

Active member

American expat in Vietnam

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Saigon

Registration: 10 November 2014


Barkester replied to a thread
9 years ago

Censorship-free blogs or sites. by Barkester

I'd really like to talk about just about anything other than consumer goods and unfortunately, this site has so many rules, I can't answer simple questions like why I came here. Or share a 4.4 Gb. Vietnamese language torrent that I'm ...


Most sites I wouldn't fault for not allowing some political discussion, but most sites don't style themselves as "expat" sites. The only thing expats have incommon is that we left our home countries. Thats it. And having known a ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
9 years ago

Censorship-free blogs or sites. by Barkester

I'd really like to talk about just about anything other than consumer goods and unfortunately, this site has so many rules, I can't answer simple questions like why I came here. Or share a 4.4 Gb. Vietnamese language torrent that I'm ...


Strange looking over your past activity, 25 postings I see only ONE that was moderated, and it was for being OFF TOPIC and INAPPROPRIATE. Methinks thou dost protest too much!!! You're a very long way from the good ol' US of A, and so is ... Read More

Barkester created a thread
9 years ago

Censorship-free blogs or sites.

I'd really like to talk about just about anything other than consumer goods and unfortunately, this site has so many rules, I can't answer simple questions like why I came here. Or share a 4.4 Gb. Vietnamese language torrent that I'm ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

Where to fly a kite in Saigon? by aibiet150204

I heard that we can fly a kite in either district 2 or district 7 but not sure where is the better place? Although district 2 sounds better and some told me that you would have a better view from the other side of Thu Thiem tunel through Bitexco ...


[moderated: off-topic and inappropriate] Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

I need language schools addresses. by Barkester

I've been hare a bit and I gotta say, no matter how I search, There's no lists, Yellow Pages or easily searchable data-base I've been able to find. I'm pretty sure such just doesn't exist. They seem to be everywhere, yet ...


Easier way than one-at-a-time translation. Open Open "Translate". Set to English to Vietnamese (All romanized languages seem to be there). Past the URL above to the English box. The entire website is now ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

Fabrics and textiles. Where? by Barkester

I am in need of very specific fabrics and need to know where the big market is as only the largest supply the sorts of things I'm looking for. 1st is a pants material that has been wonderful for 12 years in asia. Its a material I first found ...


Thanks so much. Your reply is greatly appreciated and exactly what I was looking for. Cheers. Read More

Barkester created a thread
10 years ago

Fabrics and textiles. Where?

I am in need of very specific fabrics and need to know where the big market is as only the largest supply the sorts of things I'm looking for. 1st is a pants material that has been wonderful for 12 years in asia. Its a material I first found ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

How can I confirm access to a specific prescription medication? by dfwvillage

I am thinking of traveling and staying in Vietnam for an extended period of time. I must be able to get a specific prescription medication. I need to find a doctor who will prescribe it and a pharmacy that will fill it. This is not a typical ...


You shoulda told us what you need. If its not rare, likely someones been thru it and coulda answered quick and easy. If it something that makes you embarrassed, you coulda just made a dummy account and asked as an anonymous entity. I can tell ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

Things a NOOB learned shared. by Barkester

I introduce myself as a NOOB, but I have been "here" a few times. My perspectives deal mostly with things unique to Vietnam versus Thailand, Laos and Cambo as my Western experiences are becoming aged and may be irrelevant with the changing ...


Chains and cogs mate over time, the gears wearing and the chain stretching to match, so if you use only 1 or 2 gears over a time than the higher gears will slip when you finally get an opportunity to hit high gear. Its also good to stress a motor ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

Things a NOOB learned shared. by Barkester

I introduce myself as a NOOB, but I have been "here" a few times. My perspectives deal mostly with things unique to Vietnam versus Thailand, Laos and Cambo as my Western experiences are becoming aged and may be irrelevant with the changing ...


Thank you for the grammar lesson, but you need to realize, I only speak and write perfect grammar when I'm being paid. When my main audience is foreignors, I speak REAL English complete with dialectic reductions, slang and regional idioms. ... Read More

Barkester created a thread
10 years ago

Things a NOOB learned shared.

I introduce myself as a NOOB, but I have been "here" a few times. My perspectives deal mostly with things unique to Vietnam versus Thailand, Laos and Cambo as my Western experiences are becoming aged and may be irrelevant with the changing ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

I need language schools addresses. by Barkester

I've been hare a bit and I gotta say, no matter how I search, There's no lists, Yellow Pages or easily searchable data-base I've been able to find. I'm pretty sure such just doesn't exist. They seem to be everywhere, yet ...


Exactly the kind of link I was hoping for. 3 full pages od HCM schools with contact info. I opened it using Yandex translate. Even got a couple chuckles out of it as it translates the district names as well. Is Quận Tân Phú ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

I need language schools addresses. by Barkester

I've been hare a bit and I gotta say, no matter how I search, There's no lists, Yellow Pages or easily searchable data-base I've been able to find. I'm pretty sure such just doesn't exist. They seem to be everywhere, yet ...


I have checked many of the sites that get listed. You can get all the bigger schools that way and I've got those. I'm looking for more the neighborhood townhouse language schools that dot the city. People living near or working at them will ... Read More

Barkester created a thread
10 years ago

I need language schools addresses.

I've been hare a bit and I gotta say, no matter how I search, There's no lists, Yellow Pages or easily searchable data-base I've been able to find. I'm pretty sure such just doesn't exist. They seem to be everywhere, yet ... Read More

Barkester replied to a thread
10 years ago

I'm touching the rock bottom. Can I share in here, if I may? by guestposter2

Again, the rock bottom. I read, learnt enough how to live life happily. And knowing that Im more lucky than some people. But the things you carry which is out of your control sometimes that ail you. All I can say about my current situation is that: ...


Over the 14 years or so I've been in SE Asia, I've had hard as well as great times, Some so hard I'd eat every few days and/or walk 40 k. to save a couple bucks. I always remember it could be worse, I could still be stuck in the ... Read More