Perry Levin
American looking for information about Vietnam
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Rockville, MD
Speaks English
Registration: 12 November 2010

Sex with locals, std's and the law by worried man
Hello there Im a man from the UK living in hcmc. Ive been here about 9 months, when I first arrived I got friendly with this spanish guy and his vietnamese wife, through the wife I met her niece and she seemed nice had a few dates and then we had ...

I actually thought it was a funny comment telling people to "stay classy" about discussing STDs. Read More

Sex with locals, std's and the law by worried man
Hello there Im a man from the UK living in hcmc. Ive been here about 9 months, when I first arrived I got friendly with this spanish guy and his vietnamese wife, through the wife I met her niece and she seemed nice had a few dates and then we had ...

I was talking about your reply, NinaVamp. Read More

Sex with locals, std's and the law by worried man
Hello there Im a man from the UK living in hcmc. Ive been here about 9 months, when I first arrived I got friendly with this spanish guy and his vietnamese wife, through the wife I met her niece and she seemed nice had a few dates and then we had ...

This blog needs a sarcasm font. Read More

how to transfer money from american bank to vietnamese bank quickly by lamhoang
I am now living in Nha Trang city. I have problem about transfering money from American bank to Vietnamese bank, exactly in VCB in Nha Trang. I open have to go to Saigon to get money in steads of in Nha trang. Who know the best way please share to ...

Western Union is too expensive. I have a Wells Fargo account and set up transfers with my fiance in Viet Nam to Vietin bank. It was a $5 fee in the US for any amount and she received USD at her bank without paying any fees. Very fast, maybe 1 day. Read More

Social security $ by MrshyONE
When will Vietnam and USA get their act together ? Why can't people receive their SSDI money directly into a vn bank?

As a Citizen still I would also be writing to Joe Biden as he is the presiding leading member of the House...I have no state representative as I claim no state.Vice President Joe Biden is actually President of the Senate. As such he has very little ... Read More

"Best Pizza restaurant in Vietnam" by mab0918
Who among you guys have tried Pizza 4P's ? How's your experience? :D Pizza 4P's Address : 8/15 Le Thanh Ton St., Dist.1 HCM City, Vietnam :)

New York pizza is the best. Chicago-style is not real pizza. Read More

Moving to the US - Shipping our stuff by cpt_mosc
Hi everyone. My wife and I are moving from HCMC to the US (Connecticut) in a few month so we're looking for a shipping company that could take care of our stuff. In fact, the real question is to decide whether we ship things or whether we just pack ...

Unless you safely lock the shipment without anyone else having access, I would skip the local shipping company. When you get to Connecticut and discover missing items it would be too late to get anything from the Vietnamese company. Same with the ... Read More

Living off the bank interest rate by crazybitch
ANyone doing this right now? My goal is to move to vietnam in 2 years, I WILL NOT get a job or neither will i ever work in vietnam for a living.. Lets say i put 2 bill dong in vietnamese bank, and just live of the interest rate. and i will buy ...

Funny, AP. Read More

A victim in love deception by bluesky1988
I cannot understand why people like to deceive each other. I was a victim in love and got through such sorrows and hurt that I always felt the world would tumble right on my feet. But I still believe somewhere someone is honest.

Do you want to explain? Read More

Chuc mung nam moi 2014 ! by Julien
Chuc mung nam moi 2014 everyone :)

Same to you. Read More

Motorbike Mugging in HCMC by Julian09
Despite any stories, not to mention common sense, one of our friends was just robbed Saturday night/Sunday am after leaving O'Brien's Pub. He proceeded to ignore common safety advice and left the pub after having too many beers, and then showed a ...

Sure would be great if there were different stories concerning motorbike muggings so people would be made aware of what to watch out for. If you wish to engage in petty bickering I would suggest you go to the petty bickering thread. Read More

Stomach Cramps from street food or ice tea by missmae
So one of my Viet Kieu friends has terrible stomach cramps since Friday. We went out for street food (bbq and drinks with ice, no alcohol). However the cramps got worse over the weekend, starting to be unregulary and bearable but yesterday when we ...

Take her to the hospital. It could be some type of parasite. If so, it can only get worse. Read More

Big Mac is a comin to HCMC by bta87
For all you McDonald's lovers they are building a new store in HMC. It is on the Hanoi Highway not far from the Lotteria. It is at the circle that has the clock in the center.

I don't know if you have heard about the labor problems McDonald's has been having here in the US. Workers have been going on strike for higher pay. To try to calm the employees management has been telling them very strange things. The latest to ... Read More

Orphanage in Central Highlands by Guest2023
I have a lady who comes to Viet Nam from Canada and brings about 200lbs of very good clothes for kids with her. Last time she was here I introduced her to a charity called HOW. She now has asked me if I know of any worthy orphanages in the Central ...

Made contact with someone who wrote, "Yes they can contact me, I can see they get delivered and some photo's of delivery. I have many great contacts in the highlands and jan.-14 will be my 13th -1 month trip in 9 years. thank you, Gene" What is the ... Read More