Libyan citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Tripoli
Registration: 07 September 2010
GPS base map of Tripoli & Libya coming soon! by Sandman6
We are currently developing a GPS base map for the Tom Tom Go 500/700/900 series for Tripoli - this will probably be based upon the Google Maps format and will include among others, landmarks and waypoints for places of interest and lots of other ...
thankyou for the reply. I think i've seen the device you are on about. I'm looking for just the maps though. I have a built in GPS in my car but there are no maps for libya on it. I can add tomtom maps to it so i'm hoping this will solve my ... Read More
GPS base map of Tripoli & Libya coming soon! by Sandman6
We are currently developing a GPS base map for the Tom Tom Go 500/700/900 series for Tripoli - this will probably be based upon the Google Maps format and will include among others, landmarks and waypoints for places of interest and lots of other ...
Any update on the production of this map? I'm looking for a GPS map for Libya but as yet, one doesn't seem to exist. Would definately be interested in buying yours if you make it. Read More