

Active member

American expat in Ethiopia

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Registration: 19 November 2016


firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

Paying bills in Ethiopia by Priscilla

Hello everyone, What bills do you pay? If you are renting, are bills included in the price of rent, and is this common practice in Ethiopia? How can you pay your bills (e.g. online, at provider's store, at the post office)? Which is the most ...


Bills are never included. But they are not very high here, not for water or electric. What we did was buy a prepaid electric card which we inserted into the meter enabling us to have electricity for a whole year. Water I believe is paid to the owner ... Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago
The Happy Migrant

If you could live anywhere, where would you choose? by The Happy Migrant

Personally I am loving everything that Australia has to offer at the moment. Kama


If Europe, then Prague. Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

Do I need an Ethiopian Bank Account? by WildHeart

Hello! I will be moving to Addis Ababa in January 2018, and will be doing some self employment tutoring work to support myself for the year that I am there. Can anyone give me advice on whether I need to open a bank account in Addis, or if I can ...


I personally do not have one and don't think I need one either. Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

Housing by Lizdun

How is getting a one bedroom apartment to rent in Bole?


It won't be cheap. Unless you go a little outside to subcities such as Summit. Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago
amina yassin24

room for rent by amina yassin24

I am looking for a low cost room ( 100-200) for rent in addis or anywhere around it have an easily transportion to addis.


Just to clarify: You are looking for a room for less than 200 ... per MONTH, right? Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

Ethiopia's most expensive cities by Priscilla

Hello everyone, What are the most expensive cities to live in Ethiopia? What are the costs of things such as rent, utilities, weekly groceries, dining out, etc.? What is the lifestyle like in these cities, for expats and locals? What are ...


It all depends on the season. During it, Lalibela is intense. Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

How did you learn a foreign language and how did it affect your life? by GuestPoster348

In my case, that is English. I have nothing to be proud of my English. I know that my pronunciation is not yet good. But anyway, I can use English pretty well. Sometime I’m asked: ‘how did you learn English’ or ‘why ...


Seriously, Fred, I could have Freudianly slipped like that. ;) Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

How did you learn a foreign language and how did it affect your life? by GuestPoster348

In my case, that is English. I have nothing to be proud of my English. I know that my pronunciation is not yet good. But anyway, I can use English pretty well. Sometime I’m asked: ‘how did you learn English’ or ‘why ...


I grew up bilingual. Spanish came later. Amharic is now. Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

Rent a flat or a house in Addis Ababa by Christine

Finding a place to live is a priority when settling in Addis Ababa. Your experience will be of a great help for the members who want to settle in Addis Ababa. Therefore, we have prepared some questions for you: Is it hard to find a flat or a ...


It is not easy to find something that suits you. Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

International english schools in addis by Sousoudodi

Hi, Can anybody advice regarding international english schools in addis? we are planning to move soon and I have two kids (3 and 7 years) and I wonder regarding the education level there. I have no clue regarding the life style in Ethiopia and ...


There is also Young Roots in the Bole subcity of Summit Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

In retrospect, would you move again to Ethiopia? by Christine

Hi all, If you had to look back on your expat experience in Ethiopia, would you heartily say "let’s do it again"? From the preparation stage to your actual everyday life in your new country, what did you enjoy the most? Would you do certain ...


This second time around, having learned who to trust and not trust, who to listen to and who to ignore, everything is a lot easier and different. My advice is to do as much research and planning before you get here as you possibly can. Depend on as ... Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

would love to make new friends here from around the world! by Annkile

My name is Ann-Kathrin. I'm from Germany and I arrived in Addis two weeks ago. I'm working for a Fashion College. I would love to make new friends here from around the world! Please get in touch with me! Love Ann


Nice to meet you, Ann-Kathrin. How long are you planning to stay in Addis Ababa? Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

New members of the Kenya forum, introduce yourself here – 1st quarter of 2017 by Julien

Hi all, Newbie on the Kenya forum? Don’t know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...


Headed for Mombasa. Planning to stay a month or so. Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

Dating - How do you date? by SimCityAT

When I go on a date we split the costs. For example she pays for the drinks and I pay for the movie. How does this work in your country? :huh:


Personally my view is the man should be happy to pay it might be an old fashioned view these days but chivalry should not be ignored nor should it be confused with sexism there are plenty of women who no doubt earn more money than myself but please ... Read More

firetown replied to a thread
7 years ago

Dating - How do you date? by SimCityAT

When I go on a date we split the costs. For example she pays for the drinks and I pay for the movie. How does this work in your country? :huh:


Being stunning should have nothing to do with who pays. Do you go out with her because you like who she is or just for her looks? If you went out with her just because of looks, then go for it! I married a pretty handsome guy and I usually paid 75% ... Read More