Dutch expat in Yemen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Sana'a
Speaks English, Dutch, Arabic
Registration: 27 November 2010

Assalamu Alaykum/Hello by seekinghijrah
Assalamu Alaykum wr wb I am currently living in England and am trying to work towards moving to Yemen. I have specialised in law and if anyone can direct me in finding any relevant jobs. I used to work as Legal Officer - para legal. If i cant ...

Yes, I mean you shouldn't have a problem finding a teaching job even without qualifications. That is, if your English is indeed fluent AND your teaching skills are good, too. That's why experience is very useful. You have a bachelor's degree, I ... Read More

Assalamu Alaykum/Hello by seekinghijrah
Assalamu Alaykum wr wb I am currently living in England and am trying to work towards moving to Yemen. I have specialised in law and if anyone can direct me in finding any relevant jobs. I used to work as Legal Officer - para legal. If i cant ...

It might not be the best time to make this move since the situation is a bit problematic here! However, if the situation gets back to normal, inshallah, teaching is always an option for (near)native speakers, even without TEFL. Still, if you have ... Read More

Health care in Yemen by Yud
Hello everyone, One among the various issue that many expatriates usually raise is Health Care. So, I think it would be very interesting and helpful to start a topic about Health. > So, can you please list some of the private clinics & public ...

Well, you have both private and public hospitals. The most important is the doctor him- or herself, though. And you could find a good (or not-so-good) one in both places. Public hospitals are more crowded. They're cheaper, too. You should simply ... Read More

Health care in Yemen by Yud
Hello everyone, One among the various issue that many expatriates usually raise is Health Care. So, I think it would be very interesting and helpful to start a topic about Health. > So, can you please list some of the private clinics & public ...

You can read the following blog post on doctors in Yemen: http://alnakhla-blog.blogspot.com/2011/04/doctors.html Read More

Visa info, finding an English teaching job and child's education by akabdullatif
what kind of requirements would there be to enter the country from the airport, and are there any teaching jobs in order to teach english. Also I am wondering if are there any opportunities for my son to begin his Islamic Education there.

By the way, right now may not be the best time to come here because of all the problems the country is going through... Read More

Visa info, finding an English teaching job and child's education by akabdullatif
what kind of requirements would there be to enter the country from the airport, and are there any teaching jobs in order to teach english. Also I am wondering if are there any opportunities for my son to begin his Islamic Education there.

I believe you need a visa before coming to the country. Then, when you've found a teaching job, you can easily get a residence permit. Your employer will organize that and renew it as well. As for getting a teaching job, there are some big language ... Read More

Situation in Yemen by Julien
Hi, I sincerely hope all of you guys are ok. How is the situation in Yemen ? Where/how can we follow the news ? Take care, Julien

(I'm sorry if this post is a repeat - I've been trying to send it for well over half an hour. The Internet connection here is slooooooow!) Well, the situation in reality is not (yet???) as bad as it seems to be on TV, alhamdulillah. Daily life is ... Read More

Presentation of members in Sana'a by expatblog
Welcome on Expat-blog! We launched this discussion so that members living in Sanaa present themselves and hoping this will help you to widen your social network. Are you living here since sometime or did you just arrive? What brought you to ...

Hello, I'm a female Muslim and have lived in Sana'a for about fifteen years. It's a nice, pretty relaxed place to live. If any other female happens to reside here, it'd be nice to meet. I also have a blog about life in Sana'a: ... Read More

finding job in yemen by mrs waheed
hi all, Can anybody tell me if its easy to find a data entry job? waiting for a prompt reply. thanks,

ASJ from Dubai, what kind of work can you offer? Read More

Living in Sana'a by expatblog
You are an expatriate living in Sana'a, or you used to work and live in Sana'a. Share your expat experience! How would you describe life in Sana'a? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accommodation? Is it ...

Lots of things about life in Sana'a are described on my blog, so you may want to have a look if you're interested: http://alnakhla-blog.blogspot.com The fastest way to make friends (for men, at least) is chewing qat with them. Life in Sana'a is ... Read More

Hello - want to know anything about my country? by alnakhla
Hello, I'm from Europe and I've been living in Yemen for many years. If anyone is planning on coming here and has any questions, you can contact me. Also, if you are a female foreigner currently living in Sana'a, it'd be nice to get in touch. You ...

I'm trying to send you an email but Internet connections here can be extremely slow... It took me around 45 mins. to post a reply to your message yesterday as well! See when patience comes in handy... Anyway, yes, you could still easily get a ... Read More

Hello - want to know anything about my country? by alnakhla
Hello, I'm from Europe and I've been living in Yemen for many years. If anyone is planning on coming here and has any questions, you can contact me. Also, if you are a female foreigner currently living in Sana'a, it'd be nice to get in touch. You ...

As salamu aleikum umm Uzair, I hope you've visited my blog, where you can find all sorts of information about the country. You should keep in mind a few things if you'd really like to stay here. First of all, you need a sense of humor and lots of ... Read More

Hello - want to know anything about my country?
Hello, I'm from Europe and I've been living in Yemen for many years. If anyone is planning on coming here and has any questions, you can contact me. Also, if you are a female foreigner currently living in Sana'a, it'd be nice to get in touch. You ... Read More

Umm Ruqayyah from Europe living in Sana'a by atraveler
I would like to introduce myself: I am Umm Ruqayyah and I made Hijra (emigration) from the lands of the West (Europe) to the lands of the Arabs (Sana'a, Yemen). I live in Sana'a for a year now and I love it here. I have two kids and the eldest ...

Hi Umm Ruqayah, I'm another Dutch living in Sana'a and would love to get in touch with you. I have recently started a blog as well: http://alnakhla-blog.blogspot.com You can send me a message at alnakhla.blog@gmail.com Read More