American expat in Madagascar
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Maroantsetra
Speaks English, French, Spanish, Betsimsaraka (Malagasy), and learning Dari
Registration: 13 May 2010

Has living abroad helped you become a better person? by Diksha
Hello everyone, As a member of the Expat.com community, you most probably haved lived and settled in one or more countries. Be it for your career, retirement or moving with your partner, leaving behind your comfort zone must have been a challenge. ...

I would have to say "yes" because it's been over 30 years now. I was inspired by the exchange students I met during high school, became one myself, joined the Peace Corps, then... I guess I'm not qualified to respond objectively ... Read More

Legal issues about an expat's body once deceased
What if you've expected to "live forever" and have not made any arrangements for your corpse after death? Do the Gasy just bury you somewhere? Or are you used for pig feed? Read More

What are the dos and don'ts of finding a job in Madagascar? by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Where is the best place to start when looking for a job in Madagascar? Is it better to job-hunt by directly contacting the company of your interest, or should job-seekers rely on a recruitment agency, for example? Are there any ...

Greetings, First of all, depending on what you intend to do, a specific visa is needed. An Internet-based operation is not affected by local taxes. And the services here are good enough to be successful. Also, if this is the case, you only need to ... Read More

Citizenship and Land ownership by WesleyPaul
Hi I would like to buy property on the beach and gain citizenship for myself mywife and kids. We are South African cituses now. Is this possible?

You don't want to be a citizen here. As mentioned, you cannot own property as a foreigner. Best advice: Look elsewhere. Read More

Stealing Bones by TropicAlex
On the news is another tomb-breaking story and once again the news reports from news reporters or anyone else is unable to give accurate information has to what these bones are used for and why they are taken. Do these bones travel outside the ...

Come on, does the ideas of of stealing and selling bones sound "rational" to nonChristian (albit they have done some rather honorific thins themselves)? Read More

Fast Food Malagasy by TropicAlex
For one thing there is no McDonalds, Burgerking, Pizza Hut, Chilly's or KFC though there was talk of KFC opening on Independence Ave some 5 years ago but I have not seen them. What is considered Fast food in Madagascar? And I am using the ...

There's a special this week on raton à la poison... Read More

Naturalisation and citizenship in Madagascar by Bhavna
Hello everyone, What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Madagascar? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc.. What formalities are involved in the process? What is the policy on ...

Update on the visa renewal process: BEWARE!! When I left with my "Réponse Favorable" letter for my visa, a price was quoted in Euros. What exchange rate Euro-Ariary should be used? The banks use about 1EU=3300AR. On the street, ... Read More

Criminal background check by Parrisfrance51
help! i am getting married to a malagasy citizen soon. i have been asked to provide a background check. im in ivato and am a us citizen. need help on how to get one

Oh-so-many years ago, when applying for a visa here, I recall that I got a background check off the Internet and it was acceptable. But don't ask me to remember the web site. You'll just have to do a search. Read More

Naturalisation and citizenship in Madagascar by Bhavna
Hello everyone, What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Madagascar? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc.. What formalities are involved in the process? What is the policy on ...

Hi TropicAlex, One of the first times I visited my contact there, I went in armed with info fresh off the web site, and she told me directly not to trust it. This last time, she sent me down the hall to see a "latest" posting on the door ... Read More

Doing business in Madagascar by Julien
Hi, are foreign investors welcome in Madagascar? Is it complicated to register a company in Madagascar? What is the procedure? What is the corporate tax rate in Madagascar? Is it easy to recruit? Any advice you would share with ...

About ten years ago, I went through the process of setting up a small business (which unfortunately never took off), and I must say the EBDM was very helpful. But in retrospect, they never took into consideration that my visa was for ... Read More

Naturalisation and citizenship in Madagascar by Bhavna
Hello everyone, What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Madagascar? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc.. What formalities are involved in the process? What is the policy on ...

I would like to think so, but as I was recently trying to renew my visa for the ten-year period, I was told that citizenship is handled by the Ministère de Justice. Worse yet, after I had deposited my dossier at the end of March, I was told ... Read More

Naturalisation and citizenship in Madagascar by Bhavna
Hello everyone, What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Madagascar? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc.. What formalities are involved in the process? What is the policy on ...

I'm looking forward to this discussion because I didn't think a foreigner could obtain citizenship here. Read More

Having fun by Fewaz
What do you Normally do for fun in Antananarivo?

Oh, Alex, I hope you keep waking up for years to come so you'll be ecstatic when you're 80! Fewaz, as TropicAlex mentioned, your definition of "fun" is key. There are plenty of bars in Tana, but you'll need some French, at ... Read More

Dealing with local merchants
I have found that local (small-scale) vendors really appreciate payment in small bills because they don't have the capacity to make change all day long. So, when I go to Tana and frequent Score or other large establishments, I only take 10.000Ar ... Read More

Marrying a Malagasy man by Parrisfrance51
I am planning to marrying a Malagasy man and move to Madagascar from the US. I am hearing different stories about how I can stay in Madagascar legally. The Embassy told me I can only get a three month visa and then would have to leave every 3 ...

If you're not planning on being gainfully employed (i.e., salaried) in Madagascar (you can always get contracts in other countries), then you should look at the Malagasy embassy web site for the different types of visas, particularly ... Read More