Canadian looking for information about Dominican Republic
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Registration: 31 March 2016

Sosua Beach closing for renovations - the vendors have to go now by windeguy
Danny owns Malibu Beach Bar, or I should say owned since all the vendors now have to leave for the renovations:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPElF3zgyLA

They have been talking about the reno of the beach since I bought property 5 yeas again, so now the day has come, this is no overnight or couple of week fix... it going to be months. Sad day Read More

Wiring in a new-build... by danimcdg34
Hi again.There is a concrete block house being built down the street. All the walls are up but I don't see any allowances made for wiring or plumbing. I watched some you- tube videos ( produced in USA) and homeowner was installing runs ...

one thing i found is that they don't run a neutral wire, if you plan on using any smart switches to control smart lighting you wont be able to I had to figure out a work around after the fact... Read More

Realtors representing both parties by vixenmartine
Good morning, I was referred to a realtor by an American attorney who lives in LT. I'm based in Sosua. She took me around to look at places a few days ago. I noticed that whenever I tried to negotiate prices with the seller ...

I used Guido Perdomo, he is located in Sosua, and is very professional, all of my Canadian friends have used him. Read More

Becoming a Snowbird! by zoramcintyre
Hi everyone! My parents are looking to retire in the beautiful DR and I am in the process of sourcing / investigating building or buying them a home… we’re from Toronto, canada and have had about enough of long cold winters! My ...

I have to continue to market my rental property on multiple rental sites to maintain about a 50-60 % rental base. Read More

Canadian Living fully in DR by claudineenvacances
Hi everyone,Nice to meet you. I’m new in this forum. I would like to know if there are Canadian who lives a year long in DR and people from Quebec. I know it is a basics questions but it’s difficult to get the information.I have ...

You will need to get tax advice from the CRA or your tax account, as for staying past your provinces out of country guidelines, I know in my province if I was to stay longer I would have a waiting period to regain my health care. Read More

Buying furniture in Dominican republic by Bettyboopy
Does anyone know if furniture is expensive in Dominican? Bedroom living room set and fridge and Stive plus washer spinner. Need a good place to go buy these items. Would appreciate any responses. Puerto plata area in the city. Thank you!!

tax was built into the shipping cost, total weight was 400 lbs Miami to Sosua for all three sets total 1000.00 Read More

Buying furniture in Dominican republic by Bettyboopy
Does anyone know if furniture is expensive in Dominican? Bedroom living room set and fridge and Stive plus washer spinner. Need a good place to go buy these items. Would appreciate any responses. Puerto plata area in the city. Thank you!!

I ordered 3 sets of patio furniture from Amazon to freight forwarder in Miami and set via boat, taxes and freight was still cheaper than one set in the DR, if you can find anything good... right now Read More

Breaking News: Covid19 Vaccination Card Needed to Enter Public Places by Guest2022
Public and private: They will require a vaccination card with two doses to attend public places, companies and educational ...

Yep Returning to the Mother land of Canada you require a negative PCR test Read More

Breaking News: Covid19 Vaccination Card Needed to Enter Public Places by Guest2022
Public and private: They will require a vaccination card with two doses to attend public places, companies and educational ...

From GOV Can website; Vaccine requirements for travellers Effective October 30, travellers will need to be fully vaccinated in order to board. Specifically, the vaccination requirement will apply to all travellers 12 years of age and older who ... Read More

Shipping by mutantbee
Curious about recent experiences people have had with package forwarding companies. My buddy who is from Santiago says he's been using Transexpress for years and his family is happy with it. Any other company recommendations for getting my ...

Its a crap shoot, I have and others I know bring into (POP) a suit case full of stuff for our villas and have never had an issue. They only seem to be concerned with large boxes they think are TV's. I brought two beach chairs in a box this past ... Read More

Firestick or Chromecast? by Tripp789
We’re visiting in January. And while we know we will have wireless, we don’t know how “smart” our tv will be. Has anyone had any experience with either of these device? Can we connect with our Netflix and Amazon streaming ...

Yes i connect to both services when there on my smart tv and firestick Read More

Information about potentially moving by GuestPoster567
Hi. I just want to get peoples opinion. I’m from the uk and my husband really wants to move to Dominican Republic. We have two young children under the age of 4. He wants to move to the expat area and has forwarded me info about how safe etc ...

Steverino is correct Read More

Sosua Changes by Guest2022
Dominican Today posted the article below this morning about a meeting that took place last week in Sosua. It is a subject that has been talked about for a long period of time and during the period that I was working in the area over 18 months ago, I ...

Well said... Read More

Storing Items in the DR by ryan_mccredie
Knowing the climate I am curious to know any and all storage tips. I am talking about clothing, linens, silverware (prob not real silver lol), cloth furniture, electronics, beach equipment, appliances, etc. Just buying first home in the DR North ...

We use Jumbo vacuum bags, they work great Read More

Patio Grill by Escuderov
Hello Friends, I have recently purchased a condo in Sosua. Where is a good store to purchase a gas grill or patio furniture in Sosua or Santiago? Thanks!

Try pricesmart Read More