American looking for information about Seychelles
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Guangzhou
Speaks English, Some Japanese,
Registration: 24 September 2010

New Zealand Environmental Professional moving to Guangzhou. by Shermio
Where should I begin to look for work here? Back home I work for a company called ENVCO that built equipment for environmental monitoring and prior to that I worked for Watercare Services (I specialise in industrial waste water systems and plant ...

How do you do that. Do you just throw a dart and it lands on Guangzhou or is it because GZ has so many environmental issues and you hope to get in the door. It is amazing to see this place being built. People in flip flops cutting stone pavers, ... Read More

life in Guangzhou by lizwright
Hello everyone. I moved to Guangzhou back in April for a couple of months, but am now going to be living and working here. I am interested in learning about different things to do around here and places to go when you have a few days off. I would ...

Lizwright, I too am relatively new to the area. I went to school in N. Florida, my wife was a special edu. teacher, and I enjoy Mother Nature, good healthy eating, sports, amateur photography (but lots of it) and just seeing new places. I am in ... Read More