
What do you like the most in Thailand?

Last activity 21 April 2016 by stumpy

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Living abroad, expats discover and enjoy a new environment.

What do you like the most in Thailand?

What seduced you when settling and living here?

Share with us your favorite part of living in Thailand and the reason why you enjoy your expat life here.

Thank you in advance,


Never done that

For me it was the climate.

It is so good for my rheumatoid Arthritis, my back pain, leg pain and all the other things i have.

All my blood number from test before coming here on my first vacation was very high, Some over the limit.
After nearly 90 days here when i return home to Denmark, My Doctor / Hospital toke new test.
All numbers was like a was a 20 years, "elite athlete".
That my Doctor and hospital back home, run the test 2 times, because they was sure it was a mistake.

I love the Asian food, taste so good (i think), and i lost a lot of kg here on my nearly 90 days vacation.
I don´t have to look at what i am eating in Thailand, i stay on the same kg here in Thailand, Back home, if i look at chocolate i gain weight. he he

Then on my vacation here, when i start travel around Thailand Away from the big tourist place, i meet so many good, kind, warm, welcome Thai people, That i fell in love with Thai people, And the Thai way of living.

I love living between Thai, And i never understand why so many want to live with / around foreigner.
Why move away from home country, and not live among the local people !!!!


I like the climate here I don't do cold any more.  From England and come over here give years ago now  when my friend asked to help him sort out a problem he had at his factory. I first lived in Ayutthaya close by the factory in high tech zone but in all the flooding the factory got destroyed so we moved to Suphanburi and we started again. Well I have moved on and now live a work in Chiang mai.

I love the people and they are so happy to see you. When I try to speak Thai the do everything they can to help me say it correctly and they appreciate me trying lean so I can talk with them better.   
Well I'm 59 now and find it a bit of a task. But well it an age thing.


The people for sure and the laid back "mi-pen-rai" (never mind) attitude, I'm sure this has added years to my life.


How cheap it is compared to England.
Sold my house in London came here bought new house, furnishings and car. Pension goes much further than it would back home and of course the climate, but it can be too hot at times. Thank goodness for aircon.


Low cost of living, warm weather, friendly accepting Thai people. Simple life style and female respect for men (which is gone in North America, a continent of malcontent females).


Differences in age in relationships does not matter.
Living expenses are cheap.
Food is cheap.


Eye Candy, Uni-Girls, Office Ladies, Bar-Girls, Soi Cowboy, Street-Meat, ....


I love the people and they are so happy to see you with money, Thai peopel are verry selfish,of corse they love falang as long as he have money to spend on the family, live here more then 15 years and every where in thailad is the same


We love living here for so many reasons! The beaches, the food, and the most amazing people! It's also so much cheaper than our life in Canada. Not to mention that there's no snow here smile.png

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
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Female respect for men, who are you trying to kid, you mean respect for $$$$.  There is no love here. "The more you will pay me the more I will love you."

ajitchauhan.qips most in thailand nightlife after climate .here no.matter what you do.what you think. No one bother about any one .everyone is enjoying there lives with full.of joy .
Here life is very calm and quiet .no. Hurry .
Especially thai people.are very loving helpful.and nice heart .


the chang tastes good and the beaches are beautiful. apart from that, i am just an ATM machine with legs! can't wait to leave to be honest


After you have known the country and the people for 40 years I would like to know your impressions.


There is a mall with snow in Bangkok.


My beautiful wife  kiss.png , the cost of living, lovely people and a climate that's good for a chronically ill person with a disability sleep.png


I would say: social life of the fifties but in 2015! People are respectful and children are well behaved. Less control over your life and less rules. Nobody touches you or your goods. Life is cheap but for us that is not the the main point.

Adrian & Gerda in Chiang Mai


"No body touches your goods."  Go and live in a house with a Thai family, everything you own is communal property, the kids will use your cell phone when you are sleeping and delete the numbers, they will take your motorbike although they have their own and bring it back empty of gas.   

A lot of people come to live in Thailand and stay in their little foreign area, go to the foreign bars and restaurants, have no real interaction with Thai people and do not speak Thai themselves.


Like your comments especially "your communal property". Have been through all you have mentioned. What's theirs is theirs, what's yours is theirs. Lol.

Never done that

I think about "your communal property" it up to the Thai family around.

My Thai family never use anything before asking first, Asking my wife or me first.
Same for all of our friends. This is not only because of me, it is the same between all Thai we know.
Even my wife brothers, nephew and niece ask her first.

It is the same now, nearly 5 years later, Even so i have told them, They don´t need to ask first.
They all know that my gaming pc is off limit, every ting else in our home, i have no problem sharing, let people use.
But out of respect they all ways ask first.

But if you join a family where it is normal to share whiteout asking first, It is of cause your job to set the "boundaries", And tell you GF/wife and her family, friends what is okay, and what is not okay.
How can the know, if YOU don´t tell them ???

About felling like a ATM machine, This it is your own fault mate.
You set the boundaries, You chose to live with a GF / wife, family, friends that treats you that way, and clear you have accepted to live like that.
If you didn't accepted it, you change it.
Don´t expect things to change if YOU don´t do it.


Life and rules are up to you, I have no problems at all, as nobody from her family will visit home and nobody will sleep there ( even I have 2 empty bedrooms for friends with new matress never used ).

If my wife want to see her family she will drive there 40 mn approx from home and spend the week end in their house, I will not care even she has to sleep in sofa or living room.... as it is her family home....

It is up to you to put the rules, and not others to do what they want .... even people coming to do some work or fix something, usually they come when they want, they leave ladder, paint, everything,,, but it does not work with me... gate will be locked if they don't call ans agree precise day and time .....

If they are curious about how much the house cost or the car, I just give silly number as it will not mean anything to them, when a house and land is in your kid's name nobody can sell it, as it is a donation, kid need to reach 20 years old....


The peaceful lifestyle where I live in the rural areas.No crime or worries that that things will disappear.
No family lying on my neck,just put foot down from day one.
My house is my privacy
The way the Thais here treat any person with respect even their own elders.
I have never been seen as an ATM neither have I had any person in the village ever  come borrowing money from me or my GF (a teacher).She has her own money and has never asked for money.
The cost of living is cheap.
Good service from most companies once they understand what you require.
The worldly ignorance of the Thais. Most do not know anything about the rest of the world or much of their own countries politics
This gives me a peaceful relaxed life after 52 years of working with violence and crime


Hi Barry,
Exactly right, nothing to add!


Thailand has changed so much in my 33 years of tenure here.  It is not the same place due to western influences. Selfishness is the standard mindset here, and when you have the rare privilege to share a moment with a "SELFLESS" person, the experience is fleeting - so cherish it, embrace it and try to remember it the next time you act selfish yourself. It might help future events ...


i like the weather in Thailand, the food, and the kind people.

but it also depends on where you go and live.

of course Pattaya will give anyone the creeps but the country side or even Chiang Mai are very nice places to stay.


Eye Candy.


How far the US dollar goes, the weather, kind people, great food, and easy Hub for traveling.


Where I met the love of my life.


Thailand is cheap..Rent is cheap in some cheap in some places...women different mentality base on money..80% of foreigners in Thailand they are walking ATM machines and those are not are strike a luck with a good girl and not depend on you. Thailand will change even more for the next years. Thailand suit me because i save my money to travel to countries i like just my base for while until i move on

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : post removed - vulgar

the peacefulness of most places in Thailand is something i like when visiting. 

also the people are very nice and polite.

the tasty food is another big plus in Thailand.


Yes Thailand is cheap if you see it true the eyes of incomes from Europe but if you live here and make the money here, it is not cheap, it hard to make money in Thaland


I love Thailand as it makes me feel happier. I was never a fan of the English weather so that is what drove me here but meeting my wife is what makes me want to be here. I am traditionally minded anyway so I pay for stuff I was like this from 15 years old so why change now. I believe in good karma so maybe that's another reason I love Thailand. 

Where I live now is like a dream. I left my glasses in a cafe the other day two hours later I went back to very busy cafe they were handed to me by the staff. I brought some ice cubes and forgot to grab them as I walked out the shop the shopkeeper dived in front of the car to alert me of my precious ice cubes. Kfc forgot my colslaw they were back within 10 minutes at no one's request to deliver the slaw. Even I need a samlor/tuk it's 30/50 bht for upto 10 minutes. Everyday every action in a shop is a challenge of speaking thai I love that . I love the low cost but cost alone cannot keep you happy it's just a bonus. I love the way the city I am in most are in bed by 9 whilst I'm up till 2am and you cannot hear a sound after 9 most nights. Sorry I will not share the city I am in :-)


you have been here for 33yrs. must be nice to have been able to be here and see so much for that long. I was in Thailand in the early 70's, and yes there have been a lot of change top.png


The freedom (economically and in rules), social wich is way more easy going here, the climate and of course: the food!!!


People, food and climate.

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