Indonesian expat in Malaysia
Forum posts
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Registration: 25 September 2015

Malaysian Moving Back to KL by lsophia
Hi - I am a Malaysian that has been living overseas for most of my life. I am venturing back to KL for a variety of reasons and was hoping to get some advice on where to stay and employment. I was living in NYC and my firm there has agreed to ...

You might want to check out: https://rep.talentcorp.com.my/ Returning Expert Programme by TALENTCORP, you may set an appointment or contact them and seek advise from them as well Read More

Software engineer salary in Kaula Lampur by mkj88
Hi, I am Indian, currently in USA (software engineer) and considering an offer of 24,000 MYR in Kaula Lampur. Can you guide me if it is a decent number or i should negotiate ? What is the cost of living ? I want to bring my wife and both parents ...

Assuming RM 24,000 is monthly salary then it's very good salary even without additional perks such as housing, transport, etc. Software engineer that I know, most of them receiving below RM 10k/month, and some above 10K, even with more than 12 ... Read More

Work Permit/Visa Help by saltysweet
Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and have some questions which I hope you can help with (I would be most grateful!) I have recently accepted a job offer with a very well-known Malaysian company - they are now applying for a work permit for me. ...

Try get some help from talentcorp returning expert programme. The Returning Expert Programme (REP) facilitates the return of Malaysian professionals from abroad to overcome the shortage of professional and technical Read More

Information needed on Malaysian Dependent Visa by Poulomi123
Hi, I am from Hyderabad. My husband is working in kuala-lumpur and has a valid Employment Visa. I would like to know how I can apply for dependent visa for me and my kid so that I can travel to Malaysia frequently. Any guidance is highly ...

If your EP issued by ESD, then your employer need to apply for the dependant visa via the online system. you won't be able to apply without consent of your employer. once the dependant visa approve, they will issue the letter, and your wife ... Read More

Justification Letter by ysfuen
Anyone can assist me... the ESD ask for justification letter for the applicate... anyone got example?

Perhaps the company need to justify why they need to hire you. the whole process gonna be much more easier if you have supporting Government agency to give supporting letter. Read More

Scooter Licence by Tom_Priestley
Hi, I have not been in Malaysia long and I am starting to require some of my own transport. I would like a scooter as they are much better for dealing with the traffic and I prefer riding a scooter to driving a car anyway. I have my standard UK ...

Hi Tom, i think is better for u to get ur UK driving license to be certified by British High Commission and stating what vehicle is eligible for your class. then use that letter to convert your driving license to JPJ branch Malaysia. from the ... Read More

Time taken for processing Employment Pass in Malaysia by ttejjas
Hi Everyone, I have accepted a job offer in an IT Company in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I have been offered MYR 7,000/month Now the company is processing my employment pass/visa. I want to know how long it can take to get the approvals? (so that I ...

DP10 2-5days DP11 a week what took longer if there are public holiday in between, or incomplete documents. late payment of levy also possible Read More

Dp10 status by ytl99
What is the meaning of lulus in the eservice page of imi web? Did it mean employment pass is issued? The new development is that I do not need this employment pass anymore, should ask the employer not to proceed or wait for the employment pass being ...

lulus = approved. meaning your DP10 application has been approved and you can proceed to DP11. upon approval of DP10 you should submit the necessary documents, payment of levy and also your original passport to stick the employment visa. Why you ... Read More

malaysian or expert in Malayisa please tell me if this is scam or real by lotus Star Light
Hi everybody before few days, I saw in Facebook ads by someone who supposed to be a distributer for company named Enagic Kangen, which is Japanese company that selling water...I met him today after I tell him I am interested in his ads he ...

since you have the curiosity why don't you try it out and just be prepare for the worst.. 1. Company legit but a person jeopardizing the business 2. Company conduct illegal way of business 3. A Fake company which no affiliation with the ... Read More

got an offer of RM 3500 k by rohit1988
Dear All, Greetings of the day ! I am from India. I just got a offer of RM 3500 k , from an company. I wanted your help , that is it comfortable for me. My requirements and info mentioned below: Male Single Office - Bukit Jali technology ...

well, company also hired malaysians for sure.. quota need to be fulfilled.. cheapskate or not that is the std salary for fresh grad. Read More

Cancellation of EP - Remotely? by susheelshetty
Hi, I'm working in Malaysia for past 5 months now and my assignment is ending on 30th Sept and need to travel India on 30th sept itself as I have got new assignment in India which needs to be joined effective 1st Oct. My employer is deducting ...

you can cancel your EP thru ur employer by sending them an e-mail of explanation and also letter of resignation. If the company received your resignation then they will processs the EP cancellation so they can use the quota for someone else Read More

got an offer of RM 3500 k by rohit1988
Dear All, Greetings of the day ! I am from India. I just got a offer of RM 3500 k , from an company. I wanted your help , that is it comfortable for me. My requirements and info mentioned below: Male Single Office - Bukit Jali technology ...

hired a fresh grad from thai and iran with salary of RM2.5-3K. not a problem as long as company eligible to obtain professional foreign worker. In my case the company i work with is a MSC status company Read More

Is 12000 RM per month is good by Surya27
. I am Surya from India. I have family with a kid.Will it make sense to consider this opportunity

stay in brickfields and you feel like living in little india Read More

malaysian or expert in Malayisa please tell me if this is scam or real by lotus Star Light
Hi everybody before few days, I saw in Facebook ads by someone who supposed to be a distributer for company named Enagic Kangen, which is Japanese company that selling water...I met him today after I tell him I am interested in his ads he ...

honestly i heard of kangen water before and if you google it many informations available.. the problem is the deal to good to be true.. if someone or a company can easily multiply the money by few hundred percents within a month why he still need ... Read More

Got Indian driving license, how to legally drive in KL by bharadwajc
Hello Friends, I have a driving license from India. And wanted to know how can I legally be driving or riding here. Can anyone advise. It would be great if you share some detailed or brief idea about it, whatever possible. Thanks!

just use your indian driving license. its still valid provided written in english Read More