Kirsten Upshaw
American looking for information about Puerto Rico
Forum posts
About me
Lives in S.F. Bay Area
Speaks English/Learning spanish
Registration: 26 August 2015

Transitioning help needed by jillmedina
We are struggling trying to get anyone to answer any of the phone numbers we have been given and hoping to somewhat group all of the questions in one post here: 1) how did you ship your household good here from the mainland and what was the cost? ...

Watch JELA's Ark on YouTube. They have some videos that speak directly to your issues. You can also find them on IG (same name) and DM them. I would start watching their videos starting when they arrived to PR. Read More

Moving to Puerto Rico just before the crisis by Diksha
Hi everybody, Taking the plunge and daring to move abroad is a real challenge, but when your move to Puerto Rico is marked by an unprecedented health, social and economic crisis, as we have been experiencing for just over a year, this change can ...

As you said, only 6 states are doing better than PR. The handling of then pandemic as a whole in the U.S. was an epic failure and cases are on the rise again on the mainland so if you are trying to run from the pandemic failures, you will need to ... Read More

What beaches have public showers that are still open? by paryans
What beaches have public showers that are still open? Many things have been turned off like water fountains due to the pandemic.

I just watched a Youtube video from a family who recently moved to PR and showed that Luquillo beach has open showers. Their channel is JELAs Ark. Read More

Having a baby in Puerto Rico by ashbates1
HELLO! My husband was offered a finance job with Honeywell in Aguadilla, PR. We are both fluent in Spanish, and have visited Puerto Rico and are excited about the opportunity. However. I would be just shy of 8 months pregnant when we arrive, and our ...

Go to the website www.ca2pr.com. They detail their first pregnancy experience in P.R. It is a few years old but should help you gain some perspective. Read More

Most often contaminated beaches by ReyP
Aparently the Department of Natural resources keeps failing some of the same beaches over and over since 2015. See video: https://www.elnuevodia.com/videos/noticias/locales/estaeslaplayapuertorriquenaconelpeorrecorddebacterias-video-249434/

Well, that is scary. No report of anything being done, just that they understand that they have an issue. Read More

Getting ready by ReyP
We talked to the realtor here in MA, he said there is a shortage of homes to buy and he thinks my house is in move in condition and that should sell fairly fast. Need to open the pool, touch up a few spots with paint and a little yard work and it ...

Congratulationsm, Rey! I know you are over the moon!!! Read More

WHAT WHAT??? Electric bill almost $600.00 by Journeyandbeyond
Does anybody know or have had a problem with receiving an electric bill that is HIGH for time after Maria? I am told to not pay and wait till next cycle. Nobody answers AEE call either. Thanks! Lynn

I just saw a post on twitter that showed someone received a bill for $1,000.00 dollars so you are not alone. Not sure what steps you should take besides going to their offices. They'd get nothing from me though! Read More

Amazon;s second headquarters in Puerto Rico by Mrkpytn
The most recent good news, if the source is correct, stated that Amazon accepted Puerto Rico's offer to set up its second headquarters in Puerto Rico. I was told this by my friend who's brother is in the justice department. I hope it is ...

That would be an amazing development for Puerto Rico...I pray it is true! Read More

Head count by ReyP
Lets see a show of hands of all people that are considering or have definite plans to move permanently to Puerto Rico.

I would prefer 3 however, it is looking more like 7 years at this point. I plan to visit next year. Read More

Head count by ReyP
Lets see a show of hands of all people that are considering or have definite plans to move permanently to Puerto Rico.

I do Rey but the date isn't nailed down yet. Read More

Wild Hog in Aguadilla by ReyP
A couple of wild hogs in some part of Aguadilla are terrorizing the Urbanizacion, not sure how they end up in PR. None of the goverment agencies want to deal with them. In another neighborhood there would be a nice roast pig block party, no sure ...

I'm with you Rey...wonder why the community hasn't taken action in the way of a roast?! Read More

Why Realtors won't return your calls or emails by ReyP
There are a number of reasons and probably more that I can list, but I will try to cover the most common ones. Remember, a realtor is there to make money on sales, not to be a friend, the realtor is a businessman and he has expenses and other ...

That makes sense and is very helpful to those of us who do want to learn. Read More

Why Realtors won't return your calls or emails by ReyP
There are a number of reasons and probably more that I can list, but I will try to cover the most common ones. Remember, a realtor is there to make money on sales, not to be a friend, the realtor is a businessman and he has expenses and other ...

As for the "Hired for their help" comment, we will have to agree to disagree. The fact that they receive payment differently doesn't mean they aren't hired it means they are paid in a different manor but they are paid and they are ... Read More

Why Realtors won't return your calls or emails by ReyP
There are a number of reasons and probably more that I can list, but I will try to cover the most common ones. Remember, a realtor is there to make money on sales, not to be a friend, the realtor is a businessman and he has expenses and other ...

So what I am hearing is that the definition of a "Realtor" in PR is not the same as it is in the states. I've learned that our version of "customer service" is not the same in PR which is fine but my question then becomes, ... Read More

Question: Should PR be moved to Caribbean? by ReyP
Some of the members have express in the past that they had trouble initially finding Puerto Rico because it was listed under Central America instead of the Caribbean. I am having a discussion about that with the creators of the forum. I need your ...

I'm late to the party but Caribbean. Don't know why it would be anywhere else? Read More