
Adapting to the climate in Thailand

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Hello everyone,

Adjusting to new climatic conditions is key in any expatriation process. Moving to Thailand is no exception.

What are the climate characteristics of Thailand?

How does the local weather impact your daily life, mood or health?

What are the pros and cons of the climate in Thailand?

Share you advice and help people adapt quickly to their new weather environment.

Thanks in advance,


Never done that

The Thai weather is perfekt for my body.

Back home i was in pain 24/7, Not able to have a "live" outside my apartment.
Dope up on strong medicine 24/7 - 365 days a year, Not a good live i can tell you.

In Thailand i start getting better from Day #1 on my holiday here in 2010.
And soon feel pretty good, pain was very low, some days i didn't even have pain after a few weeks.

When my holiday was over and i go home, 3-5 min after i return to the Air Port all my pain was back.

I have blood test done before going on holiday to Thailand, And my numbers was very high.
After 87-88 days (can´t remember if it was 87 or 88 days) in Thailand and a few days back home, We did blood test again.
And now every single numbers was perfekt.
The hospital and my Doctor was sure it was a mistake, So we did the test one more time.
And Yes, numbers was perfekt !!!!

Move to Thailand 2 month and 7 days after i return home from my only holiday here.
And can say, it have be great for me.

For me the hot weather is good, if over 30 degrees i feel super, Under 30 degrees and my pain start coming back.

I have no problem getting use to the weather here.
But this year, i do feel like it have being very hot and wet, I know many Thai say the same thing, So i do think it is the weather that change a little ??

bkk tea blog

It's hot here, except sometimes rainy and still quite warm.  There isn't much to do to adjust to it; after awhile it just seems normal, or to some it never would.  For people working in an office a related problem is adjusting to stepping in and out of the hot weather.

It's odd but weather changes here do seem to trigger colds and such, as winter does in temperate climates, but not just from the hot season to the cool season, which typically isn't very cool.  I'm not sure how to avoid that or acclimate in general.  It seems to me that trying to completely avoid experiencing the outdoor weather would cause more of a problem than it would solve because one wouldn't be acclimated to it at all, but that's exactly what urban Thais do.


Almost impossible.... hot, very hot and hot and wet.
Every time Monsoons come I get Bronchitis , hot, wet and hot, aircon cold, back out in heat, feet wet, back in aircon. So now I have bronchitis.  I find the Thai heat in general way to hot as there is no relief, even night times don't give u relief. Well I'm talking about Bangkok. Up north the temperature can go down a peg or two at night. Here it just remains hot.


The weather was «hot» and «very hot» and humid when travelling the first time to Thailand in the year 2001. I also had to smile, when the Thais wear long sleeved shirts and jacket at temperatures around 25 °C.

Now, I am get used to the climate. 30 °C feels «normal» and I also Start to feel cold at temperatures below 25 °C. Two years ago, the temperature fall to below 20 °C and I really had to wear warm clothes.

The raining season is quite pleasant. The nature is green and full of flowers and the temperatures not so hot. From March to April it is really hot.

I no more have  hay fever and  problems with a dry skin, as in Europe.

You can get a «cold» at these temperatures. I could reduce this risk with some multi-vitamin treatments during the year. One problem is, that the doctors prescribe antibiotics very often - even when you don't need them. I meanwhile have found some antibiotics-free drugs against running nose and cough and it works fine.


wear less clothes, drink more cold beer, simple!


It's true thst is so easy to catch colds here.... With me it's never ending. Also my son.


we live in the North, near s just perfect for me.......
ah...... the cold....with the aircom in the car and in the room  all night got to take care.....the first months i was here ...i always ha a cold and wondered why...i know better now.


It is not appropriate to wear «less clothes». The (Thai) people don't want to see half-naked persons walking or driving around.

The UV radiation is very high and dangerous in Thailand. So you should protect your skin.

Paul Collins

In the UK i never drank water, i never felt the need to.  Here in Thailand i always make sure there are plenty of bottles of drinking water in the fridge and drink it often during the day, i also keep bottles of water in the car near the AC vents.  I have a slight problem with exzema and have to make sure to moisturise after every shower and last thing at night.  Apart from these 2 minor things and the fact that Thailand can get extremely hot and uncomfortable at times i enjoy the climate.


Having lived in Spain for 15 years I have had a slight advantage but the humidity takes some getting adjusted to.  I can never understand why people have their aircon on so low that when getting out of the car there is such a large difference, same in some supermarkets and malls.   It all takes time to adjust, but as another member said be very careful of the UV rays, they are much more powerful in Thailand than most European destinations, visitors may have experienced.


My top advice is do not move to Thailand. Have a great holiday here, but do not relocate here.    Reasons....
-The myth is that Thailand is paradise for cheap living--food falls free from tree and can sleep on the beach.  Discovering the myth is not true is a big shock for some people.
-It is hot or hotter all the time and often wet to very wet.
-Language so difficult to learn but vital to use--English is NOT "just everywhere."
-Driving is a nightmare.
-High standards of professionalism are not often here in lawyers, realtors, teachers, bureaucrats, police, doctors, etc.
-You can not own land.
-Immigration is an irritant even if minor.
-No medi-evac helicopters, slow ambulances (no one pulls over for them), 191 is a joke.
-Must pay for and have air con most of time.
-If not Buddhist, you have large adaption to it or just float outside Thai culture.
-AND, if you can not check your Americanisms (and EUisms) in an airport locker when you arrive, you will spend your life finding, complaining about, and getting upset by Thai culture, normal behavior patterns, and irritating differences.

That last point is even more important than trying to cope with the heat/humidity.  If you do not adapt quickly, you will cluster in foreigner enclaves/bars trading negative stories about "the bad way 'they' do things here" and reading sour reports from "non adapters" with bitter complaints about everything from Thai women to lack of  'J traps' on plumbing drains.  If you find Thailand is just not enough like home, then STAY HOME.


With respect, that is not very much encouragement for people that have already moved here and need some advice on how to deal with the climate.
No country is perfect, but your negative comments are absurd, you are throwing stones at your own greenhouse.
There are thousands of farangs delighted to live in this lovely country.


Good point, johncollins.....
After some time, for old me it was about 4 years, one's body will adapt to the higher continuous heat;  I do not burst into sweat anymore by stepping outside.  However, I suspect this applies to continuously living here.  People who spend months in cooler climates are unlikely to adapt much upon returning here;  body does not know which to adapt to.  But patient normal bodily adapting does occur.
-Drinking lots of water in sips all the time will help regulate the feeling of heat.
-Bath twice a day is very refreshing.
-Use alumni-zed umbrella when in direct sun.
-Use lotions to avoid sun burn, of course, and wear uv sunglasses to protect eyes.
-Go from air con to air con, reducing the time in heat between each air con situation.
-Spend several hours very often in a poorly cooled Lotus for a gradual effect.
-Keep your home air con on 29, never under 28;  use the cold-blast feature seldom.
-Have a positive mental attitude.
But, really, just do not move into Thailand;  we are overstocked with foreigners already.


For me it is not the heat that is an issue it is the humidity. I love it warm at mid 30s but combined with the humidity this climes to 40+ in real terms.

Worst thing one can do is sit in a n air conditioned room all the time then as soon as you walk outside you are overwhelmed.

Warm weather is often a great benefit to some people with health problems like arthritis, however for others who have breathing problems it can make matters worse.


johncollins...........  I do not think my list of critiques of living as a foreigner in Thailand are "absurd" and if any stones are flying, they are flying toward those sadly not ready to move here.  I love living in Thailand, and as an American, I have lots of choices and will not chose any other place.  This is my home, but I feel duty bound to be honest with foreigners I encounter often who are very clearly not ready for living here.

Those foreigners are closed off to adapting and stoutly clutch their "home country's" standards as a badge of honor.   When a foreigner says, for example, "this Buddhist stuff is stupid/ridiculous" or "all Thai women are sluts" then I know I am hearing an unhappy person who is destined to deeper sorrow as time passes here.  Americans I encounter are particularly staunch in their determination that to adapt is not patriotic to America..... and much worse are grimly devoted to demanding Thailand adapt to THEM.
We know Thailand is not going to change for a foreigner, so this attitude needs to be recognized so the person can just not move here and will avoid the world of hurt he will otherwise live daily being here.

I am disgusted by the glowing stories of an easy move here, with sunset beach pictures and smiling Thai handing foreigners food.   Non-Thai writers extol smooth move-ins and earn money fooling dreamers.  Youtube is filled with puffed up videos of half-baked "information."  It seems like every person who has spent at least a weekend in Thailand is then an expert with videos, costly advice, and books with lurid covers.  Balance is needed.

Paul Collins

Khnom, while i respect and agree with most of your comments, before relocating to Thailand i knew that food didn't fall from trees and that it isn't some form of Utopia having visited Thailand over a 12 year period for holidays before making the big move. I recently retired and spent the last 9 years working throughout the USA, there were a lot of things there that fail miserably compared to the UK but i didn't mention or dwell on it, the same goes for Thailand. Fortunately i am married to a wonderful Thai woman which makes things easy for me. I am not suggesting that all farangs should marry a Thai, just pointing out my personal circumstances


We do not have aircon in the house, only fans.When i go outside the heat does not seem so overwheming ,than if i have been somewhere with air con. Afteer living in England  for 60 years , to get up in the morning to guaranteed  warm weather does give me a feeling of well being.Used to hate those cold winter mornings in England.


I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA with its heat, humidity, mosquitos and hurricanes(have been through 22, the eyes of 14). In Thailand I live in the farming area between Samutsongkram and Samutsakhon. If I didn't have air conditioning here, I couldn't make. When we moved here we brought our two medium hair cats. The heat/humidity killed one and shortened the life of the other. My Thai wife who suffered through both growing up can't stand too much a/c while I can't take it much longer and may have to move to a more reasonable climate.


I also have this reoccurring problem of becoming ill often but, I recommend Berroca every time you feel that uncomfortable thing in your throat - early is best. I find this to be the best remedy to sort these annoying ongoing problems we all endure here (especially sleeping in air-con) - Thais included. I'm disabled with an acquired brain injury (you probably wouldn't know to met me) but consequently my lungs were compromised at the time of the accident (positive pressure). Berroca is pretty cheap, 220B for a single tube - but if you only use them when getting sick they'll last you quite some time 'maybe'. Health problems, I'm the king unfortunately suffering chronic daily migraines + travel to Cambodia to acquire the medication prescribed in Australia (Thailand in all its wisdom and all that).
Good luck


I like to say Thailand has three seasons, ... hot and wet, (June to November), Hot, (December to March) and UNBELIEVABLY Hot, (April and May)

Some parts of Thailand get a lot more rain than in others. I live in Jomtien Beach and believe it to be the place that gets the least amount of rain!

Outdoor activities are best done in the early morning and late afternoon to avoid the heat of midday. This is true year round. If I am out in the hotter part of the day, ..I use 7Elevens and Family Marts as cool oases on my journey as the air con is always working best in those stores.

Get a place with a swimming pool so you can use it to cool off if you are getting to hot. I live on a small pension so I seldom use the air conditioning in my room, ( in a rental condo or apartment you must pay extra for electricity and water, but in a hotel it is included) so I only use my air con for 30 minutes or so before I sleep to cool the room off, ..... my electric fan is my best friend, never far from my side, (as it is now) I find this usually keeps me sufficiently cool.

Carry a cloth to wipe your sweaty brow, or you can also buy cool cloths in the convenience stores that are very refreshing for a moment or two. If you find yourself getting overheated, the best thing to do is put some ice in a cloth or plastic bag and apply it to the base of your neck. It will have a very cooling affect and fairly quickly too.


I have been coming to Thailand since 2001 and have been living here since Jan 2014
The weather is no surprise to me but the heat does get me down at times especially when I want to work in the garden for the day.
The humidity is the problem and not the heat as I come from a warm  country. I have learnt to adapt to the humidity and I also realise that I have no choice as the weather will not adapt to me.
I have installed aircons in the house and the bedroom as I have a problem sleeping in a hot and humid room.
Fans are not sufficient for me.
The best about working or being outside is when a person returns inside and has a lovely cool shower and dry yourself with the fan and not a towel.
The weather has been great for my health as I have not had flu or a cold in the time I have been here
I think the virus's cannot live in my body in this heat.



Vitamins are important factor in Thailand to prevent colds, but they cannot be found easily in Thailand, & if so they are very Expensive, so try to bring them from your own country or buy them on-line.  I can name a few if anyone is interested.  Try to stay away from to much super cold air conditioning like in the restaurants or mall where it is set at 21c.  We keep are on at 29c in are apt.  Plan your day so you aren't out during the hottest part of the day.  Patrick


Well i have been born and raised in Singapore.  I am used to the hot warm weather.  Most important is to keep hydrated all the time.  Used plenty of sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight.


you need natural remedies to boost up your immunity, i had a hard time adjusting to oman heat, for the first 6 months ,i had general body weakness, abrupt fevers, dizziness, weather change affected me so badly. i adopted natural remedies for immunity boost.
Fruits, vegetables, honey, ginger, olive oil,apple cider vinegar. supplemented with multivitamins, cod liver oil and folic acid.

honey= lemon=ginger is a good remedy for colds. i moved to thailand 2 months ago, continued with the same preventies and i can proudly say, the palpable heat aint cramping my style. Good luck


When I was in my home city Karachi I used to take a bath twice a day hence used to changing clothes twice a day. However, that number increased to 4 times a day in Thailand. Every time I went out I had to take a bath and change my clothes. I felt heavenly afterwards. Overall, I must say that I hated this kind of weather the most. It was such a big turn off for me holidaying there.

Lancashire Lad

juehoe wrote:

The weather was «hot» and «very hot» and humid when travelling the first time to Thailand in the year 2001. I also had to smile, when the Thais wear long sleeved shirts and jacket at temperatures around 25 °C.

Now, I am get used to the climate. 30 °C feels «normal» and I also Start to feel cold at temperatures below 25 °C. Two years ago, the temperature fall to below 20 °C and I really had to wear warm clothes.

The raining season is quite pleasant. The nature is green and full of flowers and the temperatures not so hot. From March to April it is really hot.

I no more have  hay fever and  problems with a dry skin, as in Europe.

You can get a «cold» at these temperatures. I could reduce this risk with some multi-vitamin treatments during the year. One problem is, that the doctors prescribe antibiotics very often - even when you don't need them. I meanwhile have found some antibiotics-free drugs against running nose and cough and it works fine.

I was in Chiang Mai city last January. About the 25th the daytime temp. fell to 12*C for several days.


thanks for the info it sure doe;s get hot,lm in a aussie winter and its
bloody cold.

         thankyou john.


It's A hot country.At the moment I'm in the US,Virginia and it's around 95.
I can handle Thailands climate November - February.After that it's hot and hotter.Bangkok I'd hot 12 months out of the year.
Head out to the beach,get A breeze

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