Norwegian expat in England
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Tønsberg
Registration: 07 June 2010

Best cities to live in England by Julien
Hi, Its not always easy to decide in which area to settle in when moving to England. According to you, what are the best cites to live in? Which regions offer most of the job opportunities, a good quality of life, an affordable cost of ...

It depends entirely on budget. The south is extremely expensive compared to the north. I've lived in Guildford and wouldn't recommend it unless you got money to buy a property. There are pleasant villages around Guildford, though they still ... Read More

Jobs for English speakers by jm45
Hey, Just wondered if anyone had any advice regarding working in Norway. I'm moving over from the UK in August as my boyfriend is Norwegian and will be studying in Trondheim. At the moment, I'm learning Norwegian but certainly won't be proficient ...

I'm afraid it's hard Byaboona. My other half who is british could not find work in the architecture industry due to her lack of Norwegian skills. But, there are a few larger firms that have quite strong international connections. I'd advise you to ... Read More

Jobs for English speakers by jm45
Hey, Just wondered if anyone had any advice regarding working in Norway. I'm moving over from the UK in August as my boyfriend is Norwegian and will be studying in Trondheim. At the moment, I'm learning Norwegian but certainly won't be proficient ...

Some industries are probably easier, i.e Oil & GAs, and Shipping both seem to operate in English. I came across alot of bartenders who only spoke english as well. Some of the more menial positions, cleaners, etc seem to focus their attention at ... Read More

Jobs for English speakers by jm45
Hey, Just wondered if anyone had any advice regarding working in Norway. I'm moving over from the UK in August as my boyfriend is Norwegian and will be studying in Trondheim. At the moment, I'm learning Norwegian but certainly won't be proficient ...

Not that it's always essential, but do you speak Norwegian? Go to finn.no, the job section there is pretty much the go to source when looking for work. Register with employment agencies/temping agencies. Also, do you live in Norway currently? This ... Read More

Rent a flat or a house in Oslo by Christine
Finding a place to live is a priority when settling in Oslo. Your experience will be of a great help for the members who want to settle in Oslo. Therefore, we have prepared some questions for you: Is it hard to find a flat or a house for rent ...

If you use google chrome, it has an auto translate option. If you're using a different browser without the option, here's a link to the Oslo rental browsing page. finn.no/finn/realestate/lettings/result?areaId=20061 Alternatively, use something ... Read More

Wages rate in oslo by keshav sharma
Hi i m keshav from india, i want to know the wages rate in norway and the total expensive for accomodation, food n other things. plz help me

i think she means 2,400 each?This sounds more correct. Read More

Jobs for English speakers by jm45
Hey, Just wondered if anyone had any advice regarding working in Norway. I'm moving over from the UK in August as my boyfriend is Norwegian and will be studying in Trondheim. At the moment, I'm learning Norwegian but certainly won't be proficient ...

Rimi do the 50 p bread deal too btw, so my guess is Rema and possibly the COOP would as well. Sorry about the link, I did test it and it worked, but not anymore. They must have caught on their expensive loafs were being scrutinized from ... Read More

Moving to Manchester - ideas about good areas to live in? by rachaelvr
I'm thinking about taking a job in Manchester, which would bring my partner Tim and I overseas (from the US) for a few years. The job would be in central Manchester, with some occasional trips to Liverpool. My partner and I are in our 30s/40s, no ...

Hi, i am thinking to move from London to Manchester. Can anyone tell me where the best area is as an ethnic minority would like to live somewhere trouble free with good schools for my kids, not looking to move to any ghettos. I had Worsley in mind ... Read More

Australians in the Stavanger area. by Norto84
Hello there my name is Mark and I have been in Stavanger for roughly 2 months was wondering how other Aussies are getting on here with work, the language, the people and the place also any tips on how to get an English speaking job would be much ...

Was under the impression alot of the construction firms in Norway have few aversions to hiring non norwegian speakers. I know some of the recruitment agencies are a bit weary of hiring people out who don't speak Norwegian, perhaps go directly to ... Read More

How to apply for family immigration to Norway? by Ceklinjanka
Hello, my husband is from Norway,And i am from Montenegro we got married in Montenegro, we are living here for half a year. He got a job in Norway, and we are moving to Oslo in early March. If someone has experience please answer me- Should I start ...

Might be worth to have any degrees you have checked and recoqgnized on NOKUT. http://www.nokut.no/en/ Read More

Australians in the Stavanger area. by Norto84
Hello there my name is Mark and I have been in Stavanger for roughly 2 months was wondering how other Aussies are getting on here with work, the language, the people and the place also any tips on how to get an English speaking job would be much ...

What do you have experience in? This might help to narrow the advice given. They're quite particular on education here, just to be warned. Read More

search job in norway by mihaela89
hy everybody.We are a young couple and we want to come to Norway to work. Please if you could help us with some tips, impressions of life there, as we find it easier to work and if anyone is interested in receiving us colocatie.we thank you and ...

All jobs get posted on NAV, the state employment agency. http://www.nav.no/English Register with temping agencies like Manpower, Stepstone, Addeco, etc. Read More

Wages rate in oslo by keshav sharma
Hi i m keshav from india, i want to know the wages rate in norway and the total expensive for accomodation, food n other things. plz help me

Keshav: Food per person pr month: About 3000 NOK Accommodation monthly rented: About 8000 NOK , this is usually for you if you share a place with 2-3 others so each of you pay 8000 each and the total rent will be 24000 Wages: Minimum wages in ... Read More

Hi All job seeker visa guys from Bangladesh n Pakistan it is reported that job seeker visa now treated from Bangladesh as well as Pakistan. No more visa application will be treated from INDIA, NEPAL,SRILANKA. So it is a great opportunity for ...


Jobs for English speakers by jm45
Hey, Just wondered if anyone had any advice regarding working in Norway. I'm moving over from the UK in August as my boyfriend is Norwegian and will be studying in Trondheim. At the moment, I'm learning Norwegian but certainly won't be proficient ...

Hey Knut :) Please tell me where I can get a loaf for 50p (apart from Oslo market) and where in England I'd pay £3 for a loaf, Harrods maybe :PKiwi, grade F bread..their cheapest range. It's not too bad, average Kneip brød if you wish. They have a ... Read More