Filipino citizen
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Lives in angeles city
Registration: 27 May 2014

Exit from Riyadh before obtaining iqama by Apaugk
Hi guys, I'm from India reached 3 days before to Riyadh. Due to some reasons I want to go back to India with In a week but I didn't got my iqama as well. Can you please help me your suggestions. Thank you in advance....

Question: What is the procedure of getting exit visa without an iqama? how long it takes? this is the problem we are facing right now. my husband went to saudi since november 28 2013 and his 90days visa expires on feb. His company trying to get him ... Read More

How to transfer sponsor without iqama after 90 days visa expires by adnan_889
It is pretty simple. If your kafeel has not made your Iqama. If you stayed 90 days in kingdom. If you still didn't had Iqama. What you need to do is just find a company and give Interview if they select you. Tell them following procedure 1: Visit ...

Question: What is the procedure of getting exit visa without an iqama? how long it takes? this is the problem we are facing right now. my husband went to saudi since november 28 2013 and his 90days visa expires on feb. His company trying to get him ... Read More