Canadian expat in Argentina
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Lives in Mendoza
Registration: 04 May 2009

Top hiring sectors in Mendoza by Julien
Hi, lets talk about job opportunities in Mendoza. What are the top hiring sectors? And according to you, what are the most promising job sectors, which will keep creating jobs in Mendoza? Thanks in advance for sharing your ...

Actually, the wine industry is really hurting because of the high costs and reciprocal import taxes have severely cut down on the marketability of exports. They have been laying people off. That said, there are niche positions available if you have ... Read More

Getting a camera to Mendoza by BarryH
Hello all, I'm not an ex-pat or planning to be one, but I hope you won't mind me tapping into your local knowledge to help me organise for a replacement camera for my daughter, who is currently in Argentina. The problem is that she is not living ...

No, the rule is that is has to have value less than $25 to escape import duty, but when they open it up and see they will say it is more. People assume the same basic rules apply to all countries, the hard lesson is that they do not. Try to make ... Read More

Getting a camera to Mendoza by BarryH
Hello all, I'm not an ex-pat or planning to be one, but I hope you won't mind me tapping into your local knowledge to help me organise for a replacement camera for my daughter, who is currently in Argentina. The problem is that she is not living ...

NEVER NEVER NEVER send a package to Argentina. If you cannot bring it with you in the plane, forget it. Even if you send it by courier, it will be blocked and detained by Customs in Buenos Aires, and she will have to go there to pay a huge import ... Read More

Spanish classes in Mendoza by Kevin25
Hello, I plan to spend a couple of weeks in Mendoza from october 2012. Would you know any spanish language institutes in the city ? I discovered two schools : ECELA and Enforex, do you know them ? If yes what do you think about them ? Thank you ...

For various references and comments of different language schools and learning Spanish in Mendoza, check here: https://www.couchsurfing.org/n/threads/beginner-spanish-course+2940974 Read More

Expat Blog MeetUp in Mendoza - Friday, 14th September at 21h by JamesWhat
- Join next Meeting of Expats of Mendoza!! I would like to make the first step and propose date and place for a meeting of all mendocinian-Expats-and-friends!!! Restaurant: Bahia 2 Sandwiches Address: PASO DE LOS PATOS 2285, DORREGO, GUAYMALLÉN, ...

Cannot make it now. Have to work until 23:00 on Friday, and just to far for me to go by bus there and back. Some other time. Read More

¡ ARRIBA ! Let'sgohiking in the mountains near Mendoza! by mendozanow
Upwards! I have to hike upwards! But, I do not want to hike upwards alone! If anyone wants someone to accompany them on a hike in the mountains, anywhere, any weekend, tell me and we can make some arrangements. I do not have a car, but I know ...

CANCELLED, high chance of rain and snow, cloudy and cold in Manatiales. :( NEXT SUNDAY? Read More

¡ ARRIBA ! Let'sgohiking in the mountains near Mendoza! by mendozanow
Upwards! I have to hike upwards! But, I do not want to hike upwards alone! If anyone wants someone to accompany them on a hike in the mountains, anywhere, any weekend, tell me and we can make some arrangements. I do not have a car, but I know ...

We went to Vallecitos instead last Sunday, so... We are going on an easy hike on SUNDAY, September 9, 2012. ------------------------- A hike from MANATIALES to CATARACA DE EL SALTO, an easy 3.5 hour hike to a cirque at the Cordon de Plata to see a ... Read More

¡ ARRIBA ! Let'sgohiking in the mountains near Mendoza! by mendozanow
Upwards! I have to hike upwards! But, I do not want to hike upwards alone! If anyone wants someone to accompany them on a hike in the mountains, anywhere, any weekend, tell me and we can make some arrangements. I do not have a car, but I know ...

uMMUMM okay Read More

¡ ARRIBA ! Let'sgohiking in the mountains near Mendoza! by mendozanow
Upwards! I have to hike upwards! But, I do not want to hike upwards alone! If anyone wants someone to accompany them on a hike in the mountains, anywhere, any weekend, tell me and we can make some arrangements. I do not have a car, but I know ...

....DOMINGO, el tiempo por el 2 de septiembre...... Mucho sol, muy calido y agradable Mínima: 14º Máxima: 26º .......................... Unless somebody has an alternative (open to any ideas, just gotta go to the mountains!), how about taking ... Read More

English Speaking Doctor by Norgeto
Anyone know of an English speaking doctor in Mendoza...a GP...General Practice...family doctor.

I have not used him , but here is an English-speaking doctor, a GP, that friends say is good: He is working at Hospital Español and has his own practice. Dr. Gustavo Cremades Olegario Andrade 641 Monday + Wednesday + Friday from 14:00 (2 pm) ... Read More

Expat Blog MeetUp in Mendoza - Friday, 14th September at 21h by JamesWhat
- Join next Meeting of Expats of Mendoza!! I would like to make the first step and propose date and place for a meeting of all mendocinian-Expats-and-friends!!! Restaurant: Bahia 2 Sandwiches Address: PASO DE LOS PATOS 2285, DORREGO, GUAYMALLÉN, ...

Okay, I am game. It is a bit of an access problem to that restaurant for those of us who do not have cars, but will try it once. Perhaps in the future, a more central location could be suggested. Since I teach English classes on Friday until 9:00 ... Read More

Spanish classes in Mendoza by Kevin25
Hello, I plan to spend a couple of weeks in Mendoza from october 2012. Would you know any spanish language institutes in the city ? I discovered two schools : ECELA and Enforex, do you know them ? If yes what do you think about them ? Thank you ...

Links to Spanish schools and instructors in Mendoza: (Enforex is not a school , it is an international advertising and booking site; you can see that many of the big schools pay a percentage of the fees to these finders, some of which are listed ... Read More

Living in Mendoza by expat.com
You are an expatriate living in Mendoza, or you used to work and live in Mendoza? Share your expat experience! How would you describe life in Mendoza? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accomodation? Is it ...

Hi mendozanow now are you continue with mendocinos practice English?? I am mendocinian and I readied about this in wine republic magazine, but I din´t have a time to go. Thank youSorry for the delay, I guess I did not notice the request until now, ... Read More

Living in Mendoza by expat.com
You are an expatriate living in Mendoza, or you used to work and live in Mendoza? Share your expat experience! How would you describe life in Mendoza? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accomodation? Is it ...

I have not used him , but here is an English-speaking doctor that friends say is good: He is working at Hospital Español and has his own practice. Dr. Gustavo Cremades Olegario Andrade 641 Monday + Wednesday + Friday from 14:00 (2 pm) Tel. ... Read More

¡ ARRIBA ! Let'sgohiking in the mountains near Mendoza! by mendozanow
Upwards! I have to hike upwards! But, I do not want to hike upwards alone! If anyone wants someone to accompany them on a hike in the mountains, anywhere, any weekend, tell me and we can make some arrangements. I do not have a car, but I know ...

Okay, send me an email to my gmail account beachesl Read More