


Active member

Canadian expat in Egypt

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Cairo

Speaks English

Registration: 27 October 2010


Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Socials for oldies and newbies by eltviola

I've started this topic so anyone who wants to meet new people or just have a good night put can see what's organised and suggest meetups if they like. We have a few other topics already like this but not everyone knows about them so I thought a ...


In (just reiterating my sms and showing public support for your event)! See y'all there. Sequoia is fun, nice atmosphere, nice location and options of alcohol for those who enjoy it, and non-alcoholic beverages for those who don't. Who wants to be ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Spending money by Honzan

Hi! I'd like to know how much spending money you need in Cairo a month (accomodation taken care of) if you like to go out for dinners and bars a lot (let's say about 3 times a week). How about the cost of trips ? say a weekend trip to Alexandria. ...


Hey Man, Welcome to the blog and Cairo. As for your question it really depends on where you go. If ur eating at local joints like koshary places and sandwich shops on the street you can do it really cheap (like 5-10 Egyptian pounds) and ranging to ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

How to make friends in Egypt by

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Egypt :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Egypt?? Thanks in ...


Depends where you hang out and who you hang out with. Touristy places most people have a good grasp of English, but in general Arabic is the way...but I only know Taxi Arabic haha (as in straight, left, right, stop). Non-verbal communication also ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

How are black americans treated in Cairo Egypt? by kuhlknits

I am planning to move to Egypt in the fall for a new teaching job. I am concern if being a Black person from the states is an issue. Are Black Americans welcomed in the expat community? Also I need to find a hair salon that caters to black hair.


Wow, clearly this thread has struck a chord with people. I find it interesting that a lot of the early discussion speaks of race in terms of a false binary, namely black and white. Racism here definitely exists, but as Samwelbeck pointed out (and I ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

How to make friends in Egypt by

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Egypt :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Egypt?? Thanks in ...


my guess is that this post stream is dead... but if it is not i was hoping to get to know some people from Egypt to help me out a little when i visit there. i plan to do some volunteer work there, well i hope to but i know very little Arabic and im ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Photography classes and workshop by annabellemei

Hi everyone, i'm looking for a photography school that propose full or half time photography classes for advanced photography. I can't find much on internet or it is difficult to get in touch. Thanks for your help Annabelle


Hello Annabelle: Check out the Contemporary Image Collective in downtown Cairo. They run workshops and may be able to help you. cheers, Joe Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Rebuilding Egypt Festival with Black Theama&Massar Egbari @Azhar Park by whedy

*This is an Event in which you can have loads of fun, joy and hangout with your friends and at the same time make a difference in your society and help Egyptian community people especially poor people living in Slums Areas. Sounds Strange?! *This ...


Hey man, This looks great. Can you get tix at the park or do you have to buy them in advance? thanks. Joe Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Socials for oldies and newbies by eltviola

I've started this topic so anyone who wants to meet new people or just have a good night put can see what's organised and suggest meetups if they like. We have a few other topics already like this but not everyone knows about them so I thought a ...


Hey Panda bear, I understand what you mean, but I finally managed to attend one (though briefly) and it was great. Maybe DM someone on the blog that you know will be going and relatively trust and swap mobiles and then meet up before hand, or bring ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Going out for a beer? by BATni

Hello cairo, shortly I would like to introduce myself. I am German and new in the forum but already living for a while in egypt (first in wonderful alex, now in grey cairo :D ) Nice to meet you all... Till now I found it quit hard to find people ...


Was indeed a pleasure to meet some of you. Apologies i wasn't able to sit longer to chat, but I look forward to getting to know you all better and to have some fun exploring this city. cheers, J. Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Going out for a beer? by BATni

Hello cairo, shortly I would like to introduce myself. I am German and new in the forum but already living for a while in egypt (first in wonderful alex, now in grey cairo :D ) Nice to meet you all... Till now I found it quit hard to find people ...


hey all, wow, haven't check this post in days and it's turning into some party! I'm definitely in. I have my pic so you should know me. I teach at AUC until 10pm tonight, but will def. come by. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Cheers, Joe Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
13 years ago

Going out for a beer? by BATni

Hello cairo, shortly I would like to introduce myself. I am German and new in the forum but already living for a while in egypt (first in wonderful alex, now in grey cairo :D ) Nice to meet you all... Till now I found it quit hard to find people ...


I like beer! Just let me know when. In celebration of this new arrangement, please enjoy this quote: "And how is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
14 years ago

Feasibility of coming to Cairo and set up an online business? by Sharkykt

Hi all, I have been an expat in Oman for three years before with the army (back in 1996 to 1999) but now want to come to Cairo in next year or so. I won't be working for a company only myself as I would like to set up internet selling of the local ...


Hi Sharky, I think for this to be viable you'd have to find a unique angle. A unique proposition that would entice people to want to buy online. What types of Egyptian goods did you have in mind? A lot of things sold here are tied to a specific ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
14 years ago

Egypt Current Situation ?? by alimirza

Hey Guys I left for UAE right after the unrest started. Just wanted to know how is the current situation?? Foreigners started coming back ? Banks are open ? Thanks


Hi Aykalam, I've actually read on here a few reports about the prisoners that were released. Can you elaborate a bit more about what you've heard re: 'unpleasant incidents'? I've not heard anything and have had many people asking me who want to ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
14 years ago

Egypt Current Situation ?? by alimirza

Hey Guys I left for UAE right after the unrest started. Just wanted to know how is the current situation?? Foreigners started coming back ? Banks are open ? Thanks


Hi. I came back on Friday and things seem fine to me, though I've been told there are still sporadic protests around Tahrir, especially after prayers on Friday. And though it can't be said that it's business as usual 100% that's to be expected ... Read More

Stumble_On replied to a thread
14 years ago

Praying for your safety by snowwhite

Just wanted to let those of you in Egypt know that my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of chaos. I know you won't be reading this until the internet is operating again, but I wish you the best!


Just got back to Canada yesterday, but left my heart and mind in Cairo. The worst part was waiting at the airport, about to board and seeing the so-called 'pro-Mubarak' supporters attacking peaceful protesters. I hope expats, where ever you are, ... Read More