam with a tourist visa to look for a job. If you get a job, your employer may or may not get a work permit for you. Without a work permit, you will need to renew your tourist visa. Search the ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Can I bring Iaito to Vietnam? by HTran

Hi everyone, I am a fairly new iaidoka and am going to Vietnam for a few weeks. Can I bring my iaito (steel imitation sword to practice iaido) to Vietnam? Anyone has any experience please share. (I've got some fear that Vietnamese customs ...


I have no idea what a iaito is. I would imagine that your first problem will be checking it in at your airport. When you make it to vietnam, your challenge would be to get it past customs, which you probably can with some dongs.. Then getting it ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Bars and Clubs - DJing by Razor87

I will be moving to Ho Chi Minh in August and wondered what the dance music scene was like. I am a beginning/aspiring DJ and wanted some advice about the scene and what opportunities there are for djing in bars and clubs? I mainly play dance music ...


Lush during ladies nights on Tuesdays is quite packed. A good mix of foreigners and rich local kids. Mostly whisky drinkers there. Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Westerner starting a street food cart/stall? by RastaJohn

Hello, I have a question for all you expats living in Vietnam, particularly HCMC and Nah Trang. I've been bouncing around the world for about 4 years now and want to change things up. Basically, I just finished a contract with a little money to ...


Hey Jim - I would probably go once a week or so, I'm trying to lose weight. Setting up shop in D1 would not work for him - but in front of the international schools in D7 or D2 might be ok, when I used to live there, hordes of students would ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Bars and Clubs - DJing by Razor87

I will be moving to Ho Chi Minh in August and wondered what the dance music scene was like. I am a beginning/aspiring DJ and wanted some advice about the scene and what opportunities there are for djing in bars and clubs? I mainly play dance music ...


I'm not sure where you've been, but the tunes at Lush, Chill Skybar, etc are quite ok. Usually Top 40s stuff. The closest I would say is Lush, and lots of yuppies dancing there. I've not actually managed to find an real EDM place. Or a ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Westerner starting a street food cart/stall? by RastaJohn

Hello, I have a question for all you expats living in Vietnam, particularly HCMC and Nah Trang. I've been bouncing around the world for about 4 years now and want to change things up. Basically, I just finished a contract with a little money to ...


A lot of naysayers here - but I would be a customer. The food sounds delicious. I'm not sure where you would put the pushcart actually. In D1, the pollution comes from passing cars, people smoking etc etc, so the hygiene isnt going to be great. ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Missing persons, where to go for help by MarkinNam

Recently, 1 of our members has become un-contactable Tran Hung Dao as he was known on the site, is considered a friend by Cytsym and I and some others , I would guess, he is not responding to his email or TxTs from me, which is unusual, can any one ...


I don't think the police are going to do much unless you are a blood relative. "A guy that I met online is not responding to my emails and sms" isn't going to be high on the police's to do list. Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

contracting / consultancy work by gg1965

hi all, Is it possible, if i were to open a representative office in Vietnam, that i could gain work as a either a consultant or contractor and the people that would employ me would pay my company (based in Australia) instead of hiring me as an ...


From what I'm reading - you are thinking of something like a freelance consultancy. Then I don't see why you need to have a rep office here - unless you want to claim the expenses that you have incurred in Vietnam as business expense in ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Kenneth Coffing - expat living in Saigon District 8 by Kennethc

Over six years ago I came to Vietnam visiting DaNang. Being from Ocean area of Florida DaNang appealed to me very much with the fresh sea air, beautiful cloud formations with added features like 3 mountain ranges in DaNang IE: Monkey Mountain, ...


I think 1000CAD (800USD) is enough for decent living, even in Saigon. The main cost is the room, which can be between 200 to 500usd, depending on what you want. The issue, for older guys, would be healthcare, if you fall sick, you can either go to ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Thinking of moving family to HCMC - lots of questions !? by AlandjulesUK

Hi All I am in discussions about a job in HCMC. From a personal perspective i am very excited but i have a young family (1 year old son and 4 year old daughter). But i have lots and lots of questions that i am desperate to ask someone ...


I've visited the British International School (BIS) a couple of times, I think its very well run. Also, they have activities for the stay at home moms to gather with their toddlers two or three times a week. This would be the opportunity for ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago
Nguyet Truong

Cost of living in Vietnam for an expat by Nguyet Truong

Hi All A friend of mine being from US just wants to know if he can survive in Vietnam with US$1,000/ month before getting a job. Based on your experience living here in Vietnam, could you please share your thoughts to my friend. I estimate the ...


I always thought the definition of expat was the ones sent by large companies with housing allowances, school allowances for the kids, etc. That's the "Expat" package. Other than that you are a foreigner working/living here. A ... Read More

simon.1711 replied to a thread
9 years ago

ONE WAY TICKET by philcon

Hi I am planning to fly into Vietnam from Australia in January 2015 I am hoping to stay for an extended period, I am not sure how long. Question: Can i fly in with a three month visa on a one way ticket? Thanks for any reply


I have been asked to show my return ticket once or twice. Once I had the ticket, the second time I said I hadn't bought the ticket yet. I do have more than 3 dozen entry and exit stamps on my passport - so they don't usually bother me ... Read More