Australian looking for information about Vietnam
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Lives in QLD
Registration: 28 September 2014

Western Size clothing in Vietnam by ereinhardt
Hi everyone, I'm a 5'11 woman (~160) with size 9 feet (40). Does anyone know where I can find women's clothing this size in HCMC? I'd prefer not to have everything tailor-made. Looking for business/business casual clothing. Thanks

9 years late :) You are dragging up some really really old posts .. :) Read More

Bank advice - AUD to VND by mlehdey
Hello, We are Australian and are awaiting for a 2 year work permit approval , requested by a University in Saigon, for my husband. We have been advised there will be a two week delay. Given the CV19 situation I am sceptical, but have my fingers ...

depending on the amount of superannuation you receive you could open an ING account and just have the superannuation paid into it and use your Australian cards here. I have been doing it for 2 years and it works well. 1. VN Bank fees to use ATM = ... Read More

Fair amount for child support Vietnam???? by GuestPoster678
Curious....any opinions on what would be a fair amount of child support for one child in Vietnam. Better yet if anyone has any firsthand experience with the subject that would be nice. Thanks

I think 5 million is very generous given that it is more than many peoples basic salary. As you point out you are responsible for half of the upkeep. Her crazy demands will be seen just as that. The VN judge etc would know what is reasonable for a ... Read More

10 Types of expats living in Vietnam by paultruthy
I was going through this information about the 10 types of expats in Vietnam, i feel most of what is written here is half truth, i might not totally agree with the writer, what's your view? 10 Types Of Expats In ...

Scroll back up, and you will see he is Polish, I thought VK, but I got the NNES part right.Looks like a duck with ears Read More

TESOL certificate from Madison school of professional development? by ngoc anh nguyen thi
i am a Vietnamese student and looking for a Tesol ceritificate. Most of the schools who supply Tesol in HCM city say that they've got these certificates from "Madison school of professional development". The thing is, I was trying to ...

If there is no website, its a good chance they dont exist. Contact the British Council and ask who they reccomend. Keep away from AVSE or Aicol its partner,not good people.Hi Colin Can you elaborate on your comment about AVSE and AICOL - I assume ... Read More

tips for buying a motor bike by thecoolchazza
Hi All, I've heard that I have to give out my passport in order to rent a motor bike but I do not like that idea, so instead I've decided that i want to buy a second hand one instead. The purpose is only to travel around HCMC for food and ...

what is a blue card?ownership card Read More

tips for buying a motor bike by thecoolchazza
Hi All, I've heard that I have to give out my passport in order to rent a motor bike but I do not like that idea, so instead I've decided that i want to buy a second hand one instead. The purpose is only to travel around HCMC for food and ...

Chazza I have seen some rental places only require a photocopy of the passport (I assume they site the original). There is a bike group on Facebook - Motorbikes HCMC Read More

Hepatitis B+ can i get job in HCMC? by zinje05
Good day fellas just wanna ask if my condition (with hepatitis b, non contagious, only hbasg positive, non infectious) can find a job in how chi Minh. I currently working at mfg company in the phil as process engr. thank you so much :)

Not 100% sure but this was taken from the RMIT(Vietnam) website : Work permit medical check To submit your full application for a Work Permit, you will be required to undertake a Work Permit Medical Health Check as per requirements issued by ... Read More

When a girl says : <insert your name > dang ghet ? by @ussieDave
Been talking to this girl (26) , who we share a mutual friend (who has been an Australian male friend of mine for many years - he actually put us in contact) pretty much every day for close to 8 months now. Viber, Zalo, face to face on skype etc ...

Thank you to everyone who replied for your thoughts :) Read More

curious by swegolf1956
Hi, I am a retired USAF considering Vietnam. While in for a checkup in Portland, Or VA Hospital I met a Vietnamese woman. She was taking my labs. She saw on my chart that I was a widower. While we talked she repeatedly instructed me to, ...

High heels are not always "stupid". Do you think most of office workers and business women are wearing those "stupid shoes", too? Just because they want to have a more professional look? And don't you know that someone has ... Read More

When a girl says : <insert your name > dang ghet ?
Been talking to this girl (26) , who we share a mutual friend (who has been an Australian male friend of mine for many years - he actually put us in contact) pretty much every day for close to 8 months now. Viber, Zalo, face to face on skype etc ... Read More

Has anyone taken the TESOL course at Australia-vietnam School of Engli by nikkkki
Hi guys! I'm new here and I'm hoping someone could help me out. I'm interested in teaching english in Vietnam and I was told I need a TESOL or some kind of certification. I was contacted by someone at Australia-Vietnam school of ...

I would say the following: TESOL covers teaching for all student sets including children which I am lead to believe is about 80% of the market whereas CELTA by itself the "A" stands for Adults ... You can do an extension YL - Young ... Read More

Advice please... by Charpres
I am moving out to Vietnam in January to work there for a few months during my gap year. Its quite a daunting idea for me as I will be there on my own... I have a few questions that if you have the time i would really consider your advice on. ...

I was told by my doctor to get : Hep A Hep B Typhoid Tetanus Will ask about the rabies as well - we have no rabies here in Australia. Read More

Open a personal bank account - Comparison of banks offers by TuanSgn
Hello all, I am looking to open a personal bank account, which can be managed easily by internet or phone and that provides me a debit card. There are other people in this case so I want to make a post that can be updated with your experience. You ...

Better chat to EU tax people, they don't agree with you.They don't need to agree with me, they just need to look at their net income. It's tiny: http://a16z.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/1.png In order to hold profits off-shore, you ... Read More

Fooled by foreigner? by QuynnTr
Hi you guys. Yea its about love affairs. Again. I have a friend, she used to works aboard for a while and met him, his name is Ray. They started to dating, hanging out for few times then she come back to Vietnam. After that she asked him come to ...

Zanchun...i completely forgot something. If you look in my passport you will find two unused Viet visas. I booked trips to meet women who i thought i knew well and invited me to come. It was trouble but I did everything and after i got the visa, ... Read More