English expat in Thailand
Forum posts
About me
Lives in phutthamonthon
Speaks English Spanish
Registration: 04 March 2015

The holiday season in Thailand by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Are you about to celebrate the holiday season in Thailand? In many countries and cultures, the festive season is the time for happiness and reunions/gatherings. Is it so in Thailand? How do Thais celebrate this very special time ...

Thailand is a Bhudist country so they do nor celebrate christmas Read More

Pets in Thailand by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Many of us in Thailand have four-legged friends. What about you? Do you have one or more pets? Share your experience with us! What are the formalities to import pets in Thailand? What about pet adoption procedures in the ...

There are also many stray dogs, puppies abandoned at Wats when they get too big. They are often very unhealthy full of fleas etc and missing up to 100% of their fur and many with untreated broken legs. It may be worth rescuing one of these street ... Read More

Pets in Thailand by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Many of us in Thailand have four-legged friends. What about you? Do you have one or more pets? Share your experience with us! What are the formalities to import pets in Thailand? What about pet adoption procedures in the ...

We have 2 Jack Russells. Bought from a breeder in Thailand. We looked around and found this breeder who we thougt was Ok. The dogs came complete with free fleas. The all white one was small and alergic to fleas. We fed them separately and he put on ... Read More

What do you like the most in Thailand? by Christine
Hi, Living abroad, expats discover and enjoy a new environment. What do you like the most in Thailand? What seduced you when settling and living here? Share with us your favorite part of living in Thailand and the reason why you enjoy ...

How cheap it is compared to England. Sold my house in London came here bought new house, furnishings and car. Pension goes much further than it would back home and of course the climate, but it can be too hot at times. Thank goodness for aircon. Read More

Healthcare in Thailand by Julien
Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Thailand ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Thailand? Thanks in advance for sharing ...

It can be very expensive for farangs the doctors tend to over subscribe medication. Early in my stay here I was prescribed 10 different medicines for food poisoning, without any tests being carried out, some of which have bad side effects, needless ... Read More

UV flytrap by davejc
Does anyone know where to buy a commercial type UV flytrap in Bangkok/Thailand. Thanks.

Thanks Read More

potential teaching work in Thailand? by sammyboy19631932
Hi this is Sammy,I'm in UK taking my TEFL course,any pointers guys in Thailand !for potential work would be much appreciated, I live in Thailand and have a retirement visa, I'm looking for a teaching job, my previous job roles were in ...

Working on retirement visa is not allowed. You would be deported if caught. Read More

UV flytrap
Does anyone know where to buy a commercial type UV flytrap in Bangkok/Thailand. Thanks. Read More

Salt swimming pool
Does anyone know the cost of installing and maintaining an outdoor salt swimming pool large enough for a decent swim and deep enough not to hit your head when diving in? Read More

how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool? by davejc
Does anyone know how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool in thailand large enough to swim 25 metre lengths or more and deep enough to dive in without hitting head?

There is nothing in top left hand corner, perhaps you are using a laptop. This is a smart phone Read More

how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool? by davejc
Does anyone know how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool in thailand large enough to swim 25 metre lengths or more and deep enough to dive in without hitting head?

There you are, there was no need for your obnoxious reply, was there? Read More

how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool? by davejc
Does anyone know how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool in thailand large enough to swim 25 metre lengths or more and deep enough to dive in without hitting head?


how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool?
Does anyone know how much it costs to build and maintain an outdoor swimming pool in thailand large enough to swim 25 metre lengths or more and deep enough to dive in without hitting head? Read More

Buying Condo or house? Can i own my house? by allenbenner
Buy a house is not a good idea, ..a condo is ok, because it can be in your name, but a house has to be majority owned by a Thai

We have bought 2 houses, a condo and built 3 rooms in a resort during my 8 years here all in my partners name. So far no problems. Read More

Top 5 tips to live in Thailand by expat.com
Hi, When you are going to live abroad, you may have a lot of questions. Hence to facilitate you in this process, we are inviting expats to share their top 5 tips with regards to settling and living in Thailand. What recommendations would you ...

Public transport is extremely dangerous. I've seen more minibuses in ditches here than I have ever seen in my 56 years living in England! Read More