John chalkley
English expat in Malta
Forum posts
About me
Lives in gozo
Speaks English and pidgin
Registration: 22 November 2015

from Gozo to Bali
OK. I joined expat when I moved from the UK to Gozo (Malta) a year ago. Now I'm on the move again and am coming to Bali. I'm in Bali as I write this 18/5/17 and am going back to Gozo in June to sort out my stuff. Now I rent quite cheaply in ... Read More

1 day left by slamdunc82
Hello all! Today is my last day in the UK before I fly out to Malta, hurrah :) One quick random question. Will the mozzies be out in force this time of year, or will I be safe without the repellent when I arrive? Many thanks Dunc

you're safe :) Read More

Moving to Malta by katiedaisy
So to put everything in perspective, here is my issue. Over the past months, I've been thinking about moving back to Malta. For some time, I've been checking the agency websites and found loads of places which I thought that would fit ...

yes but 300 in gozo is ok but not malta Read More

Moving to Malta by katiedaisy
So to put everything in perspective, here is my issue. Over the past months, I've been thinking about moving back to Malta. For some time, I've been checking the agency websites and found loads of places which I thought that would fit ...

HaHa thats all I need more stuff to do :dumbom: Read More

Moving to Malta by katiedaisy
So to put everything in perspective, here is my issue. Over the past months, I've been thinking about moving back to Malta. For some time, I've been checking the agency websites and found loads of places which I thought that would fit ...

Just arrive here the agencies are a waste of time most of their listings are obsolete anyway. I walked into a town in Gozo went for a coffee and was asked what I was doing there I looked around and said 'I think I'm looking for somewhere to ... Read More

Looking for a volunteer job in a non-profit organization by esmanur
Hello, I am looking for a non-profit association to volunteer and to learn English through this. I would also like to improve my professional skills. If you know about a non-profit organizations in Malta recruiting foreign volunteers, don't ...

We are a non profit but are in GOZO our website may seem noisy but we also link to other non profits around the world we need lots of help especially from people who can speak even a little English our teashop :) Read More

Meditation centre/classes/teachers/courses ? by MaltaMyst
Hay everybody :) Are there any Meditations classes/courses/groups and Meditation Teachers and Meditation Centres in Malta ? Is it popular in Malta, even ?

There are lots both in Gozo (where I am) and Malta. If you have a problem finding them pm me. Read More

:/ Hi everyone, I'm driving down from the UK in April and hope for a nice leisurely drive through France and Italy. I see that the shortest ferry route from Italy (mainland) to Sicily doesn't take cars. I'm sure there are plenty of ...

http://www.gollchershipping.com/cargo-ferry-service-malta-genoa-palermo-naples/ Thanks Bernie you settled in now I got to Gozo without RA thank god in may Read More

Britain to leave EU! by F0xgl0ve
1 GBP = 1.2339 EUR The GBP/EUR rate as of 24 Jun 2016 at 7:57 AM Nice to get an automatic cut in income of around 15% - Thank you Boris and Farage. Ray

Spot on Terry Read More

Britain to leave EU! by F0xgl0ve
1 GBP = 1.2339 EUR The GBP/EUR rate as of 24 Jun 2016 at 7:57 AM Nice to get an automatic cut in income of around 15% - Thank you Boris and Farage. Ray

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW6WsvZal2Y doubters get some backbone. Nothing else to say. Everyone will gain from this given time and patience Read More

Have you noticed health benefits since your move? by felinefine81
Hi everyone So I'm not one for over-sharing emotional stuff but I quite like that it is anonymous on here! As many of you will know I am moving to Malta with my husband in a month. We are in our 30s, work full time in professional jobs and ...

Yes and no! Everything that was wrong with me in the uk (COPD etc) has gone. However I developed a Endyma and my legs and feet are swollen and very painfull to walk. So much so that I was in hospital for 2 days. The care in the hospital was far ... Read More

Organic food? by brayster99
Does anyone know where to get organic veg and meat in Malta? Thanks

And the same on GOZO if anyone knows :thanks: Read More

Any interest in a moving blog? by felinefine81
I handed my notice in today so it's happening! Woohoo! I've decided I'm going to start a diary/blog to record this move, as it's a massive deal for my husband and me. Friends and family can keep up with what we're doing and I ...

:) Well Fi I've just read you blog. It's very good, I'll follow your progress with interest, i took a look at your experience with agents. I found my place by talking to a lady running the local coffee shop. It was a great deal and fab ... Read More

Any interest in a moving blog? by felinefine81
I handed my notice in today so it's happening! Woohoo! I've decided I'm going to start a diary/blog to record this move, as it's a massive deal for my husband and me. Friends and family can keep up with what we're doing and I ...

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MvgN5gCuLac. This is a great laugh and no swearing Foxglove :gloria Put this in your blog it was in one of mine....6million hits on YouTube Read More

Any interest in a moving blog? by felinefine81
I handed my notice in today so it's happening! Woohoo! I've decided I'm going to start a diary/blog to record this move, as it's a massive deal for my husband and me. Friends and family can keep up with what we're doing and I ...

Well I've been writing blogs for years and I agree it's a great way to at least keep family and friends up to date with what's goings on. I use Wordpress and Blogger. I'm moving over next week and have consolidated my life into 50 kg ... Read More