Samantha oreilly
English looking for information about Malta
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Warwickshire
Registration: 17 January 2015

Making new friends in Malta... by deejay1988
Hi everyone, I moved to Malta from the UK with my boyfriend in February. Now that we are feeling a bit more settled here we figure the next thing to do is make some new friends and build our social circle! This may sound silly but I have no idea ...

Hey Debbie and Emma, Iv been here for 18 months but always looking to meet new people. We should arrange something, maybe a glass of wine somewhere one evening :-) Thanks, Sam Read More

Newbies are ready to meet other newbies or 'old newbies' in town... by Morky
Hi all, I moved to Malta 5 month ago with my boyfriend (Italian/French) and as we are just now completed the settling-in I feel we are ready to know more people to hang around with. We left the hectic life style of London to live in this great ...

Hey. I moved here in March too. I'm heading back to the UK on Monday for a week and then returning with no children as they are staying with their grandparents for 10 days so will have lots of free time to meet for a coffee or a wine if ... Read More

Good Hairdresser around St. Julians/Gzira/Sliema/Ta-Xbiex/Msida by sk8nooky
Hi, I'm new to Malta and I desperately need a new haircut, but don't know where to go, especially after I have heard all horrible stories about bad haircuts from my roommates, blogs etc. I have short hair, so I need someone who can really ...

Hey just come across this post searching for hairdressers on Google. I live in Sliema and desperately need a hairdresser that does blonde highlights properly. The last three times ive had them done here my roots have still shown quite bad, when I ... Read More

Looking for friends for 13 years old girl by Bodiz34
Hi to everyone, are there any teenie girls who wants to meet and make friends? My daughter likes animals, horse riding, swimming....just the friend is missing :((( We live in Madliena. Love to hear from you!

I have an 11 and a half year old daughter also needing friends, she only started school less then two months before breaking up for the long summer holidays so hasn't yet any close friends to do things with and would love for her to meet people ... Read More

HELP*** Schools by AmySH
I just called 4 schools Verdala International School San Anton San Andrea and Chiswick and all are fully booked! no place for my kids! what are my options? I cant let my kids stay at home. is anyone experienced this before? what to do?

Hey ash, my son has just started Sliema primary, he's in year 5, which year are yours in and have you used the summer school before? :) Read More

HELP*** Schools by AmySH
I just called 4 schools Verdala International School San Anton San Andrea and Chiswick and all are fully booked! no place for my kids! what are my options? I cant let my kids stay at home. is anyone experienced this before? what to do?

Hey Jasmine, My son and daughter have recently started a primary and secondary state school and so far are both very very happy and I opted out of religion so they don't have to be in those classes. I come from England and we don't know any ... Read More

Best Android Box by reggietarrent
Dear Malta People I'm looking at getting an Android box and it is my understanding that there is a number of boxes available. I know the quality boxes can vary and have different software on them so I was wondering if there is a general ...

Hi, we were going to get go and pay 15 extra a months for UK sports but our landlord said to get an android box and that it will save us money in the long run, is it possible to get UK sports channels by buying an android box? Thanks Read More

Is it this hard finding good apartments right now? by Wrongholebutherewego
Sorry if there are threads. Please redirect me then. I'll have to go in a minute and only have Internet in the apartment I'm staying at. I've spoken to several real estate agents. They say prices have gone up 40 percent the last 6 ...

HI, What area is this apartment in? Thank you Samantha Read More

Anyone Interested in regular meet up for foreign (and maltese) kids? by Raven2015
Hi Recently arrived and looking to meet other parents and older age children (10-12years but also little ones can come along too of course) for football/games, meet ups, doing fun things or just hanging out - Pm if interested!

hey guys, Any mums or dads in Sliema / St Juians area, fancy a coffee/wine and a trip to the beach/park with children, mine are aged 10 and 11 and a boy and a girl. They are not in a school yet so are getting a bit bored now. Let me know if you ... Read More

Banif Bank by iamharibo
I would love to hear from anyone who is using or has used Banif bank. I've been using them since January and have had nothing but problems. * They take 4-5 working days to clear a payment that most other banks would do in 3 days. * When I pay for ...

Thanks very much, hopefully it goes that smoothly for us. Did you have to make An appointment or just walk in? Thank you :-) Read More

Banif Bank by iamharibo
I would love to hear from anyone who is using or has used Banif bank. I've been using them since January and have had nothing but problems. * They take 4-5 working days to clear a payment that most other banks would do in 3 days. * When I pay for ...

Thanks Rob. My partner has his work contract but we don't currently have a permanent address, still looking although we think we have found somewhere, second viewing tonight to decide. As for residency cards we haven't even applied, how do ... Read More

Banif Bank by iamharibo
I would love to hear from anyone who is using or has used Banif bank. I've been using them since January and have had nothing but problems. * They take 4-5 working days to clear a payment that most other banks would do in 3 days. * When I pay for ...

What exactly did you need to take with you to open your Banif account? We don't yet have a permenant address but should have within two week but need to get the ball rolling now. Thanks, Samantha Read More

Is it this hard finding good apartments right now? by Wrongholebutherewego
Sorry if there are threads. Please redirect me then. I'll have to go in a minute and only have Internet in the apartment I'm staying at. I've spoken to several real estate agents. They say prices have gone up 40 percent the last 6 ...

Hey I know how you feel, Iv been non stop all day trying to find properties that we can move into, I'v viewed a few but there is barely anything available at all, we have till the 20th till we have to move out of the company flat so hopefully we ... Read More

Hints & Tips for considering when looking to rent property on Malta. by GuestPoster566
Hints & Tips for considering when looking to rent property. Compiled from other's contributions to this blog and personal experience. Beware of agents! Some are good but many are predatory and will try to set you up with something that is ...

Hey guys. So we're starting our property search today, we currently have an apartment in Balluta bay for a few weeks while we fine our own place. For the sake of saving money and not getting ripped off by estate agents I had a look on malta park ... Read More

Drinking water in Malta by krestrine
Hi All, I have been boiling and then drinking the tap water here in Malta for about a week now. I've recently heard that the water isn't fit to drink? Anyone have any insights? Thanks, Pashala

Hey Rob. No we have the company apartment for a month so not in a hotel. Thanks for your reply, Iv used tap water to brush my teeth and didn't noticedany bad taste or anything. Have bought lots of bottle water for everything else. Any idea ... Read More