Paul Collins

Paul Collins


English expat in Thailand


2 posts

About me


Registration: 09 June 2016


Paul Collins replied to a thread
8 years ago

Adapting to the climate in Thailand by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Adjusting to new climatic conditions is key in any expatriation process. Moving to Thailand is no exception. What are the climate characteristics of Thailand? How does the local weather impact your daily life, mood or ...

Paul Collins

Khnom, while i respect and agree with most of your comments, before relocating to Thailand i knew that food didn't fall from trees and that it isn't some form of Utopia having visited Thailand over a 12 year period for holidays before making ... Read More

Paul Collins replied to a thread
8 years ago

Adapting to the climate in Thailand by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Adjusting to new climatic conditions is key in any expatriation process. Moving to Thailand is no exception. What are the climate characteristics of Thailand? How does the local weather impact your daily life, mood or ...

Paul Collins

In the UK i never drank water, i never felt the need to. Here in Thailand i always make sure there are plenty of bottles of drinking water in the fridge and drink it often during the day, i also keep bottles of water in the car near the AC vents. ... Read More