American expat in Canada
Forum posts
About me
Speaks English, moderate Arabic
Registration: 27 July 2010

First time to travel with pet.
So I'm leaving Cairo on the 11th (next week) and I want to take my kitten (7months) with me. First, can anyone recommend a vet in Heliopolis? I've tried calling the Vet Pet clinic for the past few days and no one is answering. Secondly, I don't ... Read More

Socials for oldies and newbies by eltviola
I've started this topic so anyone who wants to meet new people or just have a good night put can see what's organised and suggest meetups if they like. We have a few other topics already like this but not everyone knows about them so I thought a ...

Thanks Stumble_On, maybe in the future I'll bring a friend along. Read More

any new fun things to be done in cairo these days ? by GuestPoster33696
suggestions please :)

Bikya Book Cafe. Personally, there's nothing better than coffee and a good find (cheap second hand books for sale). They also host local talents. They're address is: 3 Dr Zaki Hassan St. ،off El Nasr St. Nasr City Telephone: 24046688 Trust ... Read More

Socials for oldies and newbies by eltviola
I've started this topic so anyone who wants to meet new people or just have a good night put can see what's organised and suggest meetups if they like. We have a few other topics already like this but not everyone knows about them so I thought a ...

I know that there have been other 'meet-ups' planned on expatblog before and as much as I'd enjoy meeting new people, I can't help but feel paranoid that,this being a public forum and all, some individuals many try to take advantage and spoil an ... Read More

Volunteering at S.P.A.R.E. on April 16 by sarahrqe
I am organizing a volunteer group to go to SPARE, an animal shelter just outside of Cairo. I have personally visited this organization and worked with the vet on staff to create a feasible program. We will leave Zamalek at 10:30 am on April ...

I got my baby through ESMA, and would really like to give back. I can't promise anything right now, since my schedule always changes. But I would like to join your volunteering group. Can I let you know the week of the event? Read More

Rhassoul clay by The Londoner
Hi everyone, I've been on the hunt for rhassoul clay for a little while, but can't seem to be able to get my hands on any. Local beauty salons don't seem to have any knowledge about it, but I guess this is partially because I don't know what it's ...

I'm guessing that rhassoul clay is like Moroccan clay (aka Moroccan bath) which I have tried before here, but years ago. They offer them famously at spas. Especially for Brides-to-be, but I really don't know where you could get if off the shelf. I ... Read More

Any plans? specially you girls! by JoxRedsee
Hello all, I'm working in Zafarana, by the Red See. I'm new in this forum and I'm interested in meeting people, specially girls since it is always nice to hang out with a girl. After 5 months living in Egipt I miss sharing a day with you!!! Any ...

For guitar lessons check out this FB group (Music Lessons in Egypt) : facebook.com/group.php?gid=5039174015#!/group.php?gid=5039174015&v=info or cairomusiccenter.com/ As far as looking for someone to 'hang out with', post in the Personals.. Read More

Honest Gold Shops by marither
Do you know any trusted gold shops in Egypt? Any idea how much per gram for a certain karat?

Depends on what area your in. In Masr Al-Gadida there's a place called Midan El-Gaama (or known as Salah Al-Deen). There, you'll find many gold stores. Never had any trouble there myself as an expat. Read More

Information life in Cairo by reds94
Hello, I'd like to go to study in Cairo, but i'd like to know if there is somebody living there to tell me how is the life right know with the departure of Moubarak. Is there still police? Can we go out without being afraid of being robbered? I'll ...

As far as I can tell everything is running smoothly. Crash Boom Bang basically summed it up. 10th district (Hay el `ashir) is alright, I have a friend that lives in the area. Read More

hairdresser-cairo by sssandy
hi everyone.can anyone recomend me a good hair salon?.i'm european having blonde hair.i wish to find a good hairdresser who knows how to color my hair highlights) without destroying them.any experience???please let me know asp

and what about hair salon in city stars cairo?Hey sssandy, curious to know if you found a good hair salon in City Stars, I live close by too. 7 years here with about 4 years as a platinum blond I've been doing my hair myself (with any help I can ... Read More

Egyptians Rally To Help Libyans by leprechaun1188
Posting from my blog. Please for those of us in Egypt who can lend a hand, we need to show the same solidarity with the innocent people that was shown to us in Egypt!!! http://egyptunbound.blogspot.com/2011/02/egyptians-rally-to-help-libyans.html

I shared your link on Twitter. Read More

want to adopt a puppy by jardinier
hi all, I want to adopt a puppy, of young age, the gender is not important, but i prefer short haired dogs. if anyone can help, please contact me. Thank you

Recommend you check out esmaegypt.org. They have beautiful cats and dogs looking for a good home. Read More

Mubarak should leave and not allow the violence against his own people by whiterabbit
Can we form a support forum for all the people suffering right now in Egypt. Comments welcomed.

People who are gathering at Tahrir Square now Only mouths with 1000000 Agenda. Tahrir is a fallacy game driven by Muslims Brothers. Last year economic growth indicator exceeds 8 % in spite of global crisis. Recent days 11000 stores closed during ... Read More

Desperately Seeking Shoes. by Seemi
Morning all! I have been treading the torturous and dusty cairene streets in a pair of my black flats which are now ripping at the seams. Thanks to the beautiful baggage limitations now, I only brought a few pair of shoes which are good enough ...

Im in Maadi but can move around. I heard about mohandessin having shoe stores so I might head over there today. I completely understand you get what you pay for, but even in Canada there's exceptions that I could suggest. It seems that everything ... Read More

E-cigarettes by Wild
Does anyone know if there is available in Cairo the e-cigarette? Or any city near by? Thanks in advance

On the contrary (if this is not a scam) intellicigegypt.com/ Read More